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Everything posted by Daeval

  1. Ah yes, you're right. However! I'm pretty sure I named my zipped roms after the GUI titles. The old 8.3 format you typically see on older roms bugs. The "official" preview shots are named with funky letters and numbers and yet somehow they work no matter what the zipfile name is. It must be related somehow to the rom, but I couldn't figure out how. And thanks for the host link, but it's something like 300 teeny-tiny picture files between two zips (one for each version of NRx). Altogether they come in just shy of 2MB. I couldn't justify the time it would take to post all 300 individually.
  2. This is correct, as long as you have the 512k S1, you should be cool in EGCG NeoRAGEx. There is one teeny little catch though... You have to run in 16bit graphics mode (I think it's 16? It's the larger of the two...) or you'll have the exact same problems you would with the 128k S1. I took some preview shots for stuff (which have to be in the smaller "bit" mode) and when I was done, this had me stumped for longer than it should have. Speaking of which, I have title-screen preview shots of every working (I think) rom for NeoRAGEx 0.8c and EGCG versions. I made them because I couldn't find them anywhere. They use a specific naming scheme though (named after the GUI title), since I couldn't figure out how to name-by-numbers as the defaults are. I don't have the means to host them, but if anyone's interested I could hook them up.
  3. When I try to run kinst in mame, with the CHD set up properly (I'm pretty sure, Wargods worked with the exact same setup), it goes to a black screen for a second (like it's trying to change video modes) then just goes back to the MAME32 gui. Is this normal?
  4. When your box of staples is ambiguously marked: "These staples are bad" or "These staples do not exist", a stapler could get pretty complicated.
  5. So complex. (which means there is no other rom in most cases) <- This was the part that made it complicated. Thanks again!
  6. Ok thanks! So baddumps need to be replaced to get a working set, nodumps you can't really do anything about, I'm guessing. Now to track down some replacements..
  7. Yeah, the cfg and the exe are in the same directory and the cfg is the one that came with the zip (tried versions 2.01 and 1.01). I'm not using a gui either, straight from the command line. However, I am using WinXP. Not sure if the funky nature of the command line there is going to be an issue. Still trying to work this out... UPDATE: Using Rename instead of Move created the whole directory structure properly and moved everything accordingly. Go figure...
  8. I'm trying to use the good tools (particularly goodNES at the moment) to organize things into the directory structure in the default goodinfo.cfg. I'm using this command: goodnes move dirs Instead of the complete directory structure, it's just dumping everything into the NESRen directory, with no subdirectories. The files are scanned and named correctly, so I can't figure out what's up. Anyone know what's going on? Thanks!
  9. Yeah, VF1 doesn't work worth a darn on Mame, so I'm not sure VF Kids, etc would either. The latest official version is 0.84 so far as I know. For the Win32 version, try: http://www.classicgaming.com/mame32qa/
  10. What exactly are "BadDumps" and "NoDumps" according to CLR Mame? So far as I can gather, a Baddump is a file that doesn't match what the dat file was expecting, and a nodump is.. well, I have no idea... A file that just isn't listed in the.dat maybe? Ok, so I'm clueless. Anyone know? Further, why do some baddumps show up light blue, and others black on the scanner results window?
  11. NRx EGCG version will play samsho5 and mslug5, and there is a special version that works just for kof'03. Somebody prominent here has a link in their sig, but I don't know if it's cool to direct you right to it.
  12. You only listed 8 out of 36 characters there. :\ It just seemed a really poor lineup when they had two companies worth of great games to pull from. Including as many shotos as there are just felt like laziness to me (AI coding? Especially without a roll, it was practically basic SF2 tactics for all of them). The gameplay wasn't terrible, though it did have its problems like the hitboxes, etc. Nobody is saying that different is bad, but to me it almost felt like a step backward. The power bar was about as basic as you get, and the flow and linking of strikes and moves felt chunky and akward to me, almost like an old fatal fury game. That's just my opinion though.
  13. What do you mean by that? NRx has worked fine for me since I was using win98, and with the hacked versions (mentioned above), it's worked great in XP as well. As for bad romsets... I've heard a few people complain about this, but aside from the occasional corrupt or missing file (which wouldn't work in another emu anyway), I haven't had many problems. Since I've learned about the rename trick, I haven't found a rom (other than the bad files mentioned above) I couldn't get working. One or two of the new ones may require a patch, but only one (KOF2003) requires a special version of NRx, and none require you to mess with annoying.dat files. All in all, it's just a matter of preference. With enough tweaking, either works well. I just found that NRx required a lot less for me.
  14. Xeon basically covered it, NeoRagex is the easiest Neo Geo emu to use, period. There are very few games that don't work (basically, new ones work in EGCG, old ones work in version 0.8C), and usually it's a naming issue if they don't (roms have to be named.rom, not.bin,with no dashes). It also has some nice render effects, particularly Edge Enhancement mode, which looks great on Neo Geo style sprites. And Axl, yeah you can use the.ini, but that's cheating. Seriously though, it feels like such a hack, and it's totally screwed if someone hits Import (unless you make the.ini read only). Anyone ever Hex-editied to get a rom on the list? hehehe
  15. You should have good luck on the eDonkey/eMule network. I know there's at least one copy on there that doesn't even need patches, and there are a lot of sources.
  16. Ok, this is driving me nuts. I can't seem to get Sengoku 3, Ganryu or Burning Fight to show up on the list, and they're the last three I need. If you get real bored someday, might you post your p1s or send them my way?
  17. I'm kind of torn on this. I like what they did with SVC:Chaos graphically, the retooled sprites are, at least, different from the same old stuff and in many cases much improved (Balrog(US) and Dhalsim come to mind). I also like that they took some risks: Shiki is a cool design, if a poor excecution, Red Arremer and Athena are novel, and they used Mr. Karate, which I would consider lesser-known in the SNK pantheon. Game play is where it suffers. The power bar system is, in my opinion, one of the poorer variations to come out of SNK, and regular features (like the A+B roll) are ommited. The roster is one of the worst I've seen, with roughly 10 shoto (or might-as-well-be) characters and little else of interest. Frankly, I'd be happy if the graphical changes for SVC2 were minimal, so long as the gameplay changes are significant. Right now, I think that's most important for the series. While I look forward to graphical advances as much as anyone else (they might "save the genre" even), I'd rather SNKP get a gameplay formula down before they woo current and potential fans with pretty screenshots of a "next-gen" game no one actually wants to play.
  18. Wow, I figured he'd just looked it up in MAME or something (I dunno what you can and can't find there really), but this list is crazy. Pictures of the carts and everything... Thanks!
  19. I just have to say, that was mad l33t. Identifying a game by number. hehe Just as a note, if you're using Windows XP, trying to use version 0.6b of NeoRAGEx is going to give you headaches, but you should have no trouble with 0.8c, a relalatively easy to find hack. If you're not using Windows XP, 0.6b is the way to go.
  20. If we're talking power-wise, see above. (duo-lon, K', kyo, iori, angel, etc) Character design-wise it's a little tougher... Billy (2002 version, obviously, hehe -->) May Lee (even though I hate her moveset) Whip Malin (She's different, but not TOO much so like Kula and the gang) Athena (for some reason I like the 2K1 version) And I've always had a soft spot for Kasumi and Maxima's designs, even though I can't use them worth a spit.
  21. I'm wondering if copies of these exist that work in NRx EGCG version AND are recognized by its romlist. Some of them work in NRx.8c, but either have corrupt graphics or show up below the romlist for the EGCG version. Some of them I've just never seen/heard of. Art of Fighting 1 (corrupt graphics?) Burning Fight (not on list) C. Tiger H. Dragon Columns Dyna Vliner (SRAM Error) Ganryu (not on list) MOTW (non-PT version) Jockey Grand Prix KOF 99 PT Mahjong Kyoretsudon Poker Night Riding Hero (not on list) Sengoku 3 (not on list) World Heroes (corrupt graphics?) I'm not looking for the roms, per se, just confirmation that they're out there. Thanks!
  22. Hmm.. And here I'd given up the search for Diggerman... The only weird roms I know of on the 0.8c list are: -Diggerman (Can insert coins, that's it. Sound doesn't work if you insert a coin too early?) -Irritating Maze (I'm pretty sure this one never worked. Controls aren't emulated?) -Riding Hero (Seems like graphics are missing. Is there supposed to be a visible track in this game, or just a background in the distance? Also registers below the romlist, rather than on it.) I'm also seeing "unable to load gfx" on Bang Bead, Prehistoric Isle 2, and Strikers 1945 Plus. I think they may be bad/encrypted roms. They have no s files, which might have something to do with it. Anyone know if any of these are known bugs which can't be fixed?
  23. Ok, two more, last ones I promise. Does a compatibility list for NRx.8c exist so that I can avoid asking all this little annoying stuff (like kof2K and diggerman, etc)? Googling for this has yeilded nothing but countless "news" pages. Does a converter exist for.bin to.rom format? I have something called redump, but it only works on a handful of roms. Thanks again for being so helpful (and patient) with a n00b!
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