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Everything posted by gavin19

  1. Apparently the unmoddable drive's make/model is a Lite-On DG-16D2S. See this thread for more info.
  2. Lol. I thought I was the only one with one of those left A 450W should be sufficient for your needs. They were also a lot easier to find cheaper relative to anything 500W+ for some reason. By all means go 550/650 if you can make the stretch.
  3. Only get the Elite if you intend on using the 120gigs, otherwise the 20 or 60 model is sufficient for most people. The latest model DVD drive is currently unmoddable. I cant recall the make of it off the top of my head but you need to dodge that one.
  4. i like my shooter games but ive heard this one is very short,like 5 levels or something. do you get enough bang for your buck? Virtually every shmup has only 5-6 levels! It's what they do with them that counts.
  5. I have over 130 DC games here but only ever really played the shooters. Radirgy, Karous, Bangai-o, Mars Matrix, Giga Wing 1+2, Under Defeat, Triggerheart Exelica, Trizeal, Chaos Field, Border Down, Shikigami no Shiro 2, Psyvariar etc Also 2D fighters - Guilty Gear, MVC2, CVS, SFA3 :SD, Vampire Chronicle. Otherwise I can hardly recall any standout titles, except for Shenmue. SFA3 Upper was GBA btw; it was SFA3 : Saikyo Dojo that was released on the DC.
  6. For some reason I thought of Fatal as Maxwell Caulfield in Grease 2. As Inky said, good luck with that backpack
  7. Still on Blue Dragon, now disc 2 of 3. I done something extraordinary too, which I hadn't done in years outside of the GTAs and Oblivion - I bought it! I honestly felt it warranted a purchase. It is lumbering, slow paced, old-fashioned, childish and linear but I'm really engrossed. Also tried the new Madden, my first since 93 on the SNES, and the new Tiger Woods effort. I don't know why I bothered. The last sports game I liked was MLB 2K2 on the Dreamcast.
  8. Okie dokie. I'll pass the info on. Cheers
  9. I don't use wireless but I frequently get asked about setting up home networks with pc/laptops in various combinations. I'm a bit lost when it comes to wireless so I need some advice. Basically my friend has a cable modem connected to his pc via an ethernet card. He wants to add a laptop into the mix, wirelessly. Can he connect the wireless router to his pc via his second ethernet port and share it, in the same way I share my internet connection with my 360? Or is there a way of 'injecting' the router in between the modem and the pc, or even prior to the modem itself? 3 possible scenarios as I can make out - 1. Modem > PC then share the connection with the router using ICS on XP. 2. Modem > Router > PC 3. Router > Modem > PC Which is the best and/or most viable/user-friendly option? Thanks.
  10. Wow, time flies. Congrats to all past and present members. Especially those who don't post just for the hell of it, and actually contribute something worthwhile
  11. Yeah but a lot of the games aren't anywhere near full BD size. Not to mention that if they can somehow compress the audio/video files to 'normal' levels then a lot is possible with 60GB.
  12. well we do buy the games dont we. speak for your self. He isn't even speaking for himself. He doesn't buy them either
  13. Indeed Well at least you weren't part of the 'hilarity' that ensued.
  14. Indeed. So just shut up and bang her already.
  15. It's difficult to form an opinion about this when most of us don't know a thing about Gryph, especially any newer members, and the fact that GC himself has already given two conflicting accounts of what happened. Anyway, have fun, I'm off (to EmuTalk)
  16. Still makes little sense to me. Why not step down from the staff here and continue to post as a regular Ultra or whatever? And why ban him? You could give the post to BK, maybe it'll break his silence
  17. I think it was to do with elsemi, the author of Nebula. He had decrypted some of the Naomi games, I think even a couple were playable, like those Sega soccer games. That was a few months ago I read that though, maybe things have moved on a lot since.
  18. As in, uh-oh the forum's a bit quiet, let's make up some story about how the guy with the most posts and a co-owner, suddenly decides to inexplicably attack the site for no apparent reason. All to drum up some 'excitement'. Why is it so hard to make one single concise post about what has/hasn't happened to Gryph?
  19. Will someone put an end to this farce? I think the 'drama' has gone on long enough now.
  20. Blue Dragon. I'm actually enjoying it even though JRPGs usually disgust me. Some nice touches like Field Skills, which I have never encountered before. A shade less appealing then Eternal Sonata, but a touch above Lost Odyssey, with it's much-too-often cutscenes and it's fixed camera.
  21. Good stuff. That's the one I was trying to remember. This kind of thing is much easier with Mame given that the games are categorized already. I think you can just use Listgen(?) which generates a list of roms that you want to keep, and then use a batch file to remove the unwanted ones.
  22. I thought that the images had to be self-booting or used in conjunction with Utopia boot disk to get them to work with NullDC?
  23. Why do you need to extract them manually? It can all be automated.
  24. I still can't remember what it was but I just realised it can be done with good old WinRAR. Put all the 7z files into a folder, select them all and extract them. Now move all the 7z files out of the way somewhere. Open WinRAR and navigate to the roms folder. Highlight all the files and right-click, then 'Add to Archive'. Change 'Archive Format' to zip in the General tab. Then click the 'File' tab and down near the bottom tick the 'Put each file to separate archive' box. It'll take some time obviously, depending on how many roms you are unpacking/packing but at least it's all automated! Edit for minor details
  25. Nght at the Museum. I'm not a fan of Stiller, though he doesn't annoy me like Ferrell or Vaughn so I thought I'd give this a go. A varied and pretty strong cast but an average flick. Some nice CGI though, without being overblown.
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