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Everything posted by Daeval

  1. I assume you mean that in a good way. D20 was fun for a while, but it turned into a stale game of statistics after a while, so I like the "dots" thing again. Both ways. But yeah, I was born into the whole d20 system when I was about 10 I assume you're older than about 14, so you must mean AD&D (2nd) and things of that era. While I found that stuff more complicated, it felt a little more "disguised" as a mathematical system. In D&D 3rd (and 3.5), the numbers of everything (especially stuff like skills) seem to steal the show, almost every cool ability boils down to a modifier in very few steps. Don't get me wrong, it's fun, I was just hankering for something more role-play-ey. Exalted provides that by making things feel more abstract again. There's a little more structure to it than there was with Mage, Werewolf, etc, but it's not as number-crunchy as the new "D20" system.
  2. I assume you mean that in a good way. D20 was fun for a while, but it turned into a stale game of statistics after a while, so I like the "dots" thing again.
  3. I'd have to suggest making cutbacks elsewhere. CPU, Ram, and Video should be your top priorities if you're into gaming.
  4. Exalted > AD&D2.0/D&D3.5 = Shadowrun2.0 Hehehe.. Seriously, if you're a pen and paper fan, give White Wolf's Exalted a shot. It's not all moody or thematically restricted like their World of Darkness stuff. Nor is it a number-stacking dungeon-hack, if you're looking for that go to D&D 3.5. This Thrash thing could be interesting, and what the heck, it's free. Ima check out the rules. They all use the open d20 system, so it's practically all the same. Exalted actually doesn't use the D20 system. It uses an updated, and much nicer, version of their old D10 based "dots" system.
  5. Yea I miss VF 3's backgrounds. Not that I have a problem with VF 4's though. Yeah, the varying height of the stages was an interesting element. I was hoping they would touch it up for 4 instead of donig away with it altogether. And I never played Taka much, but he was neat. It would be difficult to give him character like the others have, but they should try to put him back in for a collection or something. Music in VF4 = bland. Don't remember it from 3 though (think my arcade had it low).
  6. Yeah, I agree with Gryph here. This is actually the card I'm using, but I got it way back when it was top-of-the-line (and I paid for it in body parts). It runs Far Cry and Doom 3 pretty well, Doom better than Far Cry, actually. However, it doesn't get the full effect out of either. As HL2 approaches, I'm a little worried about what I'll be missing. I would suggest holding onto your hundred bucks and saving up until you can afford a more "current" card. If you get this one for the "bargain" price now, you'll only need to replace it sooner (for whatever is after HL2). Better to just be patient in the first place.
  7. Exalted > AD&D2.0/D&D3.5 = Shadowrun2.0 Hehehe.. Seriously, if you're a pen and paper fan, give White Wolf's Exalted a shot. It's not all moody or thematically restricted like their World of Darkness stuff. Nor is it a number-stacking dungeon-hack, if you're looking for that go to D&D 3.5. This Thrash thing could be interesting, and what the heck, it's free. Ima check out the rules.
  8. Hardest question ever... Let's see what I can do... 1. Kain Highwind (Final Fantasy II, USA numbering system, SNES) 2. 47 (Hitman Series, PC & Console) 3. Kage Maru (Virtua Fighter Series, Arcade & Console) 4. Ma Chao (Dynasty Warriors Series, PS2 & XBox) 5. Protoman (Megaman Series, Console {& Arcade}) This was an extremely difficult list, and I think I'd change it if I thought about it enough. It was really tough not to include characters from games I love. Other considerations were: Boy (Secret of Mana, SNES), Delita (Final Fantasy Tactics, PlayStation), Lans (Ogre Battle Series, Console), Billy Kane (Fatal Fury & King of Fighters Series, Arcade & Console), M. Bison / Vega (Street Fighter series, Arcade & Console), and "Fish" (EVO, SNES).
  9. Make sure your sound settings in NRX are set properly too. They should be set to FM/ADPCM, Stereo, 16bit, 44KHz. Unless you're on a terrible system, there's no reason to have anything else.
  10. Confused by me? It's simple, you can't say that stealing things isn't hurting anyone just because you weren't going to buy them in the first place. Here's another analogy: Try going into an expensive restauraunt, ordering the most expensive thing on the menu, eating it, and walking out. Don't leave any money or a tip. When the chef and half the staff tackles you, just explain to them that there's no way you would have paid their prices in the first place, so they aren't losing anything by giving it to you for free. Watch as they laugh at your absurdity and call the police, or beat you to a bloody pulp. This is essentially the excuse used in the quote above. "I wouldn't have paid them for it, so they aren't losing my money if I take it for free."
  11. I don't think I really need to say anything here, but I will.. This is some of the WORST logic I have ever seen in my life. A sarcastic counter-example: A fresh apple in the market costs 50 cents. You decide that you don't want to spend your money on an apple. So, you take one off the cart and walk away eating it. Obviously you're not hurting the farmer because you weren't going to buy the apple anyway. When you buy "Things" you earn yourself the right to enjoy them. It's an exchange, the very basis of an honest economy. When you decide not to buy something, you are deciding to go without the "Thing" in exchange for keeping whatever the "Compensation" would have been. This is not what you are doing. What you are doing is getting the "Thing" AND keeping the "Compensation." This is called Stealing and, aside from the technical term, is harmful to the farmer AND the video game developer; the people who work hard to make the things you enjoy. You may not agree with it, but it is exactly what you're doing.
  12. I thought this was fighting game chars? Yeah, I realize Bass could sneak in there, but Nemesis and Dark Megaman.exe? And who the heck is Albert Wesker? Edit: Ok, so it doesn't specify fighters.. but who the heck is albert Wesker?
  13. This is tough.. rough sketch w/ some ties: 1) Billy Kane (Duh?) 2) M. Bison (American name, non-puffy version) 3) Akira (Rival Schools series) / Guile (SF2) 4) Whip / May Lee 5) Lilith / Lei Lei
  14. That's just sick, man, she looks like she's 3! Hehe.. J/K.. I actually did date a good friend's sister, but I knew and talked to them both regularly for years beforehand, and did talk about it with my friend before there was any romance. We dated for three years before a final breakup, and I'm still friends with both. If your intent is a fling, it will only screw things up (unless your friend is really cool about his sister). If you're going to go for long-term, and you're genuine, then you'll probably be ok. It is disturbing how many people are reading this post at the same time..
  15. There was a DC fighting game on genesis/super nintendo. I forget what it was called. Update: Justice League Task Force
  16. It's almost a shame these are far too high quality to use for previews in NeoRage, this guy does good work. If they'll work in other emus I don't know because I'm too lazy to fix what aint broke.
  17. And sadly, not hot in King Arthur. She looked sort of pathetic except in the last battle.. hehehe
  18. Watch the recent "King Arthur" movie, the one where he's all roman. As a whole, the movie was just OK, but she's in it.. I liked her before (from Pirates), so I knew I was in for some kind of treat one way or another, but man... In my many years, through many, many ideas about women, I have never imagined that perfection would have anything to do with woad paint. I'd post a link but a still image would only ruin it for you.
  19. I'm wondering what other people use to organize their GBA roms. I've checked out goodGBA and GBA-Renamer and both seem like good programs, but they both have some flaws. GoodGBA's (and really all the good tools) only real flaw is its comprehensive nature. I'd like to be able to eliminate certain tags from the lists when it determines what I'm missing. For example, I don't really care to have all the hacked versions of each game. I'd like it to not count those for purposes of completeness, similar to the way it handles baddumps. (Edit: I think I found a way to do this.. I'll report back if it works..) Update: For the few of you who both a)cared and b)didn't know, you CAN do this in GoodGBA. You have to set "n" after the type you'd like to ignore in the.cfg file, as it is after overdumps and baddumps in the list. This makes goodgba near ideal in my opinion, but every site I've found seems to use GBA-R so I'm still curious what others use and why. GBA-Renamer doesn't have this problem, as it only supports official releases. However, the other side of the coin is that it doesn't support Public Domain games or a lot of the other oddities. In addition, GBA-R doesn't tell the difference between a "good" version of a rom and a hacked version. I'll get dupes in GBA-R that show up as [!] and [h2] in GoodGBA. I've also seen compilations that look like they're built with GBA-R that have patches and box-shots built into the.zip files, which is something the good tools don't do. I'm not sure it's GBA-R doing this either, however, as I can't find this functionality. So, what do you use? And what, if anything, do you do about the gripes above?
  20. I'd be careful around women with pincers in strange places.
  21. Agozer, that was funny, but probably the foulest thing I've heard all week. Let's not try to top it. Probably not the answer you're looking for, but definately related and curious either way: After reading this post in my morning programming class (they're SLOW) and thinking "how absolutely random," my afternoon Art History teacher mentions that Cowry Shells were held sacred by many ancient cultures as symbols of fertility.... because they look like "censor"s as lacien might put it.
  22. Ok, you're probably going to want to go with option 3 in my above post. For maximum effect, download Ad-Aware, update it, reboot into safe mode and run as deep a scan as you can, deleting anything you find. Then enable ad-aware's "ad-watch" program and allow it to start up when windows starts. This should stop the adware from reinstalling itself. Reboot and you should be ok.
  23. No. No what? What move are you talking about? I just meant that he flies accross the screen at you feet-first, like cammy does.
  24. Wow, now I can see why you complained so much. The graphics never looked as hideous on the actual console as they do in shot 2 there. The character's features were more than black smudges.
  25. I like 'em, especially the '97 and Kyokugen teams. The drawn art for most of the males is kind of odd (what's up with those noses? Or Robert's cro-magnon brow?) but as gryph said, that's not your fault.
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