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Elazul Yagami

1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. do me a favor. try not to kill any innocents. I don't kill innocents. Standing in my way is a crime Punishable by the Death Penalty in that case i should expect quite a few deaths.
  2. do me a favor. try not to kill any innocents.
  3. i updated a few days ago when richard jeni died.
  4. no actually i don't. i quit watching porn AND jacking off over 4 years ago. and i quit as a matter of willpower.... the first few months were hell. but i managed by keeping myself busy. and i didn't do it for a religious reason or any thing like that. personally i believe we cannot allow our bodies urges to control our mind, rather it should be the other way around.
  5. found this on a site... very hilarious if you ask me:
  6. i forgot to add something; and it makes you less willing to deal with the responsibilities and crap that hafta do with everyday living... henceforth you end up depressed, the opposite of what they're supposed to do. since porn is a quick and easy release,that requires no more of you than to download it, or buy it or rent it or borrow it or something, you end up less willing to put any effort into a real relationship because of the bullshit it naturally entails.
  7. perfectly said in my opinion really. see the thing people don't notice, is for example, i'm not against drug use, you wanna do drugs, go ahead, but personally, i don't do alcohol or drugs for one main reason; when you're high or drunk, you're feeling AMAZINGLY good. then when you're sober, even if there's nothing to depress you, you end up depressed because you don't feel as euphoric as you did when you were high or drunk. so real life becomes more or less a pain in the ass, because you're not high or drunk. same works for porn.
  8. i quit watching porn a few years ago. i personally felt that in a way, it was desenitzing me... and you'll even observe the trends, for most people, who haven't seen a girl naked, they want to see a girl naked, once they're used to it, they want to see her masturbate, then once they're used to taht, they want to see her flocked, then when they're used to that, they want to see her flocked in the ass... etc and so on and so forth. i'm one of those romantics that believe sex should only be for love (or there's no difference between us and animals) and should only be to express love to someone you wouldn't feel bad about being with and not flocking ( in other words, you'd be ok being around this person without pootang). oh and wierdy, on your child molestation cycle, then who molested the first kid?
  9. and rapists have an extra incentive/detteriant.
  10. Accurate description. Demo doesn't let you play NOD. I was sad. Only took an hour to download--had to find a website where I could get full speed on it though. can you link said site?
  11. you know what. i'm an egyptian american, and personally i'm flocking sick and tired of americans complaining about how their government is screwing them, how the RIAA is getting laws passed...etc i'm also sick and tired of people worldwide complaining aobut their goverments. apparently, somewhere along the lines, people forgot that governments are made to serve the people, not the other way around. if you don't like a law, HAVE IT CHANGED. the only reason the corporate bastards manage to get laws that flock the people passed, is because they try and because the people themselves are apathetic and allow the lobbyists and others to get their way. seriously, i don't vote for any senator or president that i even THINK is gonna fleece the people. i actually vote Green when i can. and actually the only 'democracy" in the world with a weak green party is the usa... go figure.
  12. i suggest you practice alot on wires and such before you actually try solidering it if you don't have experience.
  13. do you mean the nes one or the xbox one? cause i never had a control problem witht he nes one.
  14. what's the big deal with words? i'm a sand nigger, blacks are niggers, white people honkeys and crackers, oriental asians yellow bellys and charlies, hindus... um whatever slur they have... am i forgetting anyone? what is the big flocking deal with the words? it's not the word itself, it's the context behind it, it's the person that USES the word. i worked at applebees a few years back and had a friend called vincent working as an expo... everytime i'd walk in the kitchen to grab an order, i'd greet him with an insult (white ass was the most popular), and he'd respond with another (akky being his favorite). it never bugged us at all. we laughed at it, it was fun. (although a co worker once asked me if i was insulting his race, but she was a biatch anyway). so what's the big flocking deal?
  15. i wonder if there are any others. i've seen them a while back, but i wanna see more i alsp wanna see more of "street fighter the latter years" and stuff like "mario and luigi in vice city" <--- F()cking Hilarious.
  16. You know, i was thinking... what HAVEN"T the authorities done to make sure things don't become stable in iraq? i mean, look at all the STUPID mistakes done from the beginning of the war: 1- going to war in the first place. 2- hailing american flags in Iraq instead of solid color flags when they secure an area (cause CONQUERORS hail their contries flag, not "liberators") 3- attempting to change the iraqi flag (which regardless of the regime, iraqi's like) to a flag that looks TOO close to the israel flag for comfort (was the flag cancelled btw?) 4- Failing to protect musems and other places of cultural value, while rushing to protect oil fields... really if you're trying to convince people that you're NOT there for the oil, shouldn't you attempt to protect their culture? i mean, a person can walk off with an art piece, but what's the big deal if they walk off with a gallon or two of unrefined oil? 5- media reporting shia-sunni differences, even though the reality of it is, that every religious and political leader in iraq have told everyone that sunnis didn't bomb a mosque, and shias didn't kill the sunnis (in otherwords, that there is no beef between sunni's and shiaas) also ignoring the fact that 20% of iraqi marrigies are shia-sunni. 6- Executing saddam in the manner that they did. edit: 7- Allowing Neo-Nazis and Racists into the army because recruiters are under such heavy load that they can't be selective. 8- Mishandling soliders that committ illegal acts such as rape. 9- changing the iraqi currency that had some value worldwide, to Iraqi "dollars" that have less value than a yen. anyone else think of any?
  17. The protocol isnt illegal true but the links that the torrents link to can be illegal . Therefore since the rules here are you cannnot ask for or post links to roms, iso's, warez which mean you cannot posts torrent sites that has those type of files for download . well yeah true, but siting the using filetype: torrent method in google, wouldn't telling someone to google something (like roms) be illegal? (btw, i'm in no way trying to flock things around, i'm just trying to make sense of things, and understand why more)
  18. that's kinda my point. see the way i look at it, your avatar is a copyright violation (sega dreamcast), my avatar is a copyright violation (neil gaiman's sandman), Cinder's avatar is a copyright violation (Marvel/capcom). there are a million things on this site (and indeed almost every site on the net) that could constitute copyright violation
  19. cinder, i know it's against the rules, i was asking WHY is it against the rules. stating that it's against the rules in response to my question of why it's against the rules is kinda moot isn't it? the point is, linking to google, linking to images, linking to a bunch of things can lead to copyrighted material, as long as you're not actually giving download links, how would it be against the law to state something that can be found easily using ANY search engine?
  20. you know, not to hijack a topic, but why is linking to torrent sites against the rules? i mean surely 1emulation can't be shut down for saying the name of a torrent site can it? that would be like closing 1emulation down for saying "google" back on topic, which private ones do you need? pm me.
  21. well, i'm 13 hours into the new year. doesn't seem any different to me. but happy new year everyone, let's hope it's not as crappy as last year.
  22. you know, flock saddam. seriously, flock him in his now dead Arsehole. but the fact that they choose to hang him at the time of el Eid prayer, was just an insult plain and simple. it wasn't a "gift" or "justice" to his victims (just ask the kurds what they think), it was an insult... besides has anyone ever heard of someone sentenced to death being killed so soon? if he and his accomplices were convicted of the same crime, then why are they going to be hanged in january instead of with him? it is IMPOSSIBLE for the iraqi court to have ordered him killed on eid, because the iraqi constitution (as well as the constitutions of almost all the arab or muslim countries) bans death sentences being carried out on the three days of eid for religous reasons. Eid is the time of year where some criminals are usually pardoned by governments. another thing that was really wrong : "Then Saddam began reciting the Shahada, a Muslim prayer that says there is no god but God and Muhammad is his messenger, according to an unabridged copy of the video clip, which was posted on a website. Saddam made it to midway through his second recitation of the verse. His last word was Muhammad. Then the floor dropped out of the gallows." at any muslim based execution, the condemned is allowed to say the shehada 3 times before they're killed, and those carrying out the sentence CANNOT kill a person in the middle of the shehada. they violated both. seriously, i've always wanted saddam dead, but the way it happened... is just wrong. read this article : http://www.aljazeera.com/me.asp?service_ID=12510
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