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Everything posted by kurupter13

  1. lol nintendo should die already
  2. pretty good but im still getting the ps3
  3. the pics looks nice
  4. now only if i knew where to dl it
  5. damn no robert
  6. yea part 2 was alot better they should really lose that main chick shes a nemesis lol
  7. damn i thought u guys knew http://www.scarfacegame.com/us/
  8. im still pissed
  9. yes gonna steal some pads
  10. im gonna download this i get its better then re2 ps hey KyokugenKiss i like your sig
  11. too much fake crap like her runnin on the walls. lol flock those superpowers the whole point of re was that u had no powers all u have is guns
  12. ^^ how did i know that was comin
  13. good thing i havent bought a dvd burner ill just wait till those blue-ray things are out
  14. I find it funny that you say that on an emulation site. Doom 3 deserves to be bought. I downloaded it, and bought it in the same day. Eat that leechers. u want a cookie
  15. who cares i got other hook ups
  16. yes ima have to download this right away
  17. lol really flockin ass. if poeple dont like it dont buy it
  18. Asians? They are bad drivers? The things is that I was in Beijing roughly 3 years ago and yes, the drivers there seems to disregard pedestrians...but could it be a cultural thing? In America there is a stereotype of Asians being bad drivers. According to the stereotype they drive slow and use the turn signal way too early. it was a joke GryphonKlaw was right stereotype in the usa
  19. hope youll be able to backup dvd9 games
  20. yea throw in the old people and asians
  21. i like fps but i hate rpgs damn there flockin boring
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