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Elazul Yagami

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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. acually, there was a prototype game like that, made to test the idea, it failed miserably... it felt too much like a one on one fight using fists in a fps. it was VERY hard to see the action.
  2. ikaru is also a good movie ( i think thtat was it's name) it's an old 1950's movie about a guy who knows he's goioing to die and spends his last few days working for a cause.
  3. yeah but for some odd reason, i feel like a shmuck going to a movie alone... usually i have more fun when i go with my buddies or my gf.. but oh well. (i rememeber we went to downfall, and while it's a good movie, we were making fun of the whole movie and the whole theater was laughing at what we were saying... we didn't do it in an obnoxious way, we usually don't cause crap in theaters but when we went, that's what happened)
  4. ah flock. i didn't know it was chinese... oh well the best korean movie? Old boy. if you haven't seen it, go do so NOW. casshern any good? i was gonna download it a while back, but then i ignored it for some reason.
  5. Chrono trigger Super mario world super metroid Seiken Densatsu 2 (secret of mana) Seiken Densatsu 3 Earthbound Secret of evermore (come on, it ruled.) super mario kart metal warriors super mario rpg yoshi's island megaman x, x2, x3 streetfighter2 Super castlevania 4 (that GAME RULED) shadowrun breath of fire 1 & 2 axelay zelda crap i can't recall a game i had that i didn't love
  6. you're supposed to select the empty box i believe... here's one i found: Anita --Set the game to free play. --Press and hold down credit switch #1. --Press start and go to character select screen. --Enter the following: strong, jab O- short, forward --Let go of the credit switch Obviously, you need the help of the arcade operator or a board of your own, because you have to muck around with the insides. Also, Anita appears on the win portrait if you finish your 20th, 60th, or 100th opponent with an Infinity Special. Ditto for Gouki on the 40th win. Lin-Lin (Lei-Lei's sister) appears if you do the same on your 80th win. After finishing your 108th opponent (!!) with an IS, 8 Lin-Lins appear in all the selectable colors.
  7. yeah, we can't help you without knowing which build you're using. some of the builds require extra dll files and such, and some of them might be misconfigured.
  8. According to Neil of Romhacking.net SMILE 1.0 has been released. Homepage Download
  9. smb smb3 warcraft 3 (both roc and tft) hero's quest god damn there are so many. oh oh oh, KING OF FIGHTERS!
  10. we need (but don't want) more laws like this. of course if each country seriously started actually using alternative methods of power generation (like windmills, water currents, sun panels...etc) then they could probably use whatever minimal energy is generated from those methods to cover that 8%
  11. everything sans country and rap (i like older rap though) but mainly metal metal and more metal. Metal (all spectrums) rock. and a everything else.
  12. no, but i'm mainly VERY VERY worried about my friends over there that i can't reach, and i cannot accept that the suffering they're going through should be considered "ok"
  13. you're the one changing your words, you said "Everyone considers hizbollah a terrorist organization" i said no, not everyone does, and you proved that yourself with what you posted (last i checked, usa, israel,canada and uk were not "everyone' ) now you're saying the eu wants it disarmed,but it doesn't consider it a terrorist organization (they consider one of it's leaders as a terrorist yes, but not the whole organization) yes they want it disarmed and incorporated into the lebanese army, yes, they want hizbollah under command of the central goverment and not an autonomous entity. you're not providing me with proof, you're providing me with your opinion. just because four countries consider it a terrorist organization doesn't make it a majority, the eu wants it disarmed, yes i'll agree with that, but i wont' say " oh the whole world thinks it's a terrorist organization cause four countries say so, and the eu supports it being disarmed." you didn't expose my lack of knowledge, you exposed your OWN. oh, and i never disagreed that hizbollah are a threat to peace and stability, in fact, i'd be insane to say otherwise. and what i'm stating is biased, is basically regurgitated news and idf statements, which no sane person would consider "fact" when exactly did i say it was good for lebanon? i said it WAS good for lebanon, i never said it IS good for lebanon, or are you just putting words in my mouth. Hmm, psychological warfare, mass punishments ? anything like that make sense? you want a list of NON military targets that israel has attacked? you want a list of condemnations by military experts around the world that said that they shouldn't have attacked those structures unless they were attacking lebanon itself? does it not make sense that israel is punishing the residents of lebanon and gaza for having hamas and hizbollah? keep in mind, there are 2000-5000 hizbollah fighters in TOTAL. http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,,1825670,00.html forget explaining everything else, can you explain to me a milk factory? can you explain to me a procter and gamble warehouse, a TISSUE PAPER FACTORY?? and then proceeded to destroy any way of evacuation eh? yes, " i'm warning you, if you don't get out of your house, it's going to be burned down, but i locked all the doors and am shooting at your windows" well, if you quoted idf statements as fact, then i guess theres no harm in quoting lebanese offical statements as fact eh? i mean, i guess the lebanese would know about their own country than the israelis would know about lebanon, right? and yes, the media is inacurrate on all forms, that's why you see several sources and read up actual facts on situations from other ways. you just more or less quoted idf statements. Yes, terrorists need to be dealt with force, i agree with that 100% but like i said, hizbollah is a terrorist organization in israel's eyes, Israel is a terrorist country in hizbollah's eyes, should they both meet one another with force and not negotiate? after all, it's a matter of prespective now isn't it? (read between the lines, in all my previous posts, i'm trying to say that this won't solve anything for israel, but rather cause more problems for it.) but again, you said palestinian (and forgot lebanese) criminals. what makes them criminals? that they were arrested? in that case why haven't they been put on trial? put them on trial fairly and if they're found guilty, imprison them and toss away the key, if found innocent, let them free, but don't keep them locked away with no trial and just call them "terrorists" and "criminals" i was arrested (at gunpoint) once for taking stuff out of my OWN CAR. does that make me a criminal? once the cops realized their mistake they let me go, had i been actually arrested and a trial started, i had either been found guilty or innocent, depending on the trial. so yeah, you want to hold them legitmately (and i would support israel on this) then give them FAIR TRIALS, don't let them linger. and btw, israel isn't innocent from using this tactic itself, a while back, four egyptian teenagers in sinai, high on drugs wandered (and i DO MEAN wandered) into israeli territory, and got arrested as "terrorist plotters" to set them free, israel and egypt traded prisoners. sound familiar?
  15. i'll go asap. must see that movie. sad thing is i'll probably go see it alone
  16. http://www.livingston.net/wilkyjr/link17.htm that's just one of them, and btw, you OVERPLAY the power the political arm of hizbollah has on lebanon, they have a FEW SEATS they in NO WAY dominate the politics. you just basically contradicited yourself, so yeah, four countries consider them terrorists, but the eu, australia and most of asia and africa don't, how does that make it a majority? maybe you should follow the sensational news less and check the actual facts more? al-quada in iraq basically came into force AFTER the us attack on iraq, and are STILL weak comparitavely, most of the bombings and such are not al quada, but rather iraqi resistance.don't confuse the two together like the media does. you forget they had a civil war? you forget they were occupied by israel? you forget they were basically a CRIPPLED COUNTRY FOR OVER 20 YEARS?! and you blame them? excuse me? why the flock was israel in lebanon in the first place? to get rid of palestinian resistance (which became the plo), and THAT led to the birth of hizbollah as a resistance movement, which in turn caused israel so many casualties that they eventually left lebanon. if they didn't get rid of hizbollah in 20 years, they think they can in a few weeks? hizbollah was born because israel tried to destroy the palestinian resistance in lebanon, guess how many new organizations will probably be born because israel is trying to destroy hizbollah? hmm, who do you denounce, the occupier, or someone fighting for your freedom? remember the quote " one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" hizbollah was NOT a terrorist organization per say when they were operating solely in lebanon because they were attacking israeli troops to get them out of lebanon, that's not terrorism, that's war. when they started attacking civilians, THAT made them terrorists. besides, i can understand the attacks on the south where hizbollah is in, but why the north? and how do you tell civilians to evacuate when you destroy all methods of them evacuating? and attacking a church is legit? who said they really NEEDED help with it? the greater good of WHO? lebanon or israel? power stations to power their bunkers and bases? a gurella(sp?) organization has bases and bunkers? that's news to me quite honestly. hizbollah was dormant for a LONG time, and it's political wing was becoming more and more moderate, and you honestly mean to tell me that you believe press releases by the IDF as fact? this is MASS punishment, not direct attacks, a naval blockade stops ships from going in and out, why bomb the port? destroying the runways stops planes flying in and out, why hit the fuel tanks and terminals, that's hypocricy, and most of the sane world has measured it as disproprotionate, IDF statements are not going to convince me or the rest of the world, of otherwise, Heck even an Israeli citzen (Someboddy) thinks it's too much. it is well known, that it's against the geneva conventions and against human rights to destroy power and water, because that causes humanitarian crisises. think about it, there's no food, no fuel (yes they attacked GAS STATIONS), no water, no roads or ways of getting away... yes that's really the best way to stop hizbollah... STARVE EVERYONE ELSE! how exactly is the destruction of a power station supposed to cripple a guriella (sp?) organization that DOESN"T depend upon power? hizbollah DON"T use radars, they don't use the local power stations for what they need (they use portable generators because they know power stations are easy to take out ) and they don't use anything else that requires power, how is taking out the power supposed to help? how is destroying a water treatment plant supposed to stop them? they're going to drink dirty water? BIG DEAL. but having water not go treated, is basically like poisoning a river, which last i checked was grounds for the whole world to destroy whoever poisoned it (i.e it's VERY VERY illegal) even the usa didn't attack power stations when it went into iraq. check again. first of all, a GREEK orthodox chruch was bombed.. A CHURCH. http://www.lebanonembassyus.org/report.html Also in the south, six people were injured in a Greek Orthodox church in Rashaya al Fukhar after it was hit in a bombardment. (had to make it in italics, because i think there's a quote limit.) wasn't it illegal to attack places of worship? The nearby port of Abdeh is hit by a raid, in which nine Lebanese soldiers are killed. Two others die in an overnight strike on a fuel storage depot near Beirut.. The eastern city of Baalbek is also targeted by the Israeli air force. A truck carrying medical supplies from the United Arab Emirates was burned in a raid on one of the last roads still open between Beirut and the Bekaa Valley. Ambulances heading to Beirut, were purposely targeted along their way, and had to stop short from reaching the Lebanese capital. wasn't it illegal to shoot at ambulances? isn't it illegal to shoot at anything with the red cross symbol on it (or crescent or star of david) ? Israeli fighter jets bombed two army bases southeast and east of Beirut killing 11 soldiers and wounding at least 40. Army command said repeated airstrikes were launched against the base, one of them during a rescue operation to pull out soldiers trapped under the rubble. The dead included four officers, the military said. Another strike was launched on a barracks in Kfarshima southeast of the capital killing a passerby. the areas hizbollah operate in, are mainly shia muslim (Because they're not tolerated elsewhere) the christian city that was attacked, had nothing to do with hizbollah, but it was still attacked, oh and btw, do your checking again, lebanon is almost equally in number of christians and muslims, the lebanese government is led by a christian man, and christians and muslims have equal government representation and almost the same amount of people, check here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanon how do you know they're terrorists? Israel has a shitload of people in it's jails that will never stand trial, and human rights, and world organizations have decried that, have them stand trial and be sentenced as terrorists, and then you can call them that, or else whatever happened to " innocent until proven guilty" ? so how do you know they're terrorists? and let me put it this way, Israel is considered a terrorist country by a shitload of people in the world (just because they're a country, doesn't mean they cant commit terrorism) so does that mean it's ok for those countries and for hizbollah and hamas and all those organizations NOT to negotiate with israel? it's all a matter of perspective now isn't it? check these: LEBANON Under Attack: Photos of Aggression (caution for sensitive viewers) http://www.lebanonembassyus.org/Photos.html Casualties and Destruction Report http://www.lebanonembassyus.org/report.html Human Rights watch. http://www.hrw.org/english/docs/2006/07/17/isrlpa13756.htm Oh, and no offence, but Bullshit. as soon as this happened, the usa and israel starting screaming "iran and syria, iran and syria, iran and syria" weren't they screaming " wmd's in iraq, wmd's in iraq, wmd's in iraq" ? to me, that sounds like war monging, even if iran and syria are envolved, i seriously doubt they're really that involved... i could be wrong of course. all your responses sound like media fueled, so i'm sorry if i take them with a grain of salt. once you start taking IDF statements and Fox News statements on fact, that's when i stop trying to discuss anything.
  17. zelda 2 never got into it enough to bother with it.
  18. the obvious questions i need to ask that no body seems to be asking is, 1- if israel couldn't get rid of hizbollah during 18 years of occupation when they were actually on the ground and knew the whole area, how do they expect to do it ina few weeks? 2- hamas and hizbollah have a history of attacking civilians, granted, that's terrorism, but now they kidnapped soliders not civilians, how is that terrorism? (and before anyone says it's cause israelis are conscripted into the military and don't have a choice, it doesn't matter, they're still military.)
  19. eh, no, there are still white supremist groups active in us politics. uh, again no. Only the Usa and Israel brand hamas and hizbollah as terrorist organisations, the rest of the world (free or not) do not. oh, and contrary to popular belief, al -quada in iraq is not as strong as imagined, al quada basically materalized in iraq after the usa attacked it, saddam hated al quada. hizbollah however has been in lebanon for over 20 years. and how do you ask the lebanese people to get rid of a group that more or less led to their freedom from israeli occupation that lasted for over 18 years? so because they're unable to act, it's ok to weaken them further?it's ok to attack their infrastructure, attack their army barracks, and just basically attack them? quite honestly, lebanon is now destroyed,what israel is doing, is destroying lebanon and won't recover until possibly a decade after the attacks end. the infrastructure is flocked (Which mind you, they're still in debt for), tourism is screwed, foreign investors won't invest in lebanon again for a while,foregin citzens won't live in lebanon for a while again, the whole country is screwed. except alot more people being bitter at israel, and btw, the majority of them probably won't be muslim, but christian lebanese, which incidently one of their areas was bombed... and according to what i last knew, christians can't be muslim extremists can they?
  20. then i guess it's ok to bomb the Usa because KKK members such as david duke have/had seats in the government? dude, where have they NOT distanced themselves? where have they not said, we have nothing to do with them? where have they not said, hey we don't know what they're doing? heck, even trigger happy bush isn't saying that the lebanese are responsible.
  21. you know who i miss? Yitzhak Rabin. Btw, someboddy, what do most Israeli's think of Rabin? i know he was assasinated by a fantical Jew, but what do the majority of Israeli's think of him? oh and do they consider Shimon Peres as the equivilant of Egypt's Amr Mousa ? (to those that don't know, Amr Mousa is an egyptian politician that is VERY loved, he served in several posts, and if nominated for president, would probably be elected by a landslide in fair elections.)
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