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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. If Europe would start getting more releases and more SNK games would be released here for the PSX/PS2, I would definitely buy them instead of emulating them. But no. Not in a %¤%& million years. Europe always gets those crappy NHL/FIFA/NFL every year. Where are those good RPGs (excluding FF) that Japan and the US get? Disgaea? Chrono Cross? Xenosaga? Only in recent weeks I've started to see a huge amount of Baidai games finding their way here.
  2. Ok, feel free to lock this now.
  3. Since Atomiswave is based on NAOMI, that assumption can't be too far off...
  4. You need the ZLIB.DLL, which is used by the emulator to handle the zipped romsets.
  5. Those games DO NOT run terribly if you have a good system. They run on my P200 MMX, but only at half or so speed....But I still play them.
  6. Check -Link removed. Raed the board rules.-, but don't count on finding those there...Just a suggestion.
  7. You can get Metal Slug 5 to run in NeoRAGEx with a Hacked P1 rom and a hacked NRX. Get them from
  8. It's Deja-vu time again eh Weirdanzeige?
  9. Since NeoRAGEx is almost completely coded is Assembly, I think that some ASM hacking is used to make these "hacks". Of course, one shouldn't rule out hex-editing or reverse-engineering either. Unless you know a great deal about ASM, don't bother trying to hack NRX yourself. Furthermore, the NeoRAGEx executable is compressed, so you would have to decompress it first. Like I've said many times before, I use NeoRAGEx 0.8c to play all games exceot SVC, SSV and MS5... And I don't gt any graphical errors.
  10. Before I start, I'll just say that mods/admins can freely lock/move/delete this topic if they feel like it... I just looked at the registered members list and I noticed that there's around 890 registered users who have not posted anything (post count 0). What the hell? I mean, if one bothers to register, surely he/she has at least some energy to post a question/rom request etc. Being a guest is fine if you just browse the forums, but register and post nothing? I don't get it.
  11. You can forget about trying to find a fast emulator for Dreamcast. Just stick to the CPS-2 version for now.
  12. Of course it's good...Silent Hill games have never been bad. The PC version has one more scenario than the Ps2 version.
  13. I use that too because the lack of a trainer at the moment
  14. What operating system do you have? Does NRX give you an error message or something?
  15. Having the emulator in Console Mode only gives you 4 credits. Change the emulator to Arcade Mode. If you want to change the difficulty and other settings, you have to enter the Tesat Menu. On NeoRAGEx this is mapped to F1, but I can't say for other emulators. Once you're there, go the Soft DIP Settings menu.
  16. Crack for version 5 on it's way.... I hope it's the right one and that I have the right address.
  17. I haven't found a single SNK game for consoles in where I live...The only exception is Fatal Fury 2 for the PSX...Same goes for arcades too... I don't know a single arcade near me...There was one once, but it moved. I don't know where.
  18. XP isn't good for DOS apps, especially emulators...
  19. What version of DirectX do you have? Are you sure you're not missing any files necessary for Kawaks?
  20. No, I don't have the DAT... Talk to james, he might know...
  21. EGCG NeoRAGEx... Get it from http://www.neogamez.net I have this emulator, but when i import the roms, the samsho5.zip doesn't appear in the list. Have you looked at the bottom of the gamelist? Are the files inside the ZIP.rom?
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