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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. Got to love bullet-grazing brought to perfection.
  2. Then you haven't made said slider visible in the Sound Control Panel settings.
  3. Line-In and/or Microphone not muted, IIRC.
  4. Post news with inaccurate contents --> Voila.
  5. Ah, Alley Cat. What fond memories I have from that game.
  6. If you have a laptop, you can't replace it, obviously. If you have a desktop computer, you buy a video card for it and disable the integrated video chip from the BIOS.
  7. Meaning that you don't have the microphone muted in the sound control panel.
  8. Do not expect to get any Dreamcast emulator working with integrated Intel chips. Get an actual, decent video card.
  9. Is this error message from no$Gba or from the game itself? Do you have a microphone plugged in and the mic line open?
  10. You need to update your DirectX to he latest Redistributable version (IIRC, Augut 2008 is the latest one). Alternatively, download the file from a DLL repository like www.dll-files.com and put it in the emulator folder.
  11. Took them long enough. Damn. The author of Makaron is probably the only emulator developer that writes periodical status updates in his blog. Now if only he would make his emulator more accessible to the regular users.
  12. Oh my. L.S.D. and co. needs bring this thread up to speed. I'd contribute, but I think most of my stuff is NSFW.
  13. Congratulations to all the members that have contributed to these forums.
  14. Yes, I'm aware of that. Also, ARIKA owns the copyrights to all the EX-only characters, not Capcom.
  15. Ar tonelico. Good game, although not perhaps the best from GUST.
  16. IIRC, some other game featured Blair and Allen. Plus, I have this feeling that Skullomania made an appearance in Namco X Capcom.
  17. Please don't resurrect a post over 3 years old without a proper reason. No, your post diesn't make the cut. Pay attention to the dates, warned.
  18. I prefer Street Fighter EX2 Plus. Then again, I haven't played SFEX3. Though EX Plus Alpha does have Sakura :/
  19. Dc_boot.bin and Dc_flash.bin go into the DATA directory. Then use File --> Normal Boot to boot a CD image of your choice.
  20. If you are going to pirate something, at least make an effort to learn how to work your pirated material.
  21. Neither do I, nor do I place a whole lot of trust on my balance or certain motor skills while sober either.
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