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Everything posted by gavin19

  1. No doubt there will be a few comparison videos come release day, as seems to be the trend nowadays. Most people will only have 1 of the 2 versions anyway so a personal comparison won't be possible. I'm just glad it's getting a EU release.
  2. Quote taken from the XB Scene compatibility list. Btw, as with all emulators, newer doesn't necessarily mean better. I'd try v1.3 or 1.5 instead.
  3. I set aside Eternal Sonata for a bit to try out a few others. Tomb Raider Anniversary - I would have preferred a much more faithful adaption of the original TR. As it is, I hardly recognise a thing, it's pretty much just Legend all over again. Time Shift - Largely overlooked on release due to H3 etc, it's a pretty good twist on the FPS. Not amazing, but the pause/freeze/rewind time aspect makes it different at least. Lost Odyssey - I have poked about with this, 15 minutes at a time, just like every other JRPG I play. The story is involving, the combat is standard turn-based fare. Collecting items allows you to forge stronger rings which can be worn in battle to boost skills/magic whatever. The load times are a real pain in the ass though. I think it's time I delved back into the warm bosom of Oblivion too
  4. It's pretty much the rule that any game that can be modded on the PC will be better on that platform. Don't let that discourage you though. If your PC can run Oblivion then by all means get that version. The only way you will be disappointed with the 360 version is if you have played the PC edition previously.
  5. If you can get the Game of the Year edition then get that one. It includes the Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine expansion packs. You will still miss out on 4-5 other small expansions if you don't want to go on Live and spend the money on the DLC, though these can be very useful for levelling up, but you could do without them. GOTY Edition is harder to get so it will be a bit more expensive but worth the extra, assuming you enjoy Oblivion in the first place. Also you can switch between 3rd and 1st person at the click of a stick. I prefer to 'see' the character myself, so it's a welcome option. If you do get into it then you must visit the UESPWiki page. They also cover all the previous games in obscene depth too.
  6. Go into Tools>Addons and see what it's called, then I can maybe fix it up for you. EDIT : That one I attached apparently opens up extra download slots for you so I guess it's sort of like a temp premium account. You could try it if I can't get the other one to work.
  7. I always thought MU was MegaUpload Never mind then. I thought the MU Tollbar was an official FF addon.
  8. How much of this is actually integral to the game though? Could the occasional cut-scene from previous games not just be replaced by old new ones? As far as the music goes, surely the rights are owned by Konami and not Sony? Seems strange that Konami would deliberately sabotage any chance of a port. I mean like MGS2-style, a year or so later. I don't care about MGS4, just curious Yeah, surely any of these third party titles that runs into massive production costs will eventually be ported. I can't see any of these companies sacrificing profit for the sake of remaining exclusive to one particular console. Unless they are tied in to a rock-solid agreement, in which case it makes no sense to make a game they know will likely not sell enough to make a profit. I'm curious about FFXIII being US/EU only. IIRC Lost Odyssey's US/EU sales only accounted for something like a third of the total. Will it really garner enough sales from those regions to be profitable?
  9. Sounds just like a PC installation, requiring the disc to be present in the drive for verification. Next up.. 360 no-cd cracks
  10. Sorry, I meant on a flashed 360. Like borrow/hire an original to make the initial installation so that it will pass verification, then use a backup after that to continue playing it. Since a flashed DVD drive passes a backup as legit as it is, then presumably it will also pass it in the case of hdd installs too. It's all guesswork anyway until it actually comes into effect.
  11. That's another thing about losing the FF exclusivity, it'll give the 360 a much needed boost in the Japanese market. The reason why I said that is because it's already been confirmed that FFXIII is being released on the 360 ONLY in North America and Europe. Oh I missed that completely. Well considering that it's primary market is Japan then I'm assuming this is Sony's influence at work. I'm immune to FF anyway but this is still a big coup for MS. Well at least the lip syncing shouldn't be a problem since it's being developed exclusively for an English-speaking market!
  12. In terms of gameplay, how close is this to Oblivion? I still rate it as the one title I would keep above all others. Total Oblivion hours - 350-ish. Total 'Others' (including 40-50 on Viva Pinata) - maybe 100. Damn it, I just want The Elder Scrolls V instead.
  13. Maybe this could be circumvented by renting/borrowing an original copy for the initial installation then using the backup thereafter for verification? It would be very useful for those streaming games like GTA4. Now those partial PS3 installs are going to be superseded by full installations on the 360. Maybe now they will allow partial installations too as an option for future releases?
  14. Eternal Sonata? Maybe I'm biased because I'm enjoying it right now. OK it's no Chrono Trigger but it's still 'good'.
  15. That's another thing about losing the FF exclusivity, it'll give the 360 a much needed boost in the Japanese market.
  16. Now that really is something you're not supposed to admit to The FF games, like most JRPGs, require a lot of time, and sometimes patience, to play. There isn't a series of games that I have had so many good intentions of playing thoroughly, yet have never completed a single one. FF7 and FFX I got about half way through, I think that's the furthest I have ever managed. Try something like Lost Odyssey, that's the closest to FF that the 360 has at the minute. That'll give you a pretty good idea if it's going to be your thing or not. I wouldn't hold your breath for Gouken/Don either. It's ok though, there's still GT5!
  17. I always remember the Mean Machines with the SF2 preview. I must have read that 100 times easily, leading up to the SNES release. Never have I ever looked forward to a game as much as that, nor have I since. I think it was the one with the pic below as the cover. They also gave these cards away with that issue IIRC, which I still have for some reason
  18. Your Sinclair, Mean Machines, C+VG, Gamesmaster, Super Play mostly. I also stumbled across a copy of EGM in my local newsagents back in 1993 or so. This sort of thing wasn't even stocked by the biggest retailers at the time, so I got the owner to reserve me a copy every month. He said that I was the only one who ever bought the mag. Not that it was an amazing magazine as such, but it gave me a new perspective on games at least. Super Play though was my personal favourite. A superlative SNES mag that focused heavily on Japanese games, especially RPGs.
  19. I just reckon that kenshiro has enough on his plate getting working games integrated into FBA without throwing non-working ones into the mix too. I wasn't having a go at you.
  20. I sincerely hope not. I didn't realise broadband was that inaccessible in Oz. I'm on a 20MB line and I use all the ad + flash blocking methods I can get my hands on. So many sites these days are full of flash and other crap, especially gaming sites. No reflection on mysites as I haven't visited it yet
  21. DoDonPachi 2 isn't even working on the PC version of Mame. The status is preliminary. I have tried it through several different versions of Mame and there are missing sprites/flickering etc etc. Ultimately it is unplayable. It is completely pointless to mention it as far as FBA-XXX goes. For games that supposedly work in MameOx128 and not in FBA-XXX, then use f*cking MameOx! Otherwise, there is a much better version of Mame than MameOx128, it's called Mame. If you want to play these games so badly then download the PC version. Not.that.hard. Have a bit of respect for someone who continues to work on this project, free of charge, with his own spare time. You could try something like.. 'It would be nice if you could find the time to add (insert game here), but thanks a lot for the hard work you have put in so far'.
  22. Even if you could play games off the hdd you would be much better off with an Elite with it's 120GB drive. A 60GB drive is only going to allow for 9-10 games max. You could get Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata on a 60GB and that would be it!. It would be good though for streaming games. You say that like it's a good thing. At least if they're going to plagiarize something, they should at least make sure it's a good idea in the first place.
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