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About Diso

  • Birthday 11/29/1988

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  1. Merry xmas / happy holidays. Enjoy the festive season and stay safe.
  2. oh hai. w8 is that gc posting 500000 words posts wtf?

    1. Alpha


      can you dig it? lol ... glad to see you back!!

    2. emsley
    3. emsley


      ha its like waiting for a bus and three come at once.

  3. 5 Days late but R.I.P. to this guy who contributed alot to the computing world.
  4. Still platting FFXIII. Played through Mafia II Playing Duke Nukem Forever
  5. I still remember the day i found out that you guys were banning people for one day, and I was banning people for a week. Good times.
  6. Thread necro Suikoden 1 on Ps3. Hooked on this game. Almost done with it. Just got to find time to gather the rest of the characters.
  7. http://dod.bossies.org/ Has some great vg mixes on there too. Just not sorted since its a competition.
  8. Darker than Black. Enjoying it so far
  9. Played through hitman 1 - frustrating old game. Going through Prince of persia warrior within. Question for Agozer. Suikoden 1 on sale for psn. Worth it? Reviews good from other sites; just figured you played it.
  10. Now and then there and there. This anime is damn emo/dark/depressing. Man.
  11. Yeah. Took me forever and a day to beat that boss, though. Two forms, and a few dozen "weak point" cores. Fuck the one that's attached to it's back. Its triple laser sweep move is also pretty nasty. Yeah my only fault with the game is you run out of ammo pretty damn fast. Beat the boss with barely ammo left and I'm like if this last mg clip doesn't do it fuck.
  12. Vanquish demo was awesome. Mass effect was good. Empire earth 3 was shit. Now playing Hitman 1
  13. In School. Looking for work. Having fun.
  14. I was gonna visit Mooney, but I felt like a creepy guy doing it so I canceled. Don't tell him
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