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Elazul Yagami

1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by Elazul Yagami

  1. dude, did you even read my post? they bombed the PORT (i.e SEA PORT) even though they have a naval blockade. the bombed the actual fuel tanks of the airport even thoguh they had already bombed the runways into unusable status. they bombed a LEBANESE ARMY barracks (not Hizbollah, but LEBANESE ARMY) barracks. as for the whole weak lebanese government, that's what the thing is, hizbollah is a strong organization with a militia, while the government has been going through hell trying to strengthen up (especially after hariri's death) and have a weak military (syria was doing all the protection for a long time). henceforth, they're having a hard time dealing with hizbollah. let me put it this way, does the Iraqi government have control over the militant groups in iraq? does the usa itself know about all the militants in iraq and have information on them all? (if they do, then why aren't they doing something about them?) so no, i don't think it's justified to blame the lebanese government. ((and btw, hizbollah roams freely in southern lebanon, not northern). besides, yes hizbollah are being attacked right now, and no i don't condone their methods, but weren't they one of the main reasons israel left lebanon in the first place?
  2. I'm sorry this will probably piss some people out but : http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/07...east/index.html i.e New land grab. so they claim that they DON"T want to weaken the central lebanese government, and they're only in there to remove hizbollah, but they're attacking lebanese army barracks? how does that work exactly? and don't get this wrong, these are NOT hizbollah barracks, these are LEBANESE ARMY barracks. why? that's the question that begs to be asked, Why? don't they already have a naval blockade? and why bomb beiruit's suburbs? aren't hizbollah mainly in the south of lebanon?
  3. i'm just worried sick about my friends and loved ones (and especially my friend that lives near the beiruit airport) oh well.... gotta stop worrying and calm down a bit.
  4. ah shoot, i didn't notice ANY of these replies anywho: shiba ; i have NO CLUE what kind any of these components are, but i do know that the case with a powersupply is apparently a gateway computer case. i have several different sound cards, which i'm guessing are of different types, i'll check the chipsets tommorrow and type them up here. k' dash, they're really small hd's, 1 gig, 3.2 gig and 4 gig. gordone, i don't have any ram unfortunately... otherwise i'd probably get a processor, slap these parts together, and make a computer or two and sell them. but thanks for reviving the topic after i forgot about it. keep in mind guys, this stuff is mainly older stuff, and i have no clue (or current way) of telling if it works or not... but it's cheap i tell ya! (gonna sell the whole gizbang on ebay if no one i know around here "or you guys" wants anything)
  5. i just really don't understand it.... look, Someboddy is Israeli right ? (and probably jewish) Darken is palestinian (and probably muslim) i'm egyptian (well egyptian american) and muslim (egypt and israel were mortal enemies at one point) regardless of what our countries or leaders think, we get along great, and have no hate for one another (at least i don't). why can't everyone else realize that? that once the warmongers die down (and i mean those on BOTH sides) the people themselves will simmer down (see;taking advantage of people's anger) i know for a fact, that there are at least 20,000 israeli's that hate what the government is doing in palestinian territories and protest it almost regularly. i know for a fact that there ARE a minority that are regularly advocating for equal rights for arab-israeli citzens. i know for a fact, that there are israelis and palestinians that get along regularly and even visit one another every once in a while. so i can't generalize and say Israeli's are bad people. however, i will NEVER condone or sympathize with people (israeli or not) that back their government's policies no matter what. oh and someboddy, i honestly think that the current pm is just trying to show that he's as tough (and a hardliner) as Ariel Sharon, but at the expense of the captured soilders... if the kidnappers get cornered, they WILL kill the soliders, everyone knows that... and yes, no one negotiates with "terrorists" but don't police negotiate with a kidnapper because they want the victim's safety above all? (and they negotiate until they capture the kidnapper) do the police just send the swat team into a place that's full of hostages and a few lunatics ? just one question i wish someone would answer honestly... everyone in the modern world is saying that religon and state should be seperate right? everyone is saying that all countries should be secular. then WHY THE HELL is it soooo important for israel to maintain a "jewish majority" ? why not let the expelled people back as israeli citzens, show them that they actually have a good life under the government, and have THEM be against anyone trying to destroy israel?
  6. btw, i'm updating http://www.elazulspad.net/ubbthreads/showf...sb=5&o=&fpart=1 whenever i want to vent. CNN's Lebanon Problem
  7. also take a look at what robert fisk (located in lebanon) has to say... he has a knack for reporting the news in a more "human" method than cnn and it's ilk: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/fisk/article1178636.ece (before anyone decries him as an anti-israeli force or something, note the other article where he blames syria for the crisis).
  8. so all those innocent iraqi,palestinian and lebanese civilians, can they operate under the same concept?
  9. Israel never took this crap lying down... so does that mean lebanese, palestinians and whoever else shouldn't "take israel's crap lying down" ? i wonder what would happen if EVERYONE retaliated like israel did. imagine, shooting a kid with a rocket launcher on the playground cause he pushed you over. bad example, i know, but it's a simple one. edit: stronger similee(dunno how to spell it ) : is that of the school bully who lashes out at the entire class for the misdemeanours of one or two, in the process setting the whole school on fire. flock Hezboallah and israel and all that bullshit, i just wonder if you would be talking like that if YOU and your loved ones were "Collateral", if your country finally after years and years of war and civil war was getting up on it's feet was shot down and called "collateral". what israel is doing, is effectively Crippling lebanon, not hezbollah, they're getting MORE recruits for hezbollah, and ruining the lebanese infrastructure and economy. oh and tell me this, if israel should have a zero tolerance / no bullshit policy, should everyone else be allowed this same right? edit: i changed the termonology above
  10. so far i've heard : "war is good" and "about time israel did something" just for the record, i know you stated your case quite clearly, but do you honestly mean to tell me, that a war that on average kills 2000+ people a month (any normal war that is) is better than 2000+ people in over 3 years? how is that better for human life? and as for "about time israel did something" when the flying flock did israel NOT do something? Israel is ALWAYS doing something.
  11. yes, i honestly do believe it might grow so out of hand, that only the "super powers' will be able to stop it. if it's financially viable for them to do so of course. yes, i wish so too, but the power loving bastards on both sides of any conflict always wish to extend it. people always want to just live, regardless of race, creed or religon... it's some bastards (and mob mentalities) that cause it to be crap.. and you wanna know what's probably quite shocking? the propaganda is so strong in israeli media, that the majority of people there really have no clue what is being done in their name (with the exception of big name operations such as this.) kinda like the usa media ya know?
  12. this is all elazul is going to say on this situation, THIS IS flock1NG BULL5HIT!. read this to understand why i don't give a flying flock who's fault it is: http://www.elazulspad.net/ubbthreads/showf...sb=5&o=&fpart=1 lebanon is pretty much the most secular country in the middle east, and possibly the only real democracy (or on it's way to be) in the middle east... watch as after this bullshit dies down, lebanon becomes a tyranical state. still i don't give a flying flock, read the link above and you'll understand why i really don't care who's fault it is, or what things will end up like. edit: come to think of it, anyone notice darken hasn't logged on in a while? oh, and i can understand how israel can go into the palestinian territories since they're not technically a country under the u.n bullcrap,without getting punished, but how are they allowed to fly into syria, and invade lebanon, both soverign countries? with no one in the world community telling them, hey, cut it out? i hate to say this, and i despise the man, but i wish ariel sharon was still in charge. oh dooz, please show me where exactly the saudi's have sided with israel? cause i can't find anything on that. edit 2: flock the media, flock It, and flock all opinions expressed by some self righteous ass flocks.
  13. according to RPGuy at Romhacking.net: Download HomePage Screenshot
  14. Apparently, it seems that "BlitzKrieg" has managed to insert spc code from one game into another (think mario rpg with CT music for example). here are the details Source Download
  15. yes, i know it's an old topic but it's fun.... here's my entry got it from Here
  16. well regardless, i don't think if it made them enough money, sega wouldn't go for it.
  17. olaf, if you're really interested, contact a member called Akane on my forums... s/he (no one really knows) is an EXCELLENT artist and Sprite artist.
  18. actually, that's debatable. see the reason most emulation isn't perfect, is because there's no precise understanding of the hardware, it's all reverse engineered and methods are developed to get around certain things... hence needing alot of processing power. however, if sega does give nintendo the schemantics and all the details, and works with nintendo, then dc emulation MIGHT (stress the word MIGHT) be possible.
  19. getting a job. basically. then doing this training for college. i wish i had a vacation...
  20. i have a shitload of saves but mostly emulator based, i'll give them to you in a few months when i have access to my other cmputer again.
  21. have a nice trip,aloha and all that jazz. drama doesn't pick up well, you could've taken this to GC or any of the other owners in private, but since you chose to make ths a public drama scene, then i'm sorry, you get no sympathy from me. edit: oh and i want to make something clear, i think you're a VERY cool guy, i just REALLY hate these dramatic exits.
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