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Everything posted by ME!

  1. yeah, i was reading a tutorial, and it said that one should have some knowledge of programming languages and stuff. if you do, then it should be easy. just make sure you put in dwarves!! im talking some mean, trash talking dwarves with big battle axes and war hammers. that would be cool to be one and just kick the stuff out of a pewnie little elf. but if you would like some help designing some characters, i would love to take part in that. just keep me informed.
  2. this type of behavior and language will not be tolerated! either clean it up or get lost. this thread has been refered to the board administrator.
  3. whether its in "general console emulation" or "future emulation" i dont think it really matters. it falls under both catagories really, except for the obvious "emulation" part. if it were to be placed in another section, i think the only one would/could be "current affairs". if someone wants to move it to that section, they are welcome to. as for decisions they have made in the past, i forgive them for it. every company makes stupid moves every once in a while. as long as they recognize and try to make up for them. but anyway, i still think the gamecube is the best system to get at the moment. in addition to my friend having an x-box, my brother is going to be getting one, along with x-box live. so i'll have that system at my disposile aswell, which is just fine by me.
  4. hmm...i guess its a hit and miss sort of deal. if you dont mind possably wasteing a cd, just try it with each cd writer prog til you get a working copy. as for a mod chip, you should probably get one. i dont know much about using gameshark or any kind of disk swapping method but since you can get chips for pretty cheap now, its probably a good idea. as for best buy, they always have the best deals (hence the name ). i also got a 100 cd spindle for real cheap from them. they rock! but anyway, its too bad your having all these problems. personally, ive never had any trouble, but i guess im just one of the lucky ones. oh, and if you ever want to reach me on chat, i dont have my client installed at the moment but i will soon, so ill let you know when i do. in the mean time, you are always welcome to reach me by either pm or email. later dude.
  5. im really intrested in what you are doing here. i dont know anything about mugen, but im really curious about how you would go about developing a game with it. i also like your idea for the game. do you have the whole story line of the game all worked out? how long do you think it will take to make it? how big do you think it will be? like i said, i dont know a thing about this stuff, but id like to learn. are you looking for help or do you plan to do it all on your own? if there is anyway i can contribute, im all ears.
  6. sup soldier boy? good to see you back.
  7. sorry it isnt working for you. you may have one of the older drives i was talking about, or your cd burner is just uncompatable for some reason. the next step is trying to find another prog that allows bin and cue burning. one that will work with your cd drive. i will look around. now, if you want to back up, our make copys of ps games you have, i suggest you use nero. since the other two i mentioned dont work with your drive, this would be the next best choice. when using nero, just pop in you playstation cd and make a cd image, or iso to you hard drive. after that, you just burn the iso to cd, again using nero. you can find how-to's online easy. just run a search on google and a million will come up. again, sorry it didnt work for you, but dont lose faith in me. i am determined to see this problem through if you are.
  8. i guess i lucked out. my girlfriend loves video games. we play them together all the time. and ofcourse, i give her access to all the roms and stuff i have. she, like myself, loves the nes and genesis games the most. now, even though she likes them, doesnt mean i would give her a cd of roms for her birthday, christmas, anniversary, etc. with girls, its a whole other story im afraid. she might get the idea, that me giving her a gift like that, i may be trying to say that i think something along the lines of, love = i wanna kick your @ss in streetfighter.
  9. unfortunety, this is where our society is heading. everything is about sex. it is everywhere you look. music, tv, movies, etc. so why not video games? some people would say, "their just doin it to make money!", and they would be right, obviously. but it goes deeper than that. think about it. we as a speicies, along with every other animal on the planet, have two basic needs. one, is assuring our own survival, that is, the survival of ones individual self. two, is to assure the survival of our own race. everything else in life is just window dressing. im sure everyone knows the saying, "money makes the world go round.". thats not entirly true. its sex, not money. in the end, its the motivation for everything we do in life. you can deny it all you want, but in the end, we are all just a bunch of sex-crazed monkeys.
  10. exactly. i used to smoke 2 packs a day maybe more, and double that on the weekends. added together that is a butt load of money i was spending. the same thing with drinking and mood altering drugs. with the money i was spending then added with, ofcourse, the health risks, it isnt worth it in my opinion. now, its clean living for me. i only eat fruit and vegatables, rice and noodles, a little chicken and some fish. and the only thing i drink is water. ive never felt better in my whole life. trust me, if you folow a simular regiment, you'll come to see what i mean. ps- i still have the occasional cigar, but hey, everyone needs a vice.
  11. i am such a dumb butt. i forgot to give you the serial for it. im sorry. by the way, what version are you using? i use v2.1.7 of fireburner. let me know what version you are using and i will send you the serial by pm. either cdrwin is being a jerk or the person that made the file messed up when making the cue sheet. if you want, open the cue sheet using notepad and copy and paste all the text here and i will see if it is correct. but you really dont need to because im sure we will be able to get firburner working for you. this is a possability. depending on what type of drive you have it might not be supported by cdrwin. i think it is if you have an older drive, but dont quote me on that. again, dont worry, we'll get fireburner working. ps-Check Your PM Box.
  12. i was wondering if anyone here gave away roms, isos, etc as presents for the holidays or birthdays? its my brothers birthday today and i just gave him the whole set of nes roms. to say the least, he was so happy he almost wet himself. it sure does save me some money when christmas comes along. how about you guys?
  13. the story is that they are impossable to find. -Link removed. Read board rules.- has 2 isos but thats it. mostly the only other places to find them are on p2p progs like direct connect. you click on the goodgen. thats where the roms are. they have the full set, dont worry. and sorry to have to lay down the law, but please keep the foul language to a minimum. we have yongsters in the audiance.
  14. ok. you know what cinder, forget about what i asked you to do. after thinking about it, it doesnt really matter. i guess if i want to view the correct rom name of a particular rom, all i have to do is open up the zip file and take a look, you know, without extracting it first. i guess i can live with that. the only thing that really bothered me was not being able to figure it out. but its cool. thanks for you help.
  15. yep. thats exactly what i did. didnt work.
  16. oops. my bad. i forgot about that stupid thing that it does. ok this is what you do : go to "configiration" and choose "device options". then go to the bottom to the "other" section. uncheck the box for "test burn". after that everything should work ok.
  17. ok. i did everything you said. when the file has been written to cd, this is what i get : 100 man $ kid - maboroshi no teiou hen (j) [hm02].zip "is being written to cd as" 100_MAN__KID__MABOROSHI_N.zip i know i am being a pain in the arse, but i dont know whats going on with this thing. if you could help me further i would be forever grateful to you. i spent like 4 hours on this stupid thing and i am still no further along than when i started. i need to know the "exact" options that i need to select. i tried them all but maybe im missing something. i must be. but if you cant help me, i guess i understand.
  18. no no, your not making stuff up. the emulator epsxe lets you use just an iso on your hd instead of having to have it on a cd. but since its a mixed-mode iso, it wont work. sorry. oh, and thank you for the kind words. anytime you need help, just come back. if im not here, we have many other helpful people here to assist you.
  19. heres what you do : after installing one of the progs i mentioned, (i recommend fireburner) run it and go to file, and click on import tracks from cuesheet. now, make sure that you have both the cue file and the bin file in the same folder. if you do then just select the cue file and hit open. it will load the bin automatically. then you just write it to cd. easy peasy. as for the ps1 game, if when using winiso, it gives you a wave file after you change the bin into an iso, it means the game is a mixed-mode cd. so basically, you cant use winiso for it. im not sure what you mean by "pc isos". are you talking about a pc game? im lost there. please specify. if you need more help, im always here.
  20. comic books cheat! they kill off a character or have something happen to a character, and then in another book the same character is just fine. so yes, they are all still alive. dont get me wrong, i like the fantastic four, avengers etc, but if they are going to kill a character in one book, they should be dead in all the others too.
  21. that i can do. at the end, onslaught is about to destroy professor x when the x-men show up just in time and are soon joined by the fantastic four, avengers, and the hulk. just when they think the hulk has beaten onslaught, there is a big explosion and the hulk gets knocked unconscious and thrown to the ground. onslaught then becomes pure energy and in order to defeat onslaught they need something solid to hit him with, so the fantastic four, avengers, and bruce banner sacrifice themselves by running into the energy and then the x-men hit them with everything they have destroying onslaught. when its all over, the avengers, bruce banner and the fantastic four are dead.
  22. ME!


    whoa! hold on there cowboy! are you talking about my old garbage pail kid avatar? the one where he is farting fire? dude, how come you find that annoying? garbage pail kids are the best! i wish they still came out with the cards though. that would be soooo cool!
  23. use cdrwin or fireburner when you have a bin and cue file. dont use winiso to change it to an iso, cause with some games, mostly new pc games and ps2 games, it wont work. you can get either one at http://www.download.com.
  24. -Link removed. Read board rules.- they have all the sega genesis and 32x roms. as for sega cd, thats another story.
  25. awe...you've come to the right place my friend. i myself started smoking at the wee age of 11, and i quit at the age of 22. honestly, most of my motivation to quit came from the price increase on ciggs. i remember when the used to be like $1.25 a pack, but now they are nearing $5.00 for a pack. I DAMN THE SURGEON GENERAL TO HELL!!!!!! now i never experianced any health problems from smoking, but i have friends that are in really bad shape because of it. so, if you are having trouble breathing or anything like that, i suggest you quit. sorry, but im sure you dont want to end up breathing out of a tube in your neck, ive seen it happen. sure everyone dies, but there are better ways to go out. ps-NOW GO AND BUY STAR WARS EPISODE 2 RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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