I Was Thinking,Since I Have Soooooooooooooooo MAny ISO I Wanted,I Shall Then Rip Disc.But,The Problem IS,I am A n00b Coming to rip and I don't even know how to rip PSX Disc!!!So,Any Guardiance Will Be Appreciated.
Well,Just Now I Goto NeoGamz And D/L The Newest Emu NRX Which Play Mslug5nd. But,I Replace The P1 on NeoGamez And I Can't USe The ROM! So Can Anyone MAke A Zip Which Got Everything In It Including The Emu? THx.
I Don't Have 1,MSN Messsager? Me Can Also Yahho.Mine Yahoo! Account is Huang19921219 Tirple EDIT:I Can Also Host The ROMS.I Will Regiester LAter And It 100MB For You can be careful the Transfering can take u up to a long time,as it is around 40+MB,or u can make it a zip.