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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Take your frustrations out on your computer, it can't fight back. I've got a video of someone smashing their keyboard across the monitor, hard enough to knock it to the floor.
  2. Probably pspupdates.com, although they manage to annoy a lot of developers by not giving credits and reporting half-assed rumours.
  3. Normmatt has created an English-language version of DeSmuME v0.0.2 miniupdate. It was reported on the DeSmuME forum here. You can download it HERE
  4. Well yes there's that. One of my cats made a liar out of me: he stared at the cricket game for oh a whole 2 minutes before he became bored.
  5. My cats ignore the TV. Can't comment on HDTV because I don't have it. Maybe it's not even available here.
  6. What is this? Some talk show? Why would someone pirate a live show? It makes no sense.
  7. The encryption is not broken yet. If you're desperate try using Chankast.
  8. MAME is trying to play it in Japan. Right-click on the game, Properties, Miscellaneous, Bios Choose US bios. The clone Dynamite Deka needs the Japanese bios; you could of tried that one.
  9. It better not leak. I'd hate to have to give it bath before doing some work on it. Plus that stuff better not get into the disk drives.
  10. Why can't America spend a bit of money solving the country's social problems instead of wasting it on this??
  11. It's idiotic. If he didn't like the chat room just leave. He can find a corner to cry in later.
  12. Madi will be distraught to know he won't be the first person to call himself Optimus Prime. -___-
  13. It's ok to do beastiality for profit. Polygamy is only a misdemeanor. Way to go! Anyone seen a card-carrying cat? Oh sh1t!
  14. I need a USB-powered air conditioner.
  15. Maybe this is the origin of THING, the entrapped disembodied hand in the Addams Family.
  16. I dont remember seeing it before, so... Is dolphin sex good? Do they sleep in the same bed? What names will they give the children? Will they practice income-splitting for tax porpoises?
  17. Alexis is 25 today. Now mebbe if someone can track him down and wish him happy bday....
  18. typo fixed kof2k2mp is there but not with the others
  19. kof2003, kof2003a, svcchaos, svchaosa, samsho5, samsho5h, samsh5sp, pnyaa, mslug5, kof2k2mp are included edit: fixed typo
  20. First of all I A-bomb you, now I give you the answer. Press 5,6,7,8 to insert coins for each turtle. Then press Left ctrl/Alt or Right Ctrl/Shift or S/A or Numpad Ins/Del to start playing with a turtle Or, map the controls of all 4 turtles to the same keys, and you can control all 4 at once for more firepower!
  21. Now I can read the Edge Emu thread, Thanks to demi for killing it so quickly. Looks like their forum software has changed since the last time I visited...
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