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Everything posted by Inky

  1. Mafia 2. I am right around the halfway point. the only thing I don't like is there isn't much to do outside the main story.
  2. Wednesdays is Taco night at Riker's Island
  3. what if every weebo on earth simultaneously exploded? would it be a bigger explosion then Nagasaki? would Final Fantasy and Pokemon games still sell?
  4. I've had a big girl or two in my day. Never a real heffer just chunky I guess. hahah. it's all the same. Big girls try harder to please you. and they can usually cook too. a skinny bones bitch can't cook nuthin'. the perfect girl is whoever you can get to put up with your bullshit.
  5. you should feel bad gryph. BAD GRYPH! (smacks nose with rolled up magazine.)
  6. stab the guards with a shiv when they let you out for a shower and make your escape.
  7. right now I am so tired I could fall asleep right here at my desk in front of my boss and not even care.
  8. this is where my problem lies. this guy came and dumped his shit in our doorstep. it's not the first time either. I remember at least one other "poor me" thread. But he doesn't care, yadda, yadda, yadda. why the fuck are you sharing your bullshit with us if you don't care what we think or how our day has been or whatever else. This forum is really built on a core group of people who have at least a passing interest in each other's lives. the day to day narration far outways the talk of roms and emulators. I'd be willing to bet 75% of this forums members haven't fired up an emulator in years. we stay around here cuz we are "internet friends" and just like real friends when you post your problems expect equal parts ribbing and advise. you get that and turn fucking hostile. what was your intention with this thread? a pity party? real advise? what? If I hear you cry one more time about sitting in your room I am gonna pop a blood vessel. the door is open, no one is blocking you from the world except your own bad attitude.
  9. you don't care about anyone or anything. yet you feel we should hear and offer advise on you're pissing and moaning? priceless.
  10. I may have to suck it up and buy a ps3.
  11. I find it hard to suspend my disbelief with Salt. I don't care, an 80 pound anorexic can't beat the fuck out of 100+ CIA and secret service agents.
  12. One of these days.... POW to the MOON!
  13. since it is just a usb key. it's obviously some kind of executable. sooner or later it will get dumped and hit the net. then you should be able to use any usb key
  14. It's about time. But price is ridiculous and it's still up in the air as to whether it is legit or not. if it turns out to be legit and the price comes down or a competitor comes along to undercut I'd be interested.
  15. if he wrecks it's cuz he's gay.
  16. hey I try not to flood the feed with all the bullshit. I need frontierville anon
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