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Everything posted by Tidus

  1. Happy New Year To U Too Jitx!
  2. Yeah,20-40 More Minutes Its coming!Happy New Year To Every1!
  3. Hey Agozer Whats C And Assembly
  4. Is Spybot Free.If It Is,Where Can I Get It?
  5. press prt scr --------- sys Rq on ur comp.and u need to host it.
  6. I Personally Use Ad-aware 6.Its good for me,cause its eazy to use.what about u all?
  7. So Any1 Has A Link To Guild U to Make A Emu?I Want To Know Cause I Might Try Emulate Naomi(Gotta Slap Myself 10,000 Times...I am Dreaming)So Thx For The Help
  8. they played Emu And I Hope Naomi Get Emulated So I can Play SNK Vs Capcom
  9. Kool 4 Da Comic And Diso I wanna Be In The comic
  10. Well, I am Also A Cheese Lover,But not Too Much Cheese Please(Clap)
  11. oh yeah thx and emsley its not my computer
  12. hehe.As I Don't eat Vege's,I eat Meat.Bacon,Ham,Sausage,And Everything Meaty.
  13. I Take A Few Weeks:]Althrough I Have Found a link to just D/L And play
  14. maybe and maybe not cause some greedy person might not wanna release it
  15. cause and the lincence must be free
  16. yeah man that r0x the only 1 that does not scared of SNK
  17. what Doies That mean >.<
  18. cause like in a football match and there is sooo many virus out there
  19. Think Cannot Cause Someone Emulate And U Need The Gloves And To Think That Game Is So Common
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