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Posts posted by olaf

  1. PDRoms reports that c64psp, the Commodore 64 emulator for the Sony Playstation Portable, has been updated to version 0.3. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Multiple screen modes (with vsync on firmware v1.5)

    - Full speed, stable C64 emulation (no need for PSP overclocking)

    - Excellent SID emulation

    - Quit key combination for firmware v2.0 users

    - Memory snapshot quickload and save

    - Increased game compatibility

    You can visit the official homepage of c64psp here, or simply download it here.

  2. AEP Emulation Page reports that Gens32, the multi-Sega console emulator for Microsoft Windows, has been updated to "Surreal" version 1.47 beta. Below are the release notes for this version.



    - OpenGL Suppported.Added some filters based on OpenGL.And a adjust scanlines option.Some problems still there,I will try to Fixed them later.

    - Added some Color maps



    - Updated colormaps

    You can visit the official homepage of Gens32 here, or simply download it here.

  3. AEP Emulation Page reports that B-EM, the open source BBC Micro emulator (for DOS, Mac OS X, and Windows), has been updated to version 1.0. Below are the changes in this version.


    - FDI support. Allows use of copy protected disc images. A few bugs in FDC emulation remain, however about 75% of FDI images dumped so far work.

    - Improvements to timing, Joust now works, along with some Kevin Edwards protected games.

    - Master Compact emulation (largely for some of the dumped FDI images).

    - Slight improvements to cassette emulation, loader on Joust now works, speedup now available.

    - Fixes and optimisations to ARM emulation.

    You can visit the official homepage of B-EM here.

  4. retroguru.com reports that VICE2X, a port of VICE (the Commodore64 emulator) to the GP2x, has been released. This test version of VICE2X was done by Snaff. Below are the release notes.


    This is an early release for preview/test purposes. Currently there's no UI, you have to edit the startup script to specify what you want to load.


    The only input available is the joystick. The right shoulder button toggles between ports 1 and 2. Fire when the joystick is in port 1 is the same as pressing space so gets past most intros.

    You can visit the official homepage of VICE2X here, or simply click here to download it.

  5. AEP Emulation Page reports that Mocha, the Java-based TRS-80 Color Computer (CoCo) emulator, has been updated to version 1.16. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Fixed various issues with undocked applet.

    - Added another complex-artifacting optimization.

    - Drawing the bounded-mouse currently doesn´t work in full-screen exclusive mode...there seems to be a bug when using JFrame instead of Frame. Researching.

    You can visit the official homepage of Mocha here.

  6. AEP Emulation Page reports that JEmu2, the Java-based multiple arcade machine emulator, has been updated to version 1.9. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Added Jr. Pacman with support for online high scores.

    - Added Diamond Run to the Ghosts ´n Goblins driver.

    - Added Zig Zag (a Dig-Dug clone) to the Galaxians driver.

    - Added Pacman Plus to the Pacman driver, with support for online high scores.

    - Replaced many CottAGE drivers with new and improved ones (though not all CottAGE drivers have been replaced yet).

    - Ghosts ´n Goblins now supports Y-Scrolling, and other graphics bugs were fixed.

    - Fixed video glitches in Black Tiger and Kung-Fu Master.

    - Fixed sprite colors in the the Galaxians Driver.

    - Added support for sample loops, fixing sound in Space Invaders.

    - Rendering and gfx decoding is now faster, resulting in a performance boost of up to about 50% in some drivers.

    - Updated the LWJGL library to the latest version, which should hopefully fix some compatibility problems (´pixel format errors´).

    - Fixed minor brightness/contrast issue in some games (affecting Snow Brother, Black Tiger and others).

    You can visit the official homepage of JEmu2 here.

  7. AEP Emulation Page reports that BeebEm, the BBC Micro and Master 128 emulator for Microsoft Windows, has been updated to version 3.1 beta 1. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Added econet emulation. Still a few issues to iron out, it does not work in Master 128 mode yet but the Acorn level 1 file server software works in Model B mode. Note that the default DFS ROM in Model B mode has been changed to the Acorn DNFS ROM.

    - Added some more command line options. The hardware model and tube support can be specified on the command line. See the notes in readme.txt.

    - Fixed default read value for IO pages FRED and JIM. Fixes graphics corruption in tape version of Alien 8.

    - Fixed bug in video emulation where it was attempting to display one too many lines causing visual artifacts (thanks to Phil Sainty for

    highlighting this one).

    You can visit the official homepage of BeebEm here, or simply download version 3.1 beta 1 here.

  8. AEP Emulation Page reports that the fifth intermediate release of MAME, the "Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator", v0.102 is now available. Below are the changes in this release.






    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed


    dspirit099u2yel [bUT]

    mjkjidai097u2gre [Mamesick]

    suprnova0102u4red [Aaron Giles]

    nbmj8991c095u2yel [Mamesick]

    grchamp055yel [Hans Andersson]

    grchamp137b12gre [Hans Andersson]

    grchamp237b12gre [Hans Andersson]

    vulcan137b1gre (part 2, and maybe parts 4 and 5) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    gunlock097u2yel [Nicola Salmoria]

    gekirido096u3gre [Nicola Salmora]

    ssi061gre [Nicola Salmoria]

    ssi137b2gre [Nicola Salmoria]

    ctribe088u4gra [Mamesick]

    groundfx068gra [Mamesick]

    tengai062gre [AWJ]




    Source Changes


    Fixed bug in discrete filtering code. [Frank Palazzolo]


    Fixed speedup for znpwfv so that it boots once again. [Mariusz Wojcieszek]


    Improvements to cuoreuno and elephfam: [Roberto Fresca]

    * Corrected videoram and colorram (now can see the nvram initialization).

    * Corrected the CPU frequency to 2 MHz.

    Still not working...


    Fixed Playchoice/VSNES drivers. [Rob Bohms]


    Hooked up the same NES APU implementation in both MAME and MESS. Also correctd the memory mapping of the APU in the Playchoice 10 driver. [R. Belmont]


    Hooked up Psikyo 4 PCM banking. [Anonymous]


    Significant improvements to the Grand Champion driver: [Hans Andersson]

    * Tunnel headlights

    * Corrected rain effect

    * Corrected colors

    * Added speech

    * Improved collision detection (removed false collision when lightning)

    * Improved fog effect

    * Added skeleton code for motor noise

    * Fixed graphic glitch in bottom row

    * Corrected CPU speed for Cpu board / Game board


    Added simulated version of the N64 PIF boot rom to the Aleck64 driver, so the cartridges now boot properly, though the cartridge CRC check fails on both games. [Ville Linde]


    Fixed instruction alignment in the old debugger. Also added support for 64-bit qword display. [AWJ]


    Fixed timing between CPU and MCU in chaknpop. In previous driver, you will notice problems in stages with water and coffee break (not always). New driver fixes it but it is not perfect about timing. [bUT]


    Added sound to Honey Doll. [David Haywood]


    Changed activecpu_dasm() and activecpu_dasm_new() so that they "function" even if the getinfo handler does not specify CPUINFO_PTR_DISASSEMBLE nor CPUINFO_PTR_DISASSEMBLE_NEW. [Nathan Woods]


    Completed the X-Multiply DIP switches. [Roberto Fresca]


    Moved m6809, hd6309 and z80 disassemblers to the new interface, and did some cleanups. [Nathan Woods]


    Fixed the SUBW H flag in the SPC700 core. [Rob Bohms]


    Added missing functionality needed to get rsgun working. [Olivier Galibert]


    SP0250 update: [Nicola Salmoria]

    * Added SP0250 speech chip to 3 Stooges.

    * Streamlined the SP0250 emulation to avoid timing issues which were preventing 3 stooges from working.

    * Fixed glitches in the speech that were caused by not resetting the filter stages when a speech frame is loaded.

    * Made the SP0250 support the external clock rate

    * Changed the playback rate to match the real board by making the clock divider a reasonable number.


    Added new debugger command ´map´, which tells logical -> physical mappings as well as what read/write handlers are connected to an address. Also added ´mapd´ and ´mapi´ for performing the same operation on data and I/O space. [Aaron Giles]


    More Voodoo updates: [Aaron Giles]

    * fixed overflow in 1/W calculation that messed up some textures

    * added missing color combine mode used by Gauntlet Dark Legacy


    Fixed subtle bug in the MIPS3 recompiler that prevented Tenth Degree from working. [Aaron Giles]


    Implemented some more functionality of the ADSP-2181 needed for Road Burners. [Aaron Giles]




    New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status


    Mosaic (F2 System) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    Vs. Hot Smash [Nicola Salmoria]

    Noah´s Ark [David Widel]

    Top Roller [Tomasz Slanina]

    Squash (Ver. 1.0) [David Haywood, Mike Coates, Nicola Salmoria]




    New clones added


    California Speed (Version 2.1a) [Reznor007]

    Gauntlet Dark Legacy (version DL 2.52) [Reznor007]

    Tenkomori Shooting (Japan) [Guru]

    Soul Calibur [sOC11/VER.B] [smf]

    Tekken Tag Tournament (TEG3/VER.C1) [smf]

    Quiz [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    King of Gladiator (The King of Fighters ´97 bootleg)

    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (The King of Fighters 2001 bootleg)

    King Of Fighters 10th Anniversary (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)

    The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (The King of Fighters 2002 bootleg)

    Lansquenet 2004 (Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad bootleg)




    New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING


    Real Battle Mahjong King [Tomasz Slanina, David Haywood]

    Little Robin [David Haywood, Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    Ghoul Panic (OB2/VER.A) [Guru]

    Knights of Valour 2

    Mame 102u5 diff file here.

    MAME32 v0.102u5 is available here.

    MAMEinfo.dat v0.102u5 -> HERE

    MAMEplus! -> HERE

    MAME32FX -> HERE

    MAME32Hp4 -> HERE

    MAMEplusSpecial is available (no link)

  9. EmulationHQ reported yesterday that PocketNES, the Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for Nintendo GameBoy Advance, has been unofficially updated. This unofficial version, for the GameBoy Advance Movie Player now sees it's third release. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Now you edge play with Kirby.

    - Supports SRAM saving. Use L+R to save. Yew you don't use L+R, it doesn't save. L and R short props broken? Use pocketnes key to change.

    - Does not yet support savestates.

    You can find out more information on PocketNES for the GBA Movie Player here.

  10. PDRoms reports that Neopop GP2x, the port of NeoPop to the GP2x, has been updated to version 2.0. It was just ported today, but now we see a second release today. Below are the changes in this update.


    - Fixed the diagonal controls

    - Implemented an extension

    - Cleared the cursor in the corner

    You can find out more information on Neopop GP2x here.

  11. AEP Emulation Page reports that Wine, the open source implementation of the Windows API for X and Unix, has been updated to version 0.9.4. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Improvements to the IDL compiler.

    - Some infrastructure work for loadable driver support.

    - The usual assortment of Direct3D improvements.

    - IME support in the edit control.

    - Better support for AVI animations.

    - Debugging support improvements.

    - Relay traces now work on NX platforms.

    You can visit the official homepage of Wine here.

  12. The Emulation64 Network reports that GameEx, the DirectX front-end (for MAME, ZiNc, Daphne, PC Games, and all command line based emulators), has been updated to version 5.32. Below are the changes in this release.


    - I spent a fair bit of time trying optimize memory usage and clean things up resulting in possibly a slightly leaner and faster GameEx.

    - It uses 5-25 MB less ram now. For me anyway.

    - Startup is quicker if using Jukebox in Windows Media player mode, at least by 1-2 seconds.

    - It seems to run a fair bit faster on my laptop.

    - Theres a new theme variation in the install, BlueEx - Snap. Nothing too special

    - I fixed the issues with the BlueEx MCE theme overriding the MCE startup and exit mode.

    - The default theme is no longer animated as there were reports that this slowed things down, although I've no real idea why.

    - I've added a default - animated theme.

    - Anyone complaining of bloat (and not from Christmas chocolate), please at least give this version a go.

    You can visit the official homepage of GameEx here or simply download it here.

  13. PDRoms reports that K-teto has updated Gnuboy2x, the port of Gnuboy (the Nintendo GameBoy/GameBoy Color emulator) to the GP2x, to version 0.4b. Below are the release notes on this version.


    I don't have a webpage right now, so... tracking the changes is difficult, i know. But when gnuboy2x 0.3b was just added to the news here, 0.4b was out already. And here you have it, with better sound, faster screen code and many bugfixes. And more important, HARDWARE SCALING for full screen gameboy madness, yeah, you like it b*tch.

    You can find out more information here, as well as download Gnuboy2x.

  14. Emu#dreams reports that Olivier Galibert and Aaron Giles have made progress in developing for MAME, the "Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator". Below is a quote from Arbee's WIP Emporium about Olivier Galibert's WIP news.


    This is not my WIP, this is courtesy of Olivier Galibert. He’s figured out the A-bus protection used by ST-V Radiant Silvergun. Now, Haze requires me to tell you before you get all excited that it’s unbelievably slow right now, on the order of 10 FPS on my fast P4 (that’s why I’m not showing much gameplay, no patience. It really is there though). Mariusz may be able to speed-cheat it into a more reasonable state or he may not. Stay tuned :-)


    UPDATE: Haze, who clearly doesn’t mind playing sub-10 FPS shooters, has posted several more screens.

    Below is a quotation of Aaron Giles' work-in-progress news post.


    was working again in 0.102u4, which is a good sign. A couple more fixes and Gauntlet Dark Legacy was working again — at least as well as it had been before, which is to say fine until you actually got in-game, at which point all the environment graphics were drawn all-black.


    Looking into this problem a bit more revealed that the Dark Legacy engine had added light maps to the rendering, using a multiplication between two textures to produce the final result. The Voodoo rasterizers support this just fine, but what was new is that they were now using a new mode in the Voodoo 2 which specifically selects the texture color rather than a color computed through other means. Since this mode didn't exist in the original Voodoo, the code was just using '0' for this case and producing a black background. Adding support for this made the graphics appear. Yay!


    Next task was to figure out why Tenth Degree no longer worked.


    It used to, and I was sure it was due to the Voodoo rewrite. I spent quite a bit of time looking into that, assuming I was returning an incorrect value from the status register or something. Turns out I was completely wrong. Instead, an "optimization" I had made to the MIPS dynarec core a while back had a subtle side effect. The problem was literally with the particular opcode:


    slti  r2,r3,$1


    In the old dynarec core, that was translated as:


    mov  eax,[r3.lo]

    mov  edx,[r3.hi]

    sub  eax,1

    sbb  edx,0

    shr  edx,31

    mov  [r2.hi],0

    mov  [r2.lo],edx


    The optimization I added was to convert code that subtracted 1 from a register to use the dec opcode instead, since it is more compact. So the new code was:


    mov  eax,[r3.lo]

    mov  edx,[r3.hi]

    dec  eax

    sbb  edx,0

    shr  edx,31

    mov  [r2.hi],0

    mov  [r2.lo],edx


    which is 4 bytes smaller, taking up less instruction/trace cache space. Multiply this over a lot of generated code and it has an impact. The problem is that dec eax is not quite the same as sub eax,1. Specifically, dec does not set the carry flag, meaning that the sbb instruction that followed would never "borrow" from the high word, messing up the math.


    So with that, Tenth Degree is working again, and better than ever. One thing I discovered in my recent research is that if certain values (red, green, blue, alpha, Z, and W) overflow during triangle rasterization, they are allowed to wrap in a slightly odd fashion. For example, if the red component increases from $FF to $100 to $101 over the course of several pixels, you would expect it to wrap from $FF to $00 to $01. But the internal microcode in the Voodoo actually checks explicitly for $100 and clamps it to $FF, while allowing $101 to wrap to $01. So what you actually get is a transition from $FF to $FF to $01.


    Why is this important? Well, let's say you are drawing a triangle such that the leftmost pixel has a red value of 0.0 and the rightmost pixel has a red value of 1.0. Converting these values to integers between 0-255 means the left value is $00 and the right value is $100. If the Voodoo allowed simple wrapping, that last pixel would be drawn as $00, showing up as an ugly black pixel right next to a bright red one. The simple clamping logic allows for a bit of slop of 1 on either the high or low side without producing artifacts.


    The upshot is that if you run an old build of MAME and look at Tenth Degree, you'll see lots of artifacts — unsightly black or white pixels that shouldn't be there. Implementing this clamping logic turns out to fix these problems. Mace: The Dark Age also suffered from the same problem to a lesser degree. I bet the Tenth Degree engine was based off of the Mace engine.

    You can visit Arbee's WIP Emporium here and Aaron Giles' Home Page here.

  15. retroguru.com reports that Gnuboy2x, the port of Gnuboy to the GP2x, has been updated to version 0.3b. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Screen and controls code using rlyeh's minilib, sound is using SDL yet.

    - controls 100% ok with diagonals.

    - No volume control yet.

    - Minor fixes.

    - Compressed with rlyeh's gpecomp 0.2.

    You can find out more information here.

  16. AEP Emulation Page reports that VBA v1.7.2 Re-recording, the Visual Boy Advance enhancement (for recording), has been updated to version 17. Below are the release notes on this version.


    - fixed movie loading and PNG saving problems of v16

    - made frame count (and whole display) update when pausing at full speed during a skipped frame

    - made "automatic update" checked by default in the memory viewer

    - fixed some non-win32 code in gb.cpp and movie.h

    You can find out more information here.

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