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Everything posted by N3oGhost

  1. So now we gotta buy 2 fries and 2 cokes? lol Idiot ass people. If someone wants to eat, theyre going to eat.........supersize or not. Its all about choices we all have them. Taking away OPTIONS aka Supersize wont take away the choice to eat a lot of food. sick of these retards. I'm Lovin It!
  2. Just a quick note, Zintrick on any emulator is lacking Music even FBAX. All other previously supported roms are still supported with the addition of Zintrick.
  3. I see that your reading this post, or replying at this moment JAMES>......all i have to say is HOOK UP THE ROM! not that damn dat!
  4. Sorry your question hasnt been answered. I cant really speak for/against any particular brand of convertor. I bought mine at Electronics Boutique for Dance Pad and i havent noticed any lag with it. its from Game Elements. im sure youve already decided by now. Hate to see unanswered threads.
  5. Yeah you better be kidding.
  6. I was expecting a lot more/worse than what i saw. I think the trick to this was that Mel Gibson or the writers didnt really spend a lot of time building a relationship between the VIEWER and Jesus.......by this i am talking about the movie. There wasnt a lot of time for us to "get to know" Jesus. With that in mind, it was a lot easier for me to watch the movie as I didnt really buy into the fact of who he was (although we all know who jesus is). The hardest times I had with the movie (emotionally) were the instances where his mother meets with him or the lady offers him water, etc. Basically instances where people, despite the consequences, offer help or love. This is not a testament to my religious beliefs but rather my appreciation for humanity in all its good (or potential for good). However, should this movie had spent more time on Jesus and building up the character, i probably would have been a lot more emotionally attached as i can submerge myself in movies to fully appreciate them. The movie was ok. I liked the hint that Jesus invented tables and chairs though, that was kinda funny.
  7. Money is there so basically its left to imagination. With that in mind, its easier to make stuff up than to replicate the past as there are many many out there with a critical eye. If its new, then who is going to say its wrong? Hell in the next 5 minutes i can make up costumes out of my head. My point is theres less to worry about when you have the freedom of creativity since there is no point of reference thus criticism for your work. Also, the NUMBER of costumes made has nothing to do with the quality of the costumes made.
  8. I have a B.B.A in Marketing. Havent put it to much use though. I work in a Bakery (Breads, Cookies, Pies, Pastries, Mexican Pastries, etc). Its like 2 different worlds........what i do for a living and what i do for fun. Kinda makes feel like batman or somethin. lol
  9. COSTUME DESIGN THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RETURN OF THE KING Ngila Dickson and Richard Taylor should have been LAST SAMURAI.
  10. SF2 - Guile Fatal Fury - Raiden Fatal Fury 2 - Kim Kaphuan Kof94 - China Team Samurai Shodown - Galford good shizzy there
  11. yea i hear you about the availability issue of broadband. as far as LIVE goes........i have NEVER used it. there are other ways.
  12. ill take a look at it and youl be the first to know
  13. Uhh just get broadand connection. Im not talkin about just for games........downloads, pages, etc......speed is the future and the future is NOW!
  14. For your xbox you might need to run the default.xbe through XBEPATCH. Which can be found >>>HERE<<< I have an old-school xbox/chip/bios so everytime i compile fbax i run my xbe through this. May be the same issue you have. Worth a try. Good Luck.
  15. yea ive had no luck. Puyo Puyo recently released on ps2 i think so maybe thats what you saw?
  16. Didnt the dude that played jesus get struck by lightning? Probably the Devil makin him wonder why he was doin that job for free.
  17. I know these hit store shelves today or recently. Anyone know if they are "out" yet?
  18. You make it sound simple. Is it as simple as you make it seem?
  19. Added the Prehistoric Isle 2 (fully decrypted set) to the build (preisl2n). the only drivers that are giving me issues still are: kof99nd (not working) kof2knd (gfx errors) garoun (gfx errors) other than that, its pretty much complete as far as importing kawa-x to fbax.
  20. No worries mate. Im not all that big about havin my name stamped on there anyway cause quite simply im not the genius behind the emulator. I simply add drivers/support nip and tuck here and there.......... like someone said if you have a ghost version you know what you have and where it came from. Im just happy were all gaming without limits.
  21. Good stuff there. and about the "Ghozt" thing being on there, i was really joking guys. I feel bad seeing that on there now. makes me feel Yoshi-ish. Plus not everyone uses the "ghost" version. Some people just might want to change out to somethin else. i know its just a layer, so maybe give people the option of not havin it say "ghozt". Good work though.
  22. lol, like i said, i knew there was an easier way of doing it...........but i honestly i would have never figured that out. thanks Tmaul.
  23. Just wanted to let you guys know im workin on importing the decrypted sets from kawa-x (mslug3nd, kof99nd, kof2knd, s1945pn, etc) so far mslug3nd and s1945pn are working as they should. kof99nd - needs a lot of work (have yet to see it) kof2knd - needs minor gfx fixes rest - have yet to test. just an fyi on what im workin on. it seems that fbax requires the S roms from these sets unlike the pc version. they figured out a way to run the roms without the S roms........it seems that we still need them (ive tried using the pc driver init code) - everytime i loaded a rom i was missing the S rom stuff (lifebars, character icons, etc. just a reminder.....all these games already run fine on fbax provided you have/ use the fully encrypted sets. *so im not claiming to be doing anything extraordinary. Just trying to open up the compatibility and flexibility of the emu.
  24. This Thread for new version theres a new release out "v2". check the main thread. the cube is gone and crc check disabled.
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