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Everything posted by gavin19

  1. ? The use of 7-zip doesn't make it harder to deal with Inconvenient for the downloader? Yes, it's such a pain to have to download much less bigger files with exactly the same content. All the Goodsets I have ever downloaded have been in 7-zip format, and better off for it. The same thing went for most Xbox emulators, no 7zip support. I can't remember what I used at the time, but I was able to extract each rom to it's own folder and then repack each into a zip file, all automated.
  2. Putting it on the disk is a smart move. Think of all the bandwidth MS will save, not to mention that there wont be any corrupted downloads or any complaints of that nature. It's already on your own pressed copy (or backup)!!
  3. I remember reading that they made his voice even more gruff in post-production, so it's not just Bale but a concious decision on 'their' part too. For what it's worth I wasn't fussed on Begins either and have a hard time believing that Nicholson's Joker could be topped. IMO Bale's best role was in American Psycho.
  4. For those unable to attend, I'm sure some sort of webcam could be used to broadcast the proceedings around the globe
  5. I don't use mine as a modem but I do have EDGE on my mobile phone. IIRC you can d/l at 200kb/s or a little higher depending on signal strength. Upload speeds I don't have a clue.
  6. That's been deleted already! Didn't last too long
  7. Same here, in nice shiny 720p. I watched the original many years ago but I still noticed the missing monologue at the start. Some other scenes seemed to be shifted too. Probably just my woeful memory.
  8. It is broken, but I played it and enjoyed it all the same. Hell, once I discovered 100% Chameleon I realised you didn't have to level to anywhere near the same extent and got even more enjoyment out of it. Not to mention the various exploits, mainly the infinite money/duplication ones.
  9. You can't embed sir. Come to think of it, neither can I :S
  10. This thread has a sorely familiar feel to it To be fair, I didn't watch the video either. I read a transcript somewhere though and it was pretty conclusive from his point of view. I thought it was generally accepted that the 360 was easier to program for anyway, and thus even with it's on-paper-inferior stats it can match and outperform the PS3, at least for the meantime.
  11. 1) Not to the same extent. Plus the PS3 losses to the 360 are more remarkable eg. FFXIII 2) Please, that's beyond feeble. The PS3 has been out more than long enough to have at least a handful of quality RPGs. 3) Who cares if it's worse?! The people that use it I would imagine! XBL works out at less than $1 a week for a top notch service. Now that's adequate. 4) I wouldn't call it a commercial failure, but only because it ships with a Blu-Ray drive. It definitely needs a heavy price drop. Yet another 360 price cut is on the horizon yet Sony still maintain their price point.
  12. CCCP is good but it doesn't cover everything. I would download K-Lite Mega Codec Pack and install it instead. As you install it you will come to a window with the list of codecs/tools it is about to install. A drop-down box lets you choose how much of them you want. Personally I use 'Lots of Stuff' as it covers virtually every base imaginable. The installer should detect and remove broken codecs for you, but make sure to uninstall CCCP first. K-Lite also comes with a handful of useful tools like Gspot.
  13. Well this is true, it does seem to be pretty dead. Shame, shame.
  14. Download Gspot, MediaInfo or VideoInspector. They will be able to tell you what codecs the avi file is using, then we can try to rectify it from there.
  15. WMV is a relatively poor format. Plus converting to wmv is completely unecessary unless you specifically want wmv as the output format, and it will also take 'x' amount of time to convert. Also converting between formats will always result in a loss of quality. Combining a series of files depends entirely on the source format. If they are mp4, then use YAMB, avi then use VirtualDubMod, wmv then whatever, mkv then use mkvtoolnix etc. If they are all different then you will need to choose a common container and convert them all to that before you can join them.
  16. Probably the single most useful is VirtualDub. Also it's variants, VirtualDubMod, VirtualDub ASF etc etc. Very versatile and pretty easy to use.
  17. Welcome to 1emu! It's quite alright, you'll blend in nicely with all the other idiots on here
  18. ..and what a hollow victory it would be. If the entire PS3's graphical reputation relies on this one game then that speaks volumes. What's the use in one visual masterpiece if it's preceded/succeeded by a litany of sub-par, stuttering, inferior titles which could/should have exploited the full power of the console? I mean, say on average a 360 game uses 80-90% of it's potential, yet a PS3 game on average only uses say 60-70%. Would you rather a whole slew of 60-70% games with 1 or 2 maximised, or dozens of 80-90% games with 1 or 2 prime examples? Even if those 1 or 2 PS3 games top anything the 360 could handle, on the whole the 360 library is much more fulfilling than it's counterpart's. Even if the PS3 is potentially more powerful, the fact that it's so difficult to develop for will always hang over it's head. It's pretty much a moot point anyway as the vast majority of people only own one of the two consoles and will never experience any of the pros/cons first-hand.
  19. I didn't realise how much until I flicked up the IMDB Top 250. Currently it has 190,000+ votes, higher than a lot of cast-iron classics like The Godfather 2. Not only that, it's in first place with an average 9.2 rating. Wtf? The only good thing is that it has knocked Pulp Fiction down a notch.
  20. My memory isn't what it used to be, but this keeps reminding me of the Saturn/PSX era. Both systems had a lot of games in common, with a few quality exclusives, and comparable hardware specs. The Saturn had a reputation for being a nightmare to work with (PS3), even though it had ostensibly more potential. While the PSX (360) wasn't quite as powerful, but was a lot easier to code for. Ultimately this helped tip the scales in the PSX's favour. Ok, maybe not the most accurate of comparisons, but it just sounds familiar to me.
  21. This is lifted from About.com, which isn't always the most informative/accurate site in the world. It's a list of 13 gaming/freeware/abandonia websites for your perusal. Here It is missing my personal favourite site, The Freeware Database, but there are some good ones on the list nonetheless.
  22. Yep. It's been a pretty well documented nuisance since 2006, even before the BenQ drive existed. It usually goes hand-in-hand with dirty disc errors too.
  23. I just let my Live subscription lapse there last week as I never play online. I never had a problem with the $50 fee though. I can imagine for those who do game heavily online, that it is an extremely small price to pay for a very good service. What have I lost now that my Gold subscription is gone though? I can still grab DLC right?
  24. AFAIK there are no permanent fixes for this error, just mostly daft ones like the rubber band trick. I would just return it since you haven't modified it in any way, while it's still under warranty.
  25. Been replaying Rogue Galaxy in bits and pieces. My favourite PS2 RPG by a mile. I still never completed it though despite close to 200 hours play (spread over several saves).
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