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Everything posted by ME!

  1. well, here is one that i have posted a couple a times in the past. its pretty good for all the above and more, definately one to check out. : buromsbu.no-ip.info:2627 also, incase anyone didnt know, emuchina has its own dc hub. it isnt a 24/7 hub yet, but will be when more users begin to show more intrest. all you have to do is join the emuchina forum and then go to their "roms requesting" section. they have a sticky posted with all the info for joining up. hope some of you guys decide to check it out.
  2. nice. the snow flakes are WAY trippy. great job. as for snow, NO WAY in hell is it going to snow here. it hasnt snowed where i live in like 20 years. i was like 5 or 6 at the time. i just remember that it melted right away after hitting the ground. oh well. today it was a nice 70 degrees, pretty normal. i do love the snow, especially for christmas, but since i now live in the south, i have to make do without it.
  3. well, it sounds to me that you have all the right software; smartripper, dvd2avi and tmpeg. those are the very ones i use and are the best for ripping a dvd fast and easy. i have a tutorial that i wrote up a while back. when i find it i will email it to you. if i cant find it, i will just write it up again is all, no worries. as for now, im as tired as hell. its been a long day, so im off to nighty-night land. peace out dude.
  4. you sir are in luck, im the GOD OF DVD RIPPING!! you're shocked, aren't you. ive got the perfect, and easiest process for getting the contents of a dvd to fit onto 2 700mb cds. since this is warez, i will not discuss any of this further. i will email you the directions later today.
  5. he choose to take them down. lets just say he was borrowing them without the other party knowing. i think he's going to put some back up when he gets some more web space.
  6. how sweet it is. feels good to be back again. hopefully we will have no more...umm, how should i put it,...interuptions.
  7. merry christmas everyone. so far, with the forums back up, its a good one for me! be safe and have a great holiday.
  8. i used to do graffiti art back in middle school. mostly started doing it since my friends were into it, but i soon lost all intrest. i dont want to boast, but it wasnt challanging enough for me i guess.
  9. He He neocream is back up now! yaaaahhooooooo!!!!!!!!
  10. well, frontpage is mostly drag 'n' drop, but its always a good idea to know the basics of it all first before you dive into it. ya know? i did know of a cool site that had a tutorial of html. it gave an example of a line of code to you, then you were able to try it yourself right on the page and then see the results of what you did. i'll see if i can find it again for you. after that, you should be ready to start with frontpage. but, in the end, its really up to you whether you are ready or not. its whenever you feel comfortable with what you are doing.
  11. well, after learning some basic html, i would then go to frontpage first, then dreamweaver. frontpage is way easier to use compared to dreamweaver, as far as i can remember. i havent used any webpage builders in awhile.
  12. your darn right thats bad news! i hope they get fixed real quick.
  13. here you go : Absolute Minimum system for N64 emulation : This specification will let you play just a few games : 200Mhz+ Pentium1 CPU 32MB+ RAM Very basic 3D graphics (e.g. Voodoo2, TNT, G200) Keyboard only (i.e. no gamepad) Recommended emulators for this specification : Corn (only Corn!) Recommended Minimum hardware for N64 emulation : This specification will let you play a reasonable selection of games : 400Mhz+ Pentium2 CPU 64MB+ RAM Basic 3D graphics (e.g. V3, TNT2, G400) PC gamepad, preferably with an analogue stick Recommended emulators for this specification (highest recommendations first) : uHLE, 1964, Daedalus, Corn Recommended System for N64 emulation : This specification should let you play most games subject to the limitations of the emulators : 600Mhz+ Pentium3 or Athlon CPU 160MB+ RAM Good 3D graphics (e.g. GeForce1/2, Radeon) Adaptoid and a real N64 controller Recommended emulators for this specification (highest recommendations first) : 1964, PJ64 Ideal System for N64 emulation : This specification should run almost any game at full speed on any emulator that supports it : 1.4Ghz Athlon or Pentium4 CPU 256MB+ RAM Top-end 3D graphics (e.g. GeForce3, Radeon) Adaptoid and a real N64 controller Recommended emulators for this specification (highest recommendations first) : PJ64, 1964, Nemu
  14. the only game i have, that ive tried, that i cant run on xp is star wars - episode 1 racer. too bad cause it just happens to be one of my favorites. but other than that, all my old pc games run on xp pretty well. but that is why i want to maybe do a dual install of win98 on my pc, so i can play that game and maybe some others that dont run on xp that i havent checked yet.
  15. here you go. follow the directions given on the site linked below : http://www.nero.com/en/content/helptool/512.htm#o458 the instructions on the site may seem a little complicated, so i will try and simplify. 1-start nero 2-go to "file", "burn cd image" 3-when the window opens, choose the iso to be burned and hit open. 4-you will be prompted and told the nero does not recognize the format of the image file. just ignore it and click ok. 5-now just choose mode 1 iso and all the other standard settings. 6-now write cd.
  16. yeah, i gathered that much. my question is, didnt you say that when trying to burn the iso onto a cd with nero, it asks you something? what does it ask you? i dont have nero installed on my pc right now, so i cant give you step by step instructions. all i can remember is that there should be an option called "load cd image" or something like that. i know that probably doesnt help much. so what i can do is try and find you a tutorial or something on the net and pass you the link.
  17. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! SPAM FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. im with you DCL. give me some CCR, The Doors or all most anything classic rock. im not too into the stuff they put out today, that rock/rap junk. when i was younger, i was into punk music quite a bit, but grew out of it once it became too pop like and rubbery. (thanks alot blink182. ) i'll take some good old pink floyd anyday!
  19. yeah, sorry. converting formats can sometimes create problems. but back to nero, what exactly is it asking you? let me know and we can just start from there and see if we can get it to work. the only burners i have used that support isos are nero and easy cd creater. you could try using easy cd creator, if you have it, but it usually doesnt do a good job. i'll try and find another that may support the format.
  20. they must not of hit the u.s. yet, but someone seriously needs to take these girls to a mcdonalds and shove a few big macs down their throats. i like my girls big and beefy. i dont get how anyone could find these girls attractive, i mean, they look anarexic. as for their faces, they are kinda cute, in a goofy lookin sort of way.
  21. ive never had a single problem with xp. never a crash, never a freeze, never an error prompt, nothing. that baby runs as smooth as the day i installed it. ive also installed ALOT of things, mostly pc games, but apps too, and have still had no problems. now, my other computer is a different story. it runs windows me. it is constantly f-ing up. it has got to be the worst os ever! as soon as i upgrade it, im going to install xp on that one too, possably also a dual install of windows 98 for the older games and apps that arent compatable with xp. as for your problem, two computers crashing at the same time, is definately an unfortunate coinsidece to say the least. you might want to look at the conditions inwhich you keep them. what mean is, is it humid or warm? do you perform mantainence on them yourself? if so, do you take the proper precautions, like wearing a grounding wrist band so to keep your pc free of static electricity? there are many things which could of been wrong, but i agree that it is probably a hardware issue, and not the fault of xp.
  22. hey alexis! where did you get the 7z files from? did you get them from playagain.net? id like to know cause i got mine from there plus many of the other systems that they have in the goodrom section. i havent used them yet so i dont think i can help you with your problem, but if its a virus, im definately going to consider just deleting the files i got from there.
  23. from what i can gather, you are looking for another program to use other than nero to burn an iso to a cd. is that right? if so, here it tis... first download WinISO. install it, then run it and load the iso into it. then go to the convert menu and click on "convert iso to bin and cue". when its done, you should have a bin file, which will be a little bigger than the iso you had, and a cue file which will be very small. next, download either CdrWin or FireBurner. they are cd writing programs. install one of them, run it and load the cue file. MAKE SURE THE BIN AND CUE FILE ARE IN THE SAME FOLDER ON YOUR PC. if everything goes well, it should load the bin file automatically. then just write it to cd. thats it. come back here if you have any other questions and i will help you out.
  24. yeah, the "G" stands for german. i tried looking in google for it before, but all i got were sites where people were "dislaying their lists" of the roms they have, and not the actual rom for downloading. i also tried direct connect, i was sure id find it there, but was not able to. ive also tried ftp search engines, but still nothing. im just about out of options. oh well, thanks for your help anyways emsley. i guess i'll keep looking.
  25. im looking for this one rom to help complete my set F-1 World Grand Prix (G) [o1] i tried emuchina, but theirs is messed up. if anyone can help me out that would be cool. thanks.
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