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Everything posted by Robert

  1. This topic seems to have wandered off course somehow, I'm closing it for now. If someone comes up with a decision regarding my original question please reopen and post.
  2. You should be able to map a drive to a cd on another machine. Then rightclick and eject - when it's being used for something.
  3. I though k` might at least level up enough so that his a-bomb will have some meaning... but no, he's too lazy.
  4. Everyone is so uptight today, are the planets in conjunction or something? I see you took the links out... the links that lead to kawaks 1.48/dev. Now, to the question. Kawaks doesn't have kof2003 in the gamelist as standard, you could either use a loader (which I don't know about), or you can do what Plat Sajack suggested and get Kawaks 1.48/dev It will run kof2003 with English text and transparencies. The roms you need are: kof2003 262144 c521b5bc 271-bios.bin kof2003 16777216 c29acd28 271-c1d.bin kof2003 16777216 328e80b1 271-c2d.bin kof2003 16777216 020a11f1 271-c3d.bin kof2003 16777216 991b5ed2 271-c4d.bin kof2003 16777216 c2de8b66 271-c5d.bin kof2003 16777216 3ff750db 271-c6d.bin kof2003 524288 0e86af8f 271-m1d.bin kof2003 4194304 b9da070c 271-p1.bin kof2003 4194304 da3118c4 271-p2.bin kof2003 1048576 5cefd0d2 271-p3.bin kof2003 1048576 59d376da 271-p3d.bin kof2003 16777216 2058ec5e 271-v1d.bin kof2003b 16777216 c29acd28 271-c1d.bin kof2003b 16777216 328e80b1 271-c2d.bin kof2003b 16777216 020a11f1 271-c3d.bin kof2003b 16777216 991b5ed2 271-c4d.bin kof2003b 16777216 c2de8b66 271-c5d.bin kof2003b 16777216 3ff750db 271-c6d.bin kof2003b 524288 0e86af8f 271-m1d.bin kof2003b 4194304 92ed6ee3 271-p1bl.bin kof2003b 3145728 5d3d8bb3 271-p2bl.bin kof2003b 131072 482c48a5 271-s1bl.bin kof2003b 16777216 2058ec5e 271-v1d.bin
  5. Updated the version and fixed the date of 5.41 release.
  6. It lets you get closer to being an Ultimate Member. K'dash is only 1500 posts away from getting the a-bomb.
  7. Not sure how you could mount an ISO on it... Thanks to Romshare: http://bbs.romshare.net/showthread.php?t=24852 and DCEmu: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthrea...&threadid=17246 A new emulator called PSPSone has been released that is supposed to be able to run PS1 games on your PSP. See the DCEmu thread for the download, comments and other details.
  8. I was asked on MSN earlier should posts in the Attack System forum go towards your post count. At the time I had no opinion, but, thinking about it a bit more, I think they should. The reason being that, more people might play the game which in turn means more members on the forum at a time. Of course, spam postings would no longer be allowed there. What do you think?
  9. because Howard Stern owns Looks like this guy is very well known in America but cannot be heard everywhere, so the pirating happens. If I was him I wouldn't mind either, simply disclaim all knowledge of it.
  10. I'm happy because the banner is a lot smaller filesize-wise than the guiltyparties one, which means the pages load up faster.
  11. I noticed it was spelled wrongly, and it doesn't work due to some database error (it used to work though). The items are just the default ones, it's never been customised like I've seen elsewhere. It would need code changes to have special stuff like different weapons, invulnerability, and other goodies.
  12. MFME is a Fruit Machine emulator. >> Get it HERE
  13. It's working now. It wasn't even funny until that hyped-up weird dude guy lost it at the end.
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