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Everything posted by ME!

  1. sorry Baseley, i misread your post. i read 20mb instead of 20gb, and presumed you were speaking of the required share for the EmulForums hub, which is about that much. so i guess the required share for this hub is perfect for you then, since you have a smaller hd, huh?
  2. maybe when our present hub gets really popular, we (I) will add a second hub with a higher share requirement. we shall see.
  3. heres a few sites to try. have fun! Link not Allowed -Diso
  4. but i have both too so.. you were often in the DC hub, i see i dont have many roms on the harddisc... only about 10 gb but i can share about 20 GB videogamemusic... mostly full albums or gamerips... whats the name of the hub and how many gb do i have to share?... i dont know much about dc -.- if youd like to enter the hub, just head to the main page http://www.emulforums.cjb.net and click on the "rom genie" section. it will give you all the info for entering the dc hub or ftp. to learn more about direct connect, check out http://www.neo-modus.com, thats the dc homepage. the share limit in the hub is only 12mb, so no worries about that.
  5. i used to do that before i quit drinking, amoung other things.
  6. yeah, there were times when i couldnt sleep due to too much stuff on my mind and junk, like before a busy day or something, but there were other reasons. first off, im a night owl, always have been. i even work during the late night and early morning hours because i love it so much. it is because of this, that the only option i have is to get most of my sleep during the day. thats easier said then done. i live in an apartment building, so i have to deal with people walking past my window, kids playing in the hall, etc. there were times though, when i could just tune it out, but i did lose alot of sleep because of it. now what i do before going to sleep is work out, lifting weights and stuff. i also do some mental exercises to induce sleep, similar to ones found in the art of yoga for meditation. drugs are for wimps. i suggest you just get a few books on the subject of meditation/yoga if you want. it worked for me.
  7. oh, dont worry. a law was established a while back. basically it states that emulforums will NEVER be like A@H, NEVER. this includes pasteing banners all over the page, adding a million popups, and ofcourse an attack system. so no worries.
  8. i updated the list of sites in the first post. have fun.
  9. one word.......AMAZING!!!!!! man, i was tripping out just watchin that dude. those are some skillz. that dude has to be like double-jointed all over his body to do that though, dont ya think?
  10. hmm...as of now, i can only find the "psx" version, but i'll keep looking for you dude.
  11. i actually have ALOT of black apliances including a pc, stereo, dvd player, tv, vcr, etc. the thing is, i live in a southern, tropical climate, so this would be an issue for me, that is, if i didnt keep ALL my windows drapped shut 24/7. light hurts.
  12. well, i used to be of A@H, but tiny tim banned me for my avatar. he said it was porn. go figure. oh, and yes, i do know vanilla ice, he cuts my lawn. welcome GBK.
  13. well hello to you too sir. welcome back Viper!
  14. thanks DCL. it feels GOOD!! as with wind waker, i actually find it kinda refreshing to know that games like this still exist in a day and age where everything, especially in the gaming industry, is all BLOOD and GUTS. im not really a nit-picker when it comes to judging games. im not going to bash it just because it doesnt live up to ALL my expectations. if it plays well, and has a good storyline along with it, im happy. i too have complete faith in nintendo.
  15. whats wrong with it? does it keep wanting you to login everytime you come to the site? some other peeps had the same prob a while back. i think all you got to do is first, login, then bookmark the site. after that, you should remane logged in everytime you come back.
  16. yeah, im going to be getting the two towers for my cube, maybe this weekend. it looks pretty good.
  17. mr. wizard says, "The darker a color is, the more light it absorbs. The lighter a color is, the more light it reflects." but yeah, i agree.
  18. yeah, i agree. wind waker does look a little babyish, but idunno. im still going to get it and try it out, you never know. ive seen the gameplay, and it looks pretty good. thats all that really matters to me.
  19. wow! i guess this answers the question. check out this article i found on gamespot.com. http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories/news/...2901949,00.html it says that supposedly, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, will only be available with the "preorder" of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. so if this is true, i better preorder my copy right now.
  20. yeah, im totally confused about those two zelda games, i keep hearing different stories... 1-The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, comes with "TWO" versions of the game. one is the "origional" exactly. then it comes with a second "redone" version which has new boards added that were taken out previously. i think i heard that supposedly there was a board in the demo version that wasnt included in the "origional" release of the game on the n64. so they've added it back in for the "redone" version. OR... 2-both The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, are being sold in the same box as one item, each coming on a seperate cd. i suppose the Ocarina of Time, in this story, would be the "redone" version previously mentioned. its all very confusing! i guess story 2 sounds to be the most plausable, but still, you have to wonder. oh well, guess we'll just have to wait and see. as for PSO, ive heard the same stuff. its basically the same game except for a bit of a clean up in the graphics and sound department. the thing is though, i've got another online rpg in mind, SW Galaxies. truth is, i know im going to be addicted to this game, so i dont know if i'll even have time for PSO in the end anyway. we'll see though.
  21. yeah dude! metroid prime is definately on my list. i'll have to check out eternal darkness too. im also going to be getting : The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Mystic Heroes Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II Pikmin Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance *******when they come out****** The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker F-Zero Mace Griffin Bounty Hunter Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Resident Evil 4 Resident Evil Code: Veronica man, there are WAY more than i can name. i better start putting in some more over time at work. god i love my cube!
  22. he he , well, its done. i have my cube. finally went to the store and picked it up. i decided to get the indigo cube at the last minute, just because black is a little plain and i woulda had to order the platinum cube by mail. it kinda stands out against my other entertainment units, but then again, it should. what a great system. the games i first bought for it are : super mario sunshine rogue squadron 2 : rogue leader star wars : the clone wars resident evil zero resident evil the first game i played, was naturally, sms. not a bad game at all. though, i guess i can understand why ALOT of people were disappointed by this entry in the mario series, cause it kinda breaks the formula. no one likes change. but i think, by itself, its a really good game. next i played rogue leader, and then rez. by the time i got to these, i was REALLY tired, so i only played them both for a few minutes. now that i took a nap, i'll play 'em again inorder to make a better observation. in conclusion, im glad i made the choice to get a gamecube. the colors are grisp, and the speed of the unit is rather good. the load times are almost seemless. i dont foresee myself getting another "nextgen" system to crave my console playin desires, NO WAY! now there are a bunch of games inwhich i intend to get, but if you guys can recommend any for me, ones which are a MUST buy, please feel free to do so.
  23. pretty cool indeed! i'll remember you if i ever need help making a logo for my site.
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