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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Can we get a diagram of the musical genre wheel so we can see exactly what the opposite of our favorite genre is?
  2. I think voice chat is great. People knowing your age and gender is a good thing, it automatically gives out some of your information and tightens bonds. Also, sometimes it just isn't practical to type things out. And the girls thing? Women should be less shy really. Men should perv less, too. Not all of the women I know from online have suddenly shut up once they get on a voice server though.
  3. Life IS a joke. Do what you want with it, it's not gonna matter for long anyway. Things that lead to failure? Sucking. If you aren't good enough to do something, you're not going to do it. All the positive thinking in the world won't leave you impervious to bullets.
  4. Let's see, I enjoy metal and hate rap, and my favorite rap album is...uh... Hell if I know, I don't even know any metal albums.
  5. Interesting, I'll have to check it out.
  6. My hard drive is kind of cubical, but not really a cube. The edges are black, but the larger faces are silver or green.
  7. How could Cavaliers ever lose to inanimate objects? Or is Spurs just a code name? I'm very confused.
  8. I might start one, if I get around to it.
  9. Not only do I not know how to put myself on any "do not call" list, I've also heard that the list doesn't work. Neither do turning off your home phone and using cell phones, I get called on that, too. I who is more rude, the one teasing the telemarketer, or the jerk who decided bothering people was a good job to apply for.
  10. Assuming that life in heaven would be similar to life on earth, yes, I would prefer nothing. From what I know of heaven, it's some sort of paradise where there is no conflict of any kind, you simply exist forever, spending all of your time worshiping god. Even if I didn't strongly oppose the christian god, I can't imagine I would be happy just existing forever.
  11. Yeah, too many people celebrating Christmas these days, pisses me off. For anyone who isn't Christian, there's no reason to celebrate that day, and for people who are, they really celebrate it oddly.
  12. You can't use cameras, he's invisible, and otherwise undetectable.
  13. where does he live? people have reached all places on earth and still not found santa's place, northpole? guess not He lives in another dimension, unreachable by humans until they die, where he creates gifts out of nothing and gives them to the children of the world.
  14. http://www.santaisreal.com/ I found it on the internet so it MUST be true.
  15. Female, 13-19, 21-30. I chose female because I've already been male, no need to do it again. The school life between 13 and 19 is the best, and if I don't die until I'm 21-30, I am immortal. Huzzah.
  16. seriously man that's the best advice anyone can give you now... a girl I really care about is moving to the US for university and I wish I'd have spent more time with her now... 4 years of my utter crap crap flocked up high school wasted and me being with her would have been the only good thing to come out of it... so don't flocking waste your time man You heard the man. High School is a waste of time, you can pick up a mate elsewhere.
  17. Using that logic, how do you that god didn't create the egg?
  18. The chicken egg came first, laid by a creature that would be classified as something else. I chose lion for no real reason. The idea that a sea turtle could run faster than a land turtle is ridiculous. A sea turtle might be able to move faster (by swimming) but compared to a turtle that gets around by foot (I don't think sea turtles even have feet) there's no competition.
  19. I'll admit that I haven't read the entirety of the websites (I'm a bit busy right now), but the ones I've seen aren't using religion together with science to solve things. Science is solving things, and the Qur'an is interpreted in a way that matches these discoveries. And yes, my concept of religion is for the most part limited to Christianity, I said that already. Side note: Qur'an is considered misspelled by Microsoft, but it doesn't offer any correct suggestions. On the other hand, it made sure I capitalize Christianity. What the hell?
  20. Do you mean: http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology...ry/4217348.html
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