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Reaper man

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Everything posted by Reaper man

  1. *4 days later* *kicks gamecop* It's not my fault! My server admin is still working on it. I don't have any estimate, but all I can say is soon! fine then *kicks server admin as well* *watches as his ip gets added to the server blacklist...*
  2. why not?? dial up? Only one highspeed modem so I move it too the other room to play 360, Can't play XBox 360 on dial up LERN 2 ROUTER ;p I had one but the power cord died so now we use the single modem one there are cheap wireless routers you can get at Best Buy. Get the Buffalo brand, then load dd-wrt on it... enable XBOX kaid and a few other settings and you should be set :3
  3. huh, I guess I'm the normal one here... no weird sleep habits for me unless that is normal and I'm the weird one although, there are times where I can lay in the bed for like 30 mins and not fall asleep, even if I am tired. I am always thinking of stuff, and it makes me restless... ;/
  4. why not?? dial up? Only one highspeed modem so I move it too the other room to play 360, Can't play XBox 360 on dial up LERN 2 ROUTER ;p
  5. yeah it's gets humid as fuck over here. I agree with almost everything Belthasar said. It gets pretty bad here sometimes, but the humidity when it's cold isn't that bad, since cold air has trouble keeping moisture anyway ;p
  6. a love of wrestling would probably be a deal breaker for me fuck redneck, trailer trash entertainment v.v
  7. you don't have it quite right... here's the whole transcript from that scene Dark Helmet: Careful you idiot! I said across her nose, not up it! Laser Gunner: Sorry sir! I'm doing my best! Dark Helmet: Who made that man a gunner? Major Asshole: I did sir. He's my cousin. Dark Helmet: Who is he? Colonel Sandurz: He's an asshole sir. Dark Helmet: I know that! What's his name? Colonel Sandurz: That is his name sir. Asshole, Major Asshole! Dark Helmet: And his cousin? Colonel Sandurz: He's an asshole too sir. Gunner's mate First Class Philip Asshole! Dark Helmet: How many asholes do we have on this ship, anyway? [Entire bridge crew stands up and raises a hand] Entire Bridge Crew: Yo! Dark Helmet: I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes! [Dark Helmet pulls his face shield down] Dark Helmet: Keep firing, assholes!
  8. hey that game was fun! sorta... not really >.>
  9. oh shi- I'm half as well so mother's side or father's side? What part of Italy? Dad's side. sicily that explains everything ;p anyway, dad's side, Rome Rome > Sicily ;p
  10. currently waiting for: pSX to get proper graphics rasterization ZSNES to get its new core implemented that one gameboy color emu for the DS to get emulated to the point where sound is accurate.
  11. anything where you get to kick babies around
  12. oh shi- I'm half as well so mother's side or father's side? What part of Italy?
  13. I swear it looks like you have boobs in that pic o.o
  14. you may look fruity, but I'll give you points for your taste in food sushi > all
  15. if you read the comments, #7 was actually staged and it was a video telling students to turn off their cell phones during class link to full vid
  16. cool, go for it I recommend maruchan roast chicken and roast beef <3
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