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Posts posted by olaf

  1. retroguru.com reports that Atari800, the Atari 800, 800XL, 130XE and 5200 emulator (for Unix, Amiga, MS-DOS, Atari TT/Falcon, SDL and WinCE), has been updated to version 2.0.0. As of this moment, only the source code for this version is available, but be on the look out for binary releases. Below are the release notes for this version.


    This release brings major source code clean up, numerous bug fixes and many great new features and important improvements. 98% of changes since last release have been made by Piotr Fusik - admire his dedication to Atari800 project while you will be browsing through the impressive list of changes below.


    Run-time configuration (via the.atari800.cfg file) has been improved. All configuration options are now available in the User Interface. Remember to use "Save configuration file" when necessary.


    If you are new to Atari800, press F1 and select "Emulator Configuration" to configure the ROM images. This can be easily done with "Find ROM images in a directory".


    DISK_DIR, ROM_DIR, EXE_DIR and STATE_DIR configuration options are no longer supported in this version. You need to re-select your directories using "Emulator Configuration" -> "Configure directories".



    - auto-starting any file supported by the emulator via the command line, User Interface or Alt+R

    - direct loading of Atari Basic programs:

        - SAVEd (*.BAS) programs

        - LISTed (*.LST) programs with auto-detected Atari, LF, CR/LF or CR line terminators

    - numerous fixes and improvements in H: device emulation

    - fixed a bug in DMACTL emulation

    - cycle-exact Read-Modify-Write instructions for all GTIA registers

    - Atarimax cartridges

    - correct emulation of the RESET key in 400/800 (it generates RNMI)

    - improved DCM format support

    - improved PERCOM emulation (helps non-standard disk images)

    - removed questions that appeared in the console window when no configuration file was found; now a default configuration is written and you can modify it using User Interface; the easiest way to configure ROMs is "Find ROM images in a directory" which looks for common names of ROM images

    - DISK_DIR, ROM_DIR, EXE_DIR and STATE_DIR configuration options replaced with ATARI_FILES_DIR and SAVED_FILES_DIR

    - sound recording now works (was completely broken)

    - new in User Interface: "Emulator Configuration", "Controller Configuration", "Save Interlaced Screenshot", "Uncompress Disk Image"

    - improved "open file" selector:

        - sorts case-insensitively

        - sorts directories whose name begins with a dot

        - starts on the previously selected file

        - you can move to a file by pressing its first letter (works in menus, too)

        - path of the listed directory is shown at the top of the screen

    - improved "save file" filename selection:

        - no longer limited to 32 characters

        - directory appears in the edit box

        - Tab invokes directory browser

    - "Make Blank ATR Disk" creates standard Single Density disk image

    - shortcut keys (Alt+letter, F9,...) work in User Interface

    - new "-screenshots <pattern>" command-line option

    - replaced "-rtime <onoff>" with "-rtime" / "-nortime"

    - replaced "-hdreadonly <onoff>" with "-hreadonly" / "-hreadwrite"

    - new monitor commands: "LABELS", "LOOP"

    - "C", "M" and "S" monitor commands support hardware registers

    - improved "SHOW", "DLIST", "D" and "A" monitor commands

    - fixed memory leaks, buffer overflows, Y2K and Y2100 bugs

    - fixed GCC 4 compilation error and warnings

    - fixed sound in X11 version (feedback is welcome)

    - much faster display in the X11 version

    - MOTIF and XVIEW versions are now compilable

    - standard key mappings for F6-F10 in DirectX, SDL, SVGALIB and X11 versions

    - implemented Atari 5200 keys in DirectX, SDL, SVGALIB and X11 versions

    - WinCE version ported to Smartphones

    - DirectX version can be compiled with MSVC 6

    - stereo now works in DOS ports

    - fixed "-rotate90" and Alt+B in SDL version

    - greatly improved BASIC version:

        - supports sound

        - supports all interrupts

        - timing much closer to real Atari

        - Clear Screen, Backspace, Tab and Bell converted from ATASCII to ASCII

        - improved "K:" input

        - much smaller executable (does not include unused code)

    - greatly improved CURSES version:

        - support for PDCurses

        - small fix for NCurses

        - generates screen basing on the Display List

        - fixed Tab, Backspace, Insert, Delete, Home, F2, F3, F4, F8 and Ctrl+letter

        - fixed "-wide2" mode

        - Alt+letter shortcuts work on PDCurses

        - bitmap graphics emulation is now disabled by default (smaller and faster executable), but can be enabled with "configure"

    - new experimental PlayStation 2 port

    - improved "configure" script

    - SDL keyboard joysticks can be enabled/disabled in the UI (Controller Config)

    - many small fixes and major source code clean up

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

  2. AEP Emulation Page reports that eSCV, the Japanese open source EPOCH Super Cassette Vision emulator for Microsoft Windows, has been updated today. Below is a translation of the release notes and changes in this version.


    Each mnemonic reconfirming of the CPU is done. The マッピー and the like those which do not operate until now, reached the point where the game picture comes out. When you look at the place where it freezes midway, it seems that still is problem.


    Around sprite function of puzzle is many still, is. Being kind of to be able divide sprite into left and right not only the top and bottom, it does, but condition does not understand still well.

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

  3. retroguru.com reports that Hu-Go! for Nintendo GameCube, a port of the TurboGrafx 16 emulator, has been updated to version 0.0.1. Below are the features listed in the release notes for this now official public version.


    - Completely Re-Written Sound Engine

    - 16-bit Stereo 32Khz Sound

    - Load ROMS up to 2.5Mb

    - Save Battery RAM to Memory Card

    - DVD ROM Loading

    - Zip Archive Support (Single ROM per archive)

    - Horizontal Resolutions up to 320

    - Fast load Viper / Qoob

    - Linux & Win32 Binaries

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

  4. Emu#dreams reports that AppleWin, the open source Apple //e emulator for Microsoft Windows, has been updated to version Below are the changes in this version.


    - Public release

    - Fixed Apple][+ ROM (IRQ vector was vectoring to $FF59/OLDRST)

    - Added cmd-line switches (-f, -d1, -d2)

        - -f: full-screen

        - -dn <image>: Load a disk image into a drive. A disk in drive-1 will force a reboot.

    - Extended 6502 debugger (M1, M2, P0,...P4)

        - Mn <addr>: Memory window 1/2

        - Pn <zp-addr>: Display a zero-page pointer

        - Extended memory-dump to output SY6522/AY8910 regs with SYn/AYn, eg: M1 AY0

        - Added support for ACME symbol files

    - Phasor support (defaulting to Mockingboard mode, available in slots 4 & 5)

    - Display updated at ~60Hz (instead of 20Hz)

    - Emulation broken into 1ms units (instead of video-frame units)

    - Uses internal CPU emulator instead of DLLs (DLLs to be phased out)

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

  5. Emu#dreams reports that MAME Classic, the "first Windows Front-End for M.A.M.E. to feature independent default settings for raster and vector games", has been updated to version 3.4.2. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Fixed an issue that would not allow you to add a game to the favorites list if another game with a similar title was already in the list.

    - Fixed an issue where deleting a game from the favorites list might also delete another game with a similar title in the list.

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

  6. Emu#dreams reports that Virtual Aquarius, the Radofin Electronics Aquarius Home Computer System emulator for Microsoft Windows, has been updated to version 0.72. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Added ROM, cassette, and Quicktype images from several different sources.

    - Util/WAV->CAQ logger. It's enabled if ROM Hacks are enabled. With this selected, the emulator will write out a CAQ file for WAV data it attempts to read during a normal cload/cload* operation. Please note that cload truncates files when it reaches some number of nulls. Also, cload* truncates files when it reaches the end of the array it's loading. And, of course, the Aquarius tape format has no checksums or qualtiy-of-data checks, so it's entirely possible for framing errors to occur and you'd never know about it. Caveat Emptor. You might want to wait for someone to write a real WAV2CAQ utility.

    - Slightly changed WAV file handling, which, I hope, makes it more like the real computer. The real computer won't change state unless the input level hits a certain point, which smoothes out noise. Also, previous versions of the emulator were reading the waveform inverted; that's been fixed.

    - Fixed WAV loading to recognize WAVs written by programs that don't do the header right (which unfortunately includes most sound editors, but not the one I use so I didn't know about this problem).

    - The power up beep now works reliably. The emulation is now delayed until well after the window appears on the screen, but you didn't need to know that.

    - Full Screen mode can now access the menus. Right click on the full screen to toggle menus.

    - ROM Hacks are enabled by default. ROM Hacks provide emulation trapping for faster I/O for cassette input, cassette output, and printer output. This feature is available only when using the built-in S2 ROM.

    - Save RAM behavior changed; now the file is saved to the directory the program was run from.

    - Save RAM behavior changed; now filters memory through the cartridge scrambler.

    - Fixed a bug in which bringing up a dialog box would zero the AY sound registers.

    - You can't turn off the border any more. On the plus side, you got Full Screen mode. On the minus side, you need a better computer to run Virtual Aquarius. But then, your computer is probably newer than mine anyway (mine is from, like, 1998), and mine runs it just fine.

    - The sound buffers will attempt to resynch themselves when no sound has been playing for a while (a half-second or so). This is detected by the speaker clicker not being written to and by the three AY chip volumes being set to 0.

    - The POV hat can be used as the control disk in a modern USB joypad.

    - The Help/About box has my newer pictures on it. :D

    - Util/Load Binary -- This is useful for assembly language program development.

    - Util/Screenshot (F11)

    - Util/Full Screen mode (F12 to toggle)

    - Util/Paste -- this Quicktypes text that was on the text clipboard, i.e. Copy from Notepad and Paste onto Virtual Aquarius.

    - Some file access routines are smarter about remembering which file you were using last. It takes getting used to, but it really is better than before. Really.

    - The emulator should no longer crash when you have Configure/System Timing>Speed up when accessing files checked.

    - Soft Reset is now F9 on the keyboard.

    - Hard Reset is now Shift F9 on the keyboard.

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

  7. I am publicly releasing a little project I call: olafds. Below is information on olafds (taken from the homepage I've created for it).


    olafds is a nintendo ds emulator that does nothing more than emulate the nintendo ds's wifi capabilities. this program is used to communicate with other microsoft windows applications as though it were a nintendo ds (for those without a nintendo ds or without the proper utilities for the nintendo ds). examples of these types of applications would be: stephen stair's udp test program or infernods's ds chat.

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

  8. Emu#dreams reports that the Microsoft Windows port of MESS, the Multiple Emulator Super System, has been updated to version 0.103. Below are the changes in this release.


    System Driver Changes

    - [ADVISION] Added sound support. [Dan Boris]

    - [AMIGA] Fixed regression introduced in MESS 0.102. (bug #801) [Nate Woods]

    - [APPLE2P] Fixed BIOS. (bug #820) [Nick Westgate]

    - [ARCADIA] Added support for 12k cartridges, fixed a buffer overrun and enhanced sound generation. [irving Gould]

    - [AT486] Fixed regressions introduced in MESS 0.102. [Nate Woods]

    - [C128] Fixed regressions introduced in MESS 0.102. [Nate Woods]

    - [DGNBETA] Implemented MMU, keyboard and floppy support. [Phill Harvey-Smith]

    - [GAMEBOY] Fixed several games that did not loard properly. (bug #116) [Wilbert Pol]

    - [NES] PPU, palette reading, mapper and sprite handling enhancements and implemented some undocumented N2A03 opcodes. (bugs #810, #811) [Rob Bohms]

    - [NES] Switched to use the MAME NES APU implementation. [R. Belmont]

    - [PCE] Added imperfect sound. [Rob Bohms]

    - [sGI] Added a harddisk to the ip22 systems. [R. Belmont]

    - [sNES] Fixed save RAM to store and save properly, improved memory mapping improved raster timing, added HIRQ support and better VIRQ support, improved joypad support, DSP-1 support (including all subtypes), Counter latching support, fixed OAM read/write. [R. Belmont]


    User Interface Changes

    - [Windows GUI] Fixed a bug that prevented column width changes in the software picker from being saved. (bug #589) [Nate Woods]

    - [Windows GUI] Fixed a bug that caused "ghost filenames" to be introduced when using images with spaces in the filename. (bug #784) [Nate Woods]

    - [Windows GUI] Fixed a bug that could cause clones to not be ran due to software settings "spilling" over onto the clones. (bug #704) [Oliver



    Imgtool Changes

    - Implemented a feature that allows filters to qualify files, to see if they are appropriate for any given filter. [Nate Woods]

    - Updated Mac module; moved to floppy abstraction system, as well as support for directories and filters. MFS disk image creation now works. [Nate Woods]

    - Added support for modules to specify specific for icons. Enhanced the Mac module to support this feature. [Nate Woods]

    - [imgtool] Changed the Imgtool "put" command to require a destination argument, like the UNIX "cp" command. This is so that a directory argument can be properly specified. [Nate Woods]

    - [imgtool] Added the ability to get and put the boot block, as if it was a

    file called "??BOOT??". The FAT module has been enhanced to support this feature. [Nate Woods]

    - [Windows Imgtool] The insert file dialog will no longer let the user specify a file that does not exist (which was allowed, but eventually resulted in an error.) Also, fixed a few cosmetic errors. [Nate Woods]

    - [Windows Imgtool] The disk title is now displayed on the title bar, if present. [Nate Woods]


    Source Changes

    - The core is based on MAME 0.103. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]

    - Changed generic cartridge loading so that a ROM_LOAD_CART declaration can be placed in a ROM_REGION. This change makes cartridge loading be specified similar to BIOS loading, and makes things cleaner and more declarative. [Nate Woods]

    - Makefile tweaks. (bug #819) [Oliver Stoeneberg]

    - Added mandatory attribute to the device tags on the -listxml data. [Nate Woods]

    - Pruned out some redundant PORT_NAME declarations. [Justin Kerk]

    - [Messtest] Added a trace command, to emit debug traces. [Nate Woods]

    You can visit the official homepage of MESS here.

  9. The Emulation64 Network as well as mastag17 have reported that iDeaS, the Nintendo DS emulator for Microsoft Windows, has been updated to version Below are the changes in this version.


    - Added Video, Audio and 3D Plugin System (VERY primitive, ask before developing anything!)

    - Corrected some DSP ARM9 errors

    - Added si9 in ARM9 BIOS

    - Corrected some errors in extended palettes' management

    - Corrected an error in sprite drawing routines

    - Corrected some errors in Mode 3, 4, 5

    - Added Texture Modes 3, 4, 5

    - Corrected some errors in 3D FiFo management

    - Optimized texture management

    - Bug Fixes in TouchScreen management

    - Bug fixes in firmware emulation

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

  10. depends on what emulation scene you're talking about. everyone in the NES scene works together and documents as much as possible and shares information openly. MAME is open source for the arcade emulation community. lots of things are open source. i'm not too sure what you mean?

  11. emulation number 9 reports that Bochs, the open source IA-32 emulator, has been updated. Below is the official brief summary of the changes in this version (the full version is available here).


    - added virtual 8086 mode extensions (VME) implementation

    - several fixes/improvements in x86-64 emulation, debugger and disassembler

    - new serial mode 'socket' connects a network socket

    - IDE busmaster DMA feature for harddisks and cdroms completed and enabled

    - many improvements in Bochs emulated I/O devices (e.g. floppy, cdrom)

    - Updated LGPL'd VGABIOS to version 0.5d

    You can visit the official homepage of Bochs here, or simply download the Microsoft Windows version here.

  12. retroguru.com reports that PotatoArcade, the Java-based multiple arcade machine emulator, has been released (as version 0.0.4). Below are the release notes.


    A first version of PotatoArcade, the portable Java multiple arcade emulator is available for download. It supports 7 drivers as for now and is based on PotatoMulti 0.0.4. Enjoy this release!

    You can find out more information here, or simply download it here.

  13. AEP Emulation Page reports that GoodWork, the front-end for Cowering's GoodTools, has been updated to version 1.10. Below are the changes in this version (taken from AEP Emulation Page).


    - Is added ´ File Browser ´. Window for the survey and the discovery * have.txt, * miss.txt and other lists

    - Ways to *..ekhe to files and last working directory now are stored separately from the list of utilities (tools.ini) in paths.ini

    - Is added the possibility of the rapid removal * of..db of the file

    - Is added launch opportunity good- utility without the command (Start Without Command)

    - Some corrections and other insignificant changes

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

  14. AEP Emulation Page reports that VBA Link v1.72 LS, the open source VisualBoyAdvance variant with link capable emulation, has been updated to version 0.20. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Event type conditionality call of function (Conditional breakpoint) support. The decision with Boolean expression is possible.

    - The event setting with the range appointment of address (wide range breakpoint) that it tried it is possible.At the speed where the breakpoint installation for all the operation codes is realistic possibility (expectation).

    - Jointly using with チート function, there is no problem, the sea urchin it did, (the event that tried is not called).

    - Program counter correcting the fact that it cannot make operation good. In addition detailed correction.

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

  15. The Emulation64 Network reports that Pete's OpenGL2 PSX GPU plug-in (as well as Pete's XGL2 Linux PSX GPU) has been updated to version 2.8. Below are the release notes for version 2.8 (taken from The Emulation64 Network).


    - trickyfree suggested on my messageboard to have some different types of the display stretching. Ok, done: beside the old "full screen stretching" and "keep psx aspect ratio" modes, I've added two more ways to stretch the psx display to your screen.


    - ShadX and guest® are still doing amazing full screen shaders for the OGL2 plugin. Therefore you can find many shaders in the messageboard section of my site (http://www.pbernert.com). To make the shaders somewhat faster, they suggested to get additional pre-calculated values from the plugin. Done. Now the "OGL2InvSize" uniform is available for new GLslang shaders... let' em coming :cry:


    - Well, I have got a Geforce 6800 Ultra card over half a year ago, and while trying to make this baby sweat, I've added an "Ultra high" internal Y resolution mode. If you want to activate this, you will need a card with 4096x4096 texture size support (newer NV cards or ATI's 1XXXX ones), and 256 MB vram is also recommended. By the way: the rendering speed will still be very high with this new setting, but psx framebuffer effects can now last a couple of seconds (!!!). Therefore this "ultra" resolution is not really usable with psx games which are doing much FB effects. You are warned :huh:


    - In july 2003 I've started this PSX OGL2 plugin. Basic idea: don't map the psx drawing commands on-the-fly to the PC's gfx card's backbuffer (like my Standard OGL and D3D plugins are doing it), but to create a offscreen buffer in the same size as the real PSX GPU vram (or a multiple of it), and draw into that buffer. Well, by this time the only way to do this was to use "P-buffers" in OpenGL, and yeah, I got it to work nicely.

    Much later (spring 2005) a nicer way to handle offscreen buffers were added to the OpenGL specifications, called "framebuffer objects". FBOs promise a better speed, and are easier to handle than the clumsy P-buffers, so I finally decided to add them in my plugin as well. You can change the render mode in the plugin config, if you are looking for some more speed, but to be honest: on my system every PSX game runs like mad (without frame limitation), so I cannot tell if FBOs are really faster. You have to try it yourself...

    You can visit Pete's Domain here, or simply download the Windows version of the plug-in here (the Linux is here).

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