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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Super Smash Brothers is not a holy beacon of character balance, dude.
  2. Yeah, that is the normal price for a new game. I don't know the cost of other things where you live, but 5% of your salary doesn't sound bank breaking. That said, cheaper the better, right?
  3. I was always wary of the Wii's motion controls (which I still don't like, after using them substantially), but I knew it was going to do better than the PS3. Actually catching up to and then passing the 360 in sales though, that's intense.
  4. I tried reading the article, but all that came out was "Vista sucks more now."
  5. I've always liked Shadowrun and Mechwarrior. Played the paper versions of both, and the card game of the latter. Haven't played the recent Shadowrun FPS, because I'm not a fan of the genre. Should've made it an RPG, that's all I have to say.
  6. I'm against censorship of any kind. I don't think words can be bad. Words are words, there's no reason to get offended by them. flock, I almost want to make a bunch of signs that just say flock on them and hang them up around town, like some kind of protest.
  7. Like what, that they don't like Bush? That they have a healthy knowledge of our political affairs?
  8. Not in this case, no. All this allows you to do is play through the game even easier than you did last time. It could help with your completion rate, too, I suppose, but if you don't have a guide, you're still flocked. Just like every other Final Fantasy game. They're easy, but if you actually want to get everything, you can't just finish the game and look stuff up online, you have to have a guide right from the start and follow it to the letter so you don't accidentally open a chest you weren't supposed to, or so you wait in the right area for a few minutes to see another line of text. New Game+ is normally a really cool feature, the game just needs to have a reason to be played again. If the dress spheres levels reset with your character's and/or required a greater commitment (rather than switching between them in battle, though you could always opt not to), then playing through the game again would have more meaning. Also, the game is so easy that even if you limited which spheres you use, you probably wouldn't have much trouble winning. I have gotten 100% in the game, it was a complete pain in the ass, I was following a completion guide and had to redo it a few times anyway because I missed tiny little details in the massive list of things you have to do. The mascots were totally cool, though. Also, Sphere Break is fun, and Blitzball was decent.
  9. You know, my computer's been crashing often recently, too. I can't determine the cause, though. Generally happens while running full screen games, but it doesn't seem to be overheating (my first concern, since it's so hot right now), and I've had no problems running these things in the past.
  10. FFX-2 was essentially just another Final Fantasy game. It also included a job system, always the best part of any Final Fantasy game to contain one. Changing jobs in battle wasn't all that great, though it did give an excuse to make some pretty introduction sequences. It was still plagued by the standard Final Fantasy problems, like ridiculously secret items that you can't go back and get later or being way too easy, but it was at least an average game.
  11. Final Fantasy games are a pain in the ass, ridiculously easy, and more focused on big numbers than actual gameplay. Another remake of one of their old ones can't possibly be good.
  12. Somehow I can't justify using "remake" and "groundbreaking" to describe the same product.
  13. The "out of place" characters are usually amusing. I still remember hearing about someone winning a Street Fighter tournament with Dan.
  14. I played the PC version, it was a lot cheaper for me. It auto detected the controller I had in there though, no problem, played it as though it was on the PS2 or some such. Scared the crap out of me, too.
  15. I played it using a controller. I'm not sure how you would play it with a mouse at all.
  16. Just heard Prime. I think it's a very nice beat with no melody.
  17. No time for a job, you're busy playing Bioshock.
  18. All this secrecy and anti-piracy work is bull crap. It bothers normal users, and pirates are going to crack it anyway. Doesn't affect me directly. My computer can't run it, so I'll have to get the 360 version. Think about all the people who want to run it on a computer without an internet connection or other assorted obscurities that get screwed over by crap like this though.
  19. Actually, by evolution, the egg containing the chicken was laid before it was hatched.
  20. So wait, is this about the site or the tv show?
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