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Everything posted by Mr.X

  1. MAME cheats : ; [ Progear (USA 0110117) ] progear:0:FF4320:BE:000:Invincible PL1 progear:0:FF3F73:0A:000:Infinite Lives PL1 progear:0:FF4305:0A:000:Infinite Bombs PL1 progear:0:FF4303:08:000:Maximum Ammo PL1 progear:0:FF3782:48:000:Active Gage MAX PL1 progear:0:FF3784:48:000:Safe Gage MAX PL1 progear:0:FF3786:48:000:Lovely Gage MAX PL1 progear:0:FF4380:BE:000:Invincible PL2 progear:0:FF3F75:0A:000:Infinite Lives PL2 progear:0:FF4365:0A:000:Infinite Bombs PL2 progear:0:FF4363:08:000:Maximum Ammo PL2 progear:0:FF3788:48:000:Active Gage MAX PL2 progear:0:FF378A:48:000:Safe Gage MAX PL2 progear:0:FF378C:48:000:Lovely Gage MAX PL2 ; [ Progear no Arashi (Japan 0110117) ] progearj:0:FF4320:BE:000:Invincible PL1 progearj:0:FF3F73:0A:000:Infinite Lives PL1 progearj:0:FF4305:0A:000:Infinite Bombs PL1 progearj:0:FF4303:08:000:Maximum Ammo PL1 progearj:0:FF3782:48:000:Active Gage MAX PL1 progearj:0:FF3784:48:000:Safe Gage MAX PL1 progearj:0:FF3786:48:000:Lovely Gage MAX PL1 progearj:0:FF4380:BE:000:Invincible PL2 progearj:0:FF3F75:0A:000:Infinite Lives PL2 progearj:0:FF4365:0A:000:Infinite Bombs PL2 progearj:0:FF4363:08:000:Maximum Ammo PL2 progearj:0:FF3788:48:000:Active Gage MAX PL2 progearj:0:FF378A:48:000:Safe Gage MAX PL2 progearj:0:FF378C:48:000:Lovely Gage MAX PL2 ; [ Progear (Asia 0110117) ] progeara:0:FF4320:BE:000:Invincible PL1 progeara:0:FF3F73:0A:000:Infinite Lives PL1 progeara:0:FF4305:0A:000:Infinite Bombs PL1 progeara:0:FF4303:08:000:Maximum Ammo PL1 progeara:0:FF3782:48:000:Active Gage MAX PL1 progeara:0:FF3784:48:000:Safe Gage MAX PL1 progeara:0:FF3786:48:000:Lovely Gage MAX PL1 progeara:0:FF4380:BE:000:Invincible PL2 progeara:0:FF3F75:0A:000:Infinite Lives PL2 progeara:0:FF4365:0A:000:Infinite Bombs PL2 progeara:0:FF4363:08:000:Maximum Ammo PL2 progeara:0:FF3788:48:000:Active Gage MAX PL2 progeara:0:FF378A:48:000:Safe Gage MAX PL2 progeara:0:FF378C:48:000:Lovely Gage MAX PL2
  2. Check if U've enabled IGR & if Ur controllers 'R well connected. Last time, I had the same prob, it was due to "IGR enabled + controllers badly connected".
  3. If the game's already installed on Ur HD, U needn't to delete it. It should run after patching the default.xbe ; just install dvd2xbox on Ur HD, then launch it to apply the patch to the default.xbe of the game already installed on Ur HD.
  4. The link 's currently down. I'm still waiting.
  5. Your Arcade section is now complete : all the Arcade emulators currently active 're listed.
  6. Which BIOS(ES) do U use ? Have U tried after patching the default.xbe of the game (e.g. in using dvd2xbox) ?
  7. A young french student has taken the initiative in releasing his CV in Flash : www.paradoxware.com/alstudio/cv/en.htm
  8. I 've sent that :
  9. Unofficial hacks Kawa-Hex SE & Kawa-X Plus 're out-of-date, dead & useless, btw the web page wasn't updated since the last year. Instead, U can find a patch to get the latest updated vers. of Unofficial Up Kawa-X (11.20.04) in this thread : www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10226&st=10
  10. From : http://backup-source.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9079
  11. I haven't tried it yet. Do U have a nice FBa working Drv ?
  12. Winkawaks 1.52 's already out ! http://cps2shock.retrogames.com/
  13. Even I was isolated, very old & bored, my main purpose would be to survive, respect myself & stay healthy.
  14. Aaron Giles answers : From : http://aarongiles.com/weblog/archives/2005...e_sce.html#more
  15. I posted the same answer in CPS2 section in ProGear thread. Guru said : From : http://unemulated.emuunlim.com/
  16. HaPpY nEw YeAr !!!
  17. Guru said : From : http://unemulated.emuunlim.com/
  18. U 've probably noticed mslug4 encrypted C roms 're a bit different from the ones we 've... Here 're the diff. (encrypted C's) in hex : C1 rom crc 6C2B0856 to 84865F8A : 0 : 00 -> 11 1 : 00 -> 5C 400000 : 00 -> 11 400001 : 00 -> 5C C2 rom crc C6035792 to 81DF97F2 : 0 : 00 -> F5 1 : 00 -> AC 400000 : 00 -> F5 400001 : 00 -> AC C3 rom crc 0721D112 to 1A343323 : 0 : 80 -> 17 1 : 11 -> 22 400000 : 04 -> 11 400001 : 30 -> 5C C4 rom crc 6AA688DD to 942CFB44 : 0 : 02 -> F4 1 : 12 -> 2C 400000 : 00 -> F5 400001 : 12 -> AC C5 rom crc 794BC2D6 to A748854F : 0 : 00 -> EE 1 : 00 -> A3 400000 : 00 -> EE 400001 : 00 -> A3 C6 rom crc F85EAE54 to 5C8BA116 : 0 : 04 -> 0A 1 : 02 -> 53 400000 : 20 -> 0A 400001 : 10 -> AC
  19. Xor's for Progear (US 010117) were released yesterday. Xor's for Progear no Arashi (Jap 010117) + code + z80 were already released indeed. Missing roms 're samples & Gfx. Btw, D-BIOS said to klk the roms 'll be released soon.
  20. What's new in 1.51: ------------------- * New drivers: - Progear (USA 010117) - Progear No Arashi (Japan 010117) - Matrimelee - Matrimelee (bootleg) - Metal Slug 4 - Metal Slug 4 (decrypted C) - Metal Slug 4 Plus (bootleg) - Rage of the Dragons - Rage of the Dragons (decrypted C) - The King of Fighters 2002 - The King of Fighters 2002 (decrypted C) - The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (bootleg) - Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Koryu) * Fixed the currupted graphics in Prehistortic Isle 2. http://cps2shock.com
  21. There's no rational prove. So, telepathic abilities come from science fiction. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> so then all those scientific tests and journals on the subject are irrational and science fiction?! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, because they 're not confirmed ; unconfirmed : http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn1888 At our level, AFAIK there aren't particles able to teleport itselves or able to interact with other particles away as in Planck's wall theory.
  22. U mean empathy (& not telepathy). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Uhh... you're the one who posted stuff about telepathy... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exact, but I don't believe it's possible to establish a contact w/out covering a distance, I maintain there's no rational prove. That's the reason I believe telepathic, telekinetic & teleport abilities 're impossible at our level... but I don't know under Planck's wall.
  23. U mean empathy (& not telepathy).
  24. There's no rational prove. So, telepathic abilities come from science fiction.
  25. I don't agree, because we're naturally made to learn & speak a language. Brain's area called Broca's area's involved in the construction of higher parts of the syntactic tree in speech production. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that's because we've programmed that part of the brain for that function, in another way (if man hadn't invented language) it could've been used for telepathy or something. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think that function 's totally natural, because even chimpanzees 've it. But those monkeys can't articulate like humans. Btw, telepathic abilities 're impossible ; nobody, nothing can abolish distancies.
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