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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. It's like, a snake right? That's pretty extreme. But give it a jetpack and laser vision, now that's EXTREME TO THE MAX!
  2. Yeah, and I remember a bunch of Silent Hill puzzles, and flock they were out there. I still remember being giving this short story about a monster eating a girl's face and being expected to pull a four digit combination out of it. Then there was that puzzle that expected me to know five of Shakespeare's plays.
  3. Better version: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6204903272262158881
  4. My clock is being a dildo. It didn't update with daylight savings time or whatever (which left me very confused until I found out about daylight savings time four days later) and whenever I manually set it ahead an hour, it resets to dumb! Wtf?!
  5. Daikatana, Superman 64, Big Rigs, Cabela's Deer Hunt, and Stake. Yeah, definitely.
  6. Playing as Ifrit would rule. I'd like something similar to fighting with Aeons in FFX.
  7. The two figures are Shiva and Ifrit, so yeah, I'd say they're famililar. I don't have a PSP, but I want one for things like this.
  8. Jumalten Kaupunki by Moonsorrow Trollhammeren by Finntroll Black Winter Day by Amorphis Mushroom Cult by System of a Down Closer (flock You Like an Animal) by Nine Inch Nails
  9. Please explain why you'd love to die in battle. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragnarok I don't necessarily follow old Norse mythology religiously, but it's still pretty lame to die of some disease in bed when I'm old and decrepit.
  10. One where I die. Not because I want to die, but because I want to die in battle. I'm old fashioned like that.
  11. Does physically include things like allergies? Cause I'd love to get rid of those. I'm pretty okay with the way I look. I'd be cool with being more muscular, but I'm far from fat. Also, my nose is always red and has like...crap on it or something so I mess with it, which is probably why it's read, but still.
  12. Since the question was actually "favorite" and not "favorites", my favorite dos game is Masters of Magic, hands down. It remains one of the best games I've ever played and I feel it has a lot of potential for a sequel or remake. The Heroes of Might and Magic series is similar, but doesn't quite reach Masters of Magic in terms of quality. God, I want to go play it now.
  13. I'm all for punishing Paris Hilton for breaking the laws, but I don't think jail time fits the crime here. It may really be a waste of taxpayer money. Instead heavy fines and/or the permanent confiscation of any cars she owns may have been better, further limiting her ability to drive while our heavily indebted government makes money. As for the alcohol bit, since she failed to take any sort of education for that, perhaps they could lawfully remove her ability to drink, too.
  14. Actually, American football used to have a whole lot more kicking involved. Players could drop kick the ball for points and do other foot related actions. Now, rules have been made against excessive kicking. Rules were made to reduce kicking in "foot"ball? Only in America.
  15. I don't watch any sports at all. Every time I attempt to do so, I get bored within the first half. Even if I managed to keep myself interested through an entire game, the chances of me being interested in a second are pretty slim.
  16. Haha you put a lot more thought into this one. I just took it at face value and chose based on directly perceivable characteristics. Guess we know whose new civilisation is gonna be more prosperous Our strong Spartan men will crush your puny village.
  17. I've got a great feel for music, but the only instrument I know how to play is the keyboard. Insert Ocarina of Time joke here.
  18. Obviously, I would choose someone who shares no regressive genes with me. Possibly someone of darker tone to better withstand UV rays, assuming there are any. flock though, eventually even my own genes would mix with each other and produce bad results. I guess that's what natural selection is for, eh?
  19. Honestly, I don't think I could pass the citizenship test, and I was born here. But they don't get any rights while they're trespassing on our land. They get whatever the flock we decide they get, even if it's a bunch of rotten apple cores and a box to live in. I bet a bunch of them have it better than our own homeless population though.
  20. Troll forums. Touch myself. Troll forums about porn and touch myself. Watch anime with big explosions or robots or some crap. Watch anime with tentacles...and touch myself. Listen to music. Walk around listening to music. Touch myself to the rhythm of the music. You know, the usual.
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