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Everything posted by Agozer

  1. Yeah, I figured this was the case. You're welcome. P.S. It's worth noting that the recently released No$Gba 2.6a has automatic savetype detection, so no more problems like this.
  2. Congratulation to all the winners. Now we can all get to our normal, everyday lives. Right?
  3. The only way to know for sure is to test that save file.
  4. Looks like you learned the hard way then. N64 are extremely sensitive to internal changes made by cheats. To the point where then can break your entire game, forcing you to start from the beginning. I can't stress this enough. While it's possible to recover from some unwanted effects caused by cheating, many break games completely even if they seems to work perfectly at first. Many cheats even linger after disabling the cheat since they can often leave traces in native saves as well. As far as Paper Mario is concerned, did you happen to mess with the Badge Points cheat?
  5. For the savetype change to work, must must have remembered to click Save Settings after making a change in the No$Gba configuration. Also IIRC (but don't quote me on this), you need to have selected the correct savetype before even booting the game. It's too late if you start messing with the save type mid-game.
  6. have you used cheats prior to the freezing?
  7. Not the shortcut, the actual executable. :/ If you extracted Kawaks to C:\Games\kawaks, then you put the Kaillera DLL file in that folder.
  8. Oh, nice to see Miretank and the rest here.
  9. Half-Life, DOOM, Quake, Unreal, Red Faction, Halo. In that oder.
  10. The way you burns discs should have nothing to do with the alignment of the actual game screen on your TV. Internal game code is what dictates screen draws.
  11. Wherever you have the main Kawaks executable.
  12. Apparently, this release fixes a good numbrer of PAL games that are now playable.
  13. Another stellar improvement over the old version.
  14. Make sure that the MP3 decoder is set either to mp3lib or libmad in the ffdshow audio codec settings. If one of them doesn't make a difference, try the other one. If that doesn't do jack, stop and have a bottle of Jack.
  15. Have you tried ffdshow (Vista builds to be specific)? I wouldn't touch the original DivX with a 60-foot pole, if I were you.
  16. I'd buy this in an instant, but it better have Raptor Jesus as a playable character.
  17. No, not really. It should just work. For you, it just crashes. For some reason.
  18. I've been hearing (and reading) the exact opposite, that the Blu-Ray drive in the PS3 is definitely the one that's not going to be out-of-spec (or whatever you call it), but the other Blu-Ray players will. I'm really not versed enough in this tech stuff to actually care about HD movies and all that, or what is going be "out-of spec" and what's going to win or whatever, so I'll just stop now.
  19. IIRC, PS3 still plays PS1 games, just not PS2.
  20. If you can find Genesis emulator that runs on Linux, then the answer is most likely yes.
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