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random guy

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Everything posted by random guy

  1. That's really quite silly. I mean, if you're desperate to play PC games on your TV, you could just buy a TV card and a controller-to-usb-adaptor thingy *for a lot cheaper, I am guessing* and bingo, no need to buy/download new games online, you can just chuck the CD in.
  2. Yeah thanks WeirdZ...but I just wanted you to get me unbanned. But its okay as I seem tobe an op there now. I dunno about the minimum share, but I can get in there with a little under 5 GBs. Although I think they have a thing where you must share 5 pc games and/or 100mgs of PC games.
  3. nevermind its all good now (everyone but Weirdzeige can ignore this)
  4. The Brits don't use Euros, they use Pounds, Shillings and Pence still.
  5. The problem with that is that while it is possible to pause kawaks, it is kawaks that pauses the game, it doesn't pause in-game (arcade machines rarely come with a pause button). However, you could try M1, a project by the zinc boys that basically lets you listen to music from your arcade roms. I don't know if ms is supported, and i don't have time to check but it supports over a thousand games, so I like your chances. Try downloading it from http://www.emuhype.com/index.phtml?s=misc&ss=files. make sure you get the latest version of M1 (0.74c)
  6. Shiba, I take it your not a big fan of Cocaine?
  7. That is disguisting. In my view, George W. Bush is in the same league of evil genocidal dictators as Pol Pot and Joseph Stalin. Hell, he's WORSE, if anything.
  8. I dunno, I had connected to that hub several times before, I don't see how it could just dissappear.
  9. Hey, thanks for replying. Yeah, I kinda gave up on this thread because no-body was replying, but now that I've had some feedback, I might have to get some more links. Although the thing is I am using DC++ more and more lately, and the web has been abandoned. But I'll see what I can dredge up.
  10. Mmm...you're making me hungry!
  11. Fair enough, but you'll never believe it - I logged on twice last night and the hub which offered me op-status (PC Gamers) seems to not exist anymore! It wasn't on the list, and I even tried entering the ip manually but it wasn' t there! seriously weird
  12. Microsoft couldn't afford Sony. Or if they could it would almost bankrupt them.
  13. I have no idea if its possible, butI'd vote in it.
  14. All right, Tmaul, I didn't mean any disrespect, I know you would be angry at having your baby taken away from you, but as N30Ghost said; We had nothing to do with it. In fact, this thread (before my bluntness) was sympathetic to your plight, whilst being nasty to the other compilers. Anyway I hope you stick around, and you'll see that this is far from a "load of crap message board"!!
  15. I got an offer from some hub on DC++ to be an operator. I was just wondering, what does an operator do, and is it worth it? I said I'd be back today to get op-ped but I want to know what I'm getting myself into!
  16. Whats a gusher? I love sushi too! Do you prefer sushi rolls or sashimi? Well, yesterday was my second day of uni, and I found out I was accidentally enrolled in a statistics class for psych! Luckily I changed it to developmental psych in about two hours. The end.
  17. I am doing Psychology in Uni, and from that I conclude that IQ tests mean exactly jack squat. -= prepare for a rant =- Firstly, any IQ test is ethno-centric, which means people from a certain culture will score higher than others. For example, it has been found that people living in traditional villages, where they are surrounded by curves, will find it harder to "see" a straight line than people from cities where there are roads and straight edges on buildings, etc. This means that villagers find it hard to measure perspective, so that in this picture, although we assume that the house is further away than the road, it wouldn't necessarily be as obvious to a tribal villager. So that means that all the spatial questions are intrinsically biased. Second, as with this and most intelligence tests, all the questions are in English, which is another huge bias. Thirdly all the questions are culturally biased, in that western readers wil be more at home with the way the questions are phrased. Fourth, it doesn't take into account that -most- people will be hot in one area (Ie for me its language) while terrible at others (mathematics) Lastly, it has been proven that the same person taking the test two different times often yeilds two very different results. Also have you noticed that no-one seemed to get under 120? Although I'm sure that by some standards gamers are more intelligent ( ), it is statistically unlikely that so many people would get results around the "genius mark". It is much more likely that they are trying to butter you up so you can by whatever it is they are flogging. Why else would they want your email address. (by the way I'm not just grumpy cause I took the test and only got a 125! <it was 2:00AM when I did the test> )
  18. he he, excellent point man. What were the casualties on both sides of the Iraq war? Something like US: 547, Iraq: at least 5,000 (that's the conservative estimate)!
  19. Its not just whether its emulated, its about HOW it gets emulated. For example, take Tekken 3 - if I were to play it (the Playstation version) on ePSXe on my pc it would run a little slow. The arcade version, in ZinC, however would run faster even though the ZN-1 is actually more powerful than the Playstation. In Mame it would run at a snails pace. That is because ePSXe is (I think) HLE (High Level Emulation), while ZinC is LLE. Mame strives to be as accurate as possible to the original arcade, so it is, if anything, super HLE. I know almost nothing about emulators and how these things work, but basically it is about how the emulators process the code - whether it emphasises speed or accuracy.
  20. Who does this guy think he is? Load of crap message board? I was going to go over there and yell at him but I'm too lazy to sign up to the board. Okay, fair enough he'd be pissed off at the news, but what do WE have to do with it? Why take it out on us? Well, I hope he reads this, and if he does, he should click on this link here
  21. Excellent news! Actually, they have broken the encryption entirely, its just that the Guru (or someone) is going to have to dump the encryption tables for every single game now, or something like that. PS shouldnt this be in "breaking news"? It's important enough, I reckon!
  22. Why the hell does the military want a virtual earth? The article says that it will be used for "stratgeic planning"....so what the US military wants to declare war on the world now? This reminds me of an excerpt from one of the Red Dwarf books: basically, this company marketed this fancy headgear as "the ultimate virtual reality experience". It sold like hotcakes, until people noticed an increase in the amount of people wandering around, stroking other peoples chins saying "wow, that's AMAZING!"
  23. Yeah, but as far as I know, Google only translates websites, which means that if words are not in the main text (ie in buttons or graphic headers) they do not get translated. Also, if you are in a secure area (ie somewhere you have to give a password to, it will not translate, as you will just get an "access denied" thingy. Thats why I sometimes have to go to babelfish to manually enter words.
  24. Well, I was bored last night so I checked summoned up all the posts by Eugen Popovici - this guy was audacious! The nerve of the guy, posting up "hey what happened to all the posts?" and then casting aspersions on Magnis by claiming that he was on-line when it happened....the day after he deleted all the posts! I'm glad I didn't meet that guy when I was here as I would probably have pissed him off and then I'd be getting spam attacked and so on. By the way? Was emulforums the same as 1emulation or was it a different forum? If so, is it still around?
  25. i ran that through babel fish, and this is what I got; Missing a little in the translation, I am guessing?
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