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Everything posted by DreamCastLover

  1. Hey you can say how you feel. I mean there is a difference between debate and fighting. If it gets out of hand then someone can lock it. And considering where you live I can understand why you would feel so strongly about this subject.
  2. Japanese version is due Q3 2003 so I would guess we will see it in the next couple of months. As for American/Europe versions we are probably looking at a 2004 release
  3. I've done the same thing in the past too. It's good to take a break. I hope you come back soon though as you are the topic creating master around here
  4. I dance and I don't dance well. I don't mind making an arse of myself though. That is half the fun! Come on, dance for me! *shoots bullets at your feet
  5. I've been playing the following: GBA - Wario Ware Xbox - Morrowind Dreamcast - Headhunter & Samba de Amiga Gamecube - Timesplitters 2 PC - Grim Fandango I actually wish there were more hours in the day so I would be able to play all my games properly. I never seem to have the time to sit down for more than 30 minutes.
  6. I would say the USA but only because they show great inconsistency in how they deal with "evil". Evil being the word used by Bush and not myself. By defining America as "good" and others as "evil" he is basically absolving the USA of any previous or current atrocities. It's completely irresponsible. And by inconsistency I mean it's one rule for one tyrant and another rule for the next. People around the world see this inconsistency every day and I think that is why anti-American feeling grows all the time. It's sad really because the USA is such a freaking great place!
  7. I usually use Imation, Sony, Memorex or TDK. I don't really notice a big difference with any of them as I've only ever burned coasters due to me messing something up. All my cd/r and cd/rw still work too, even an imation one full of NES roms that I put in the washing machine by accident
  8. I used to love Banzai but then it got a bit boring because it was the same sort of thing all the time. Is US version as the UK version? or have they redone it with American celebrities? I'm guessing nobody would know who half the people were in the UK show.
  9. It's just more scare tactics. They were effective for a day before everyone started file sharing again They have sued about 5 people in the whole history of sueing p2p users. So far the biggest fine was around $7500 for a guy who was sharing over one million files. ONE MILLION!!!! I think most of us are safe
  10. Well I took it that you were talking about the hypocrisy that would be being deeply religious and yet not adverse to a bit of stealing If I missed some deeper irony then I can only blame that I'm up late
  11. Well put and sadly true...
  12. You know what? I had a feeling that Double Dash might not be as good as everyone was expecting Having said that I could live with it if the multiplayer is as good as you seem to be hinting. Also as you pointed out, the game isn't finished and there is still time for lots of tweaking. Nintendo rarely release poor games. On the Snes vs N64 version debate it's a pretty easy decision for me. I hated the N64 version, especially the battle mode (why the big stupid huge arenas?). Mario Kart on the Snes (and the gameboy advance too, especially with the extra tracks ) is the definitive version. On a seperate but kinda related note, I hope Nintendo don't turn F-Zero into a wipeout clone. It does look amazing from the videos though
  13. Sad but not really a shock. You can't be that fat and expect to live till a long age
  14. That's a really good point. I will need to remember that one next time I am getting preached to.
  15. Well done IJTF_Cinder and Baseley, you should probably be working for a computer magazine or something Your knowledge (even without including flukes ) is vaaaaaaaaaaast. New image going up
  16. Yeah happy 4th of July to all the American posters (even though it's now the 5th where I am)
  17. Is the game you are in exclusive to one console?
  18. Tennis. I just can't watch Golf as it is so incredibly boring. I don't mind playing golf though as it's pretty relaxing and you get to be out in the fresh air.
  19. I really want to get this on import. It looks excellent! Plus there aren't many gamecube releases im looking forward to until October here, so I need games to play.
  20. I can confirm this works but that it's really damn hard to do. I used to do it when I was bored and little and the main problem is that ants don't stay still so its hard to actually get them in line with the beam. another good method is to use a deoderant can and a cigarette lighter. Your own personal flame thrower. Note: I don't condone making this as it may explode in your face and cause you lots of pain
  21. Ah you dont have squeeze all of the rpg into 2 hour. You can do Final Fantasy VII, DISK 1 - See how cloud knows his true self Final Fantasy VII, Disk 2 - Watch them get giant Materia Final Fantasy VII, Disk 3 - Watch them kill Sephroroth YAH! lol They already had a tekken movie out. It was all in anime/manga. It was b ased on Tekken 2 and It wasn't that bad. true. I don't think it could compete with Lord of the Rings though And yeah I have seen the anime tekken movie. It was pretty decent. So was the Streetfighter anime. It's just the live action ones that are no good.
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