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Everything posted by Prican25

  1. hate to do this but topic closed can't request for apps/utils made with sdk/xdk which is illegal and this forum won't support it. x-s has a section of where to get what you need, use their search
  2. nice to hear, plz be sure to post when its out
  3. well if you ever want to use a hdd, i suggest getting an older ps2 since the new pstwo doesn't have ide and using usb hdd on the slim is slower then running a game like normal since ps2 has 1.1 usb not 2.0 as a dumb site like ps2nfo aka ps2ownz claims (seriously, who in the right mind would listen to a sony repair tech for that answer ). pstwo also has a kit out to add a ide cable but you're still better off with the older version as at least with that it has a place for the hdd also other thing to consider that effects v9-v12 (not sure about 13 yet) as that you'll need a diode fix to keep from your laser dying out of the blue and this happens regardless of having a modchip or not! either ps2/two can be modded as is as the latest modchips works with all current models and if you're wondering what would be the best model? my choice is v7 as it has no probs with modchips or backups and can read -/+R media great. also a great suggestion: don't use the ps2 as a dvd player as it can put wear and tear on the laser and besides that, you're better off with a cheap dvd player that can do more
  4. if you wanna kill some degrees, i suggest try using arctic silver thermal compound. i have a swiftech heatsink for my atholon 64 3800 and it works well and even came with arctic silver i think the zalman one is proly the best one to get if you really want low temps but that thing is huge and pricey
  5. dynasty warriors 5 is out now for ps2 and its getting a extreme version as well
  6. dongles was also popular with action reply/gameshark when they made a memory card of sorts to hold cheats and such and they still use them for some systems. the xbox controller to pc mod is easy to do if you got decent soldering skills, just open the controller plug and solder the matching wires of your usb cable then get the drivers and you're set.
  7. true for older mods that you gotta hold reset for ps1 games or dvd movies but ps2 game wise, nothing is needed.
  8. well its a boring day for me but anyway, happy 4th of july to those that care hehe
  9. tonyg enough with resurrecting old threads, plz look at the date before replying to any thread you bump into.
  10. it may not have live but it should have system link which you can use xlink/xbconnect to play online
  11. you already asked the question in another current thread, old topic closed
  12. dox adds more neogeo romsets and the latest cps\cps2 rom changes and more options such as being able to select a neogeo bios.
  13. this isn't the right place for that problem as it has nothing to deal with xbox. topic moved
  14. for live wise, it best to get a modchip since you can only use retail games for live, just remeber to turn off the mod as the latest bios block you from connecting to live.
  15. i personaly have done 4 tsop jobs for ppl and had no probs at all with any of them. only thing you must make sure is what version of xbox you have as the tsop sizes varys in different versions (1.0/1.1 have 1MB tsop and 1.2-1.5 have a 256K tsop) and you must flash a bios of the exact size of the tsop. there are ways of fixing a bad tsop flash so it isn't as bad as you put it and most of the ways involve using a modchip while in the case of 1.0/1.1 xbox's, you can install a switch to switch between bios and this gives you a chance to fix your error if you flashed a 256K bios on a 1MB tsop. yea, there won't be a M$ bios anymore but that doesn't mean you can't flash one back or switch between it in 1.0/1.1 xbox's case; the only reason why you would even bother to do this in the first place is to get rid of it in either case so you can do other things M$ bios won't. and changing your bios still allows you to do everything else with exception to live, so you can still run M$ dash to manage your music/saves and such.
  16. ppl with older xbox's could do the TSOP flash but the bad thing about that is that you won't be able to use live since you'll be running a hacked bios tho for 1.0/1.1 xbox's you can add a swtich to use 2/4 bioses since 1.0/1.1 uses a 1mb TSOP (4 @ 256k and 2 @ 512k). theres also other softmods that replace your dash or use a certain game to enable a exploit but do understand by doing any of these softmods, you run the risk of ruining your xbox if you don't know what you are doing. same goes for installing modchips but for that you'll need some soldering skills unless you get a crappy solderless adapter.
  17. i found the img as is so i didn't have to go thru converting chd to img, sorry. theres been a few topics about it on x-s forums
  18. as i minor update, i tweaked the pot to 210 and while it seems to read the discs better, the mutigame discs i made still act the same way
  19. james i'm sure they'll include dvi to vga adapters as my current 6800 ultra also only comes with dvi outputs but came with 2 dvi to vga adapters yea it sucks when something new comes out as you buy what was the latest (case point with me getting the 6800 ultra now from the step-up option) but i'm still happy with what i got as it will do for whats currently out tho its good to see them using single slot cards again.
  20. nice, always did like this emu best for genesis/segacd/32x. just wished it was open source so someone can port it to xbox hehe
  21. nice updates, i wonder how well star wars will run on my amd 64 3800 w/ 6800 ultra and 2gb of memory pc heh
  22. well i can tell you that i'm damn well happy with my first amd which is a Atholon 64 3800 i had a dual p3 1ghz system which was decent for its time but man, this amd rocks; makes me wish i started with them then the p3 i started with. and right now i'm just waiting for eVGA to send me my 6800 Ultra PCI-E card to play some games after i do a lil cleaning up hehe
  23. true that would be best but most of the older compaq/gateway pc that have everything intergrated barely ever give you a agp slot or proly 2-3 pci slots with one being shared with a isa slot heh best to get one of those "pc in a box" deals then to spend more money on trying upgrade something that has seen better days.
  24. not for nothing but sometimes its a pain in the ass when windows needs a certain driver and this especially happens a lot with older compaq/gateway pc's that use nothing but intergrated crap. most of the time, i end up googling for whatever part gives me a prob and finding the drivers elsewhere since hp/compaq site sucks when the one they post doesn't work.
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