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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by ken_cinder

  1. Really? Looks old and fake to me...meh
  2. Own a 2005 Hyundai Accent 5 in gunmetal grey. Loaned it to my mother for 8 months, got it back via tow-truck needing several (mechanical)repairs, never again...it's currently sitting in my garage until I can get it done in the spring(money and I don't wanna work on it in the cold. My Fiance has a 2001 Pontiac Montana, which I'm mainly driving at the moment. Piece of shit...US companies can't build a quality vehicle anymore to save their lives. I will NEVER buy a vehicle from the big 3, I previously owned an 89 Cavalier myself, and a 94 Dodge Spirit. Both fairly solid cars, but everything newer that friends and family have owned have been nothing but poorly built headaches. I also ride...owned a 2008 Honda CBR 600RR that was written off at 3 months old by some stupid douche making an illegal turn infront of me. Currently have a 2000 Ninja 500R sitting in the garage with just over 4000km on it, I'm probably gonna sell it as it's not what I was looking for in a bike.
  3. Coffee....coffee and more coffee! Other non alcoholic drinks exist you say? Not in my world!
  4. There is actually nothing done to the picture besides red-eye removal and background softening. She's wearing blush and lipstick...something she otherwise never does. She had these pics done for me for my bday...and you ain't seeing the rest lol
  5. Could that be any more photo shopped? Actually...it's not, that's my Fiance. lol
  6. My avatar is screwed...wonder if re-upping it would fix it. And I'm finding that either the site is slow, or certain aspects of the forum software is. Category pages load fine, and topics load ok...viewing pofiles however seems to take forever to load. Edit: Definitely the forum software itself, going back to the main index took an execution time of over 10 seconds.
  7. You suggest not buying a Mac...then counter with Dell? For real? Sheesh... Build your own, everything from a retailer is gimped and twice what you'd spend yourself.
  8. So THAT'S what an Asian blonde looks like...ok then.
  9. Works for me, just let me know what you need...I could see PHPBB being a "revert" at 2.x and earlier though, 3 is a real step up. I could work on the layout here and now with the forum live, without disturbing anything, and moving threads to appropriate forums.(Like going through and splitting NES and SNES stuff to respective forums).
  10. If I could get a couple people to register and make sure permissions are ok across the forums(ie; post random crap), I'll move to adding the arcade in the next couple days...and then other stuff. Registration is currently set without confirmation, so there's no email bs etc. Just register and go.
  11. I sent him off a PM letting him know about it, we'll see what his thoughts are. I've got an arcade mod and portal sitting here waiting to go if he does want to go forward. The one cool thing about the arcade mod, is it supports ALL the major forum software mod formats for flash arcade games, ie; all the games we had here could be installed if someone still has the packages, and numerous other ones as well. Forum attack system? DEFINITELY possible...the real problem is theres too freaking many types, right up to full on RPG mods. I'll have to go through them all and find the most developed ones and do a comparison to see what would be best. Again...that all depends on if Gamecop is willing to proceed.
  12. Ok basic layout is set, I didn't add our emulator forums as I'm not certain what we're still supporting, I moved some stuff around and actually even added forums to the manufacturer specific forums. Spam forum isn't there, and neither are staff forums...I couldn't see the point in spending my time adding them to a "test". Oh and it's the default skin, and no specific images from here...that can wait. http://dyedparts.co.cc/forums/ Feel free to sign up and test things out, but just remember that the database there will be purged and have nothing to do with the one here, it is just a test. I'd like to see an Attack/RPG system back as well as the arcade, and could implement both...but again, not putting time into that unless Gamecop was interested in me doing the work. Edit: Another thing I'd have to implement is the portal...not a problem, but again not something I'm going to spend time on without a green light.
  13. I'm working on it right now...I'll PM him when I'm done.
  14. Cinder is a long serving member Gamecop why not allow it? You sure you can handle this Cinder? Im pretty sure there will be some bad ass lines of code to edit. Lord snow is also a whizz with this stuff, maybe its time some fresh blood came in? I've handled larger projects than a simple forum, and am more than capable of handling this. The only real work would be database migration, which even if I imported tables by hand would be a job of less than an hour. My little "store" in my sig alone incorporates several mods, a few of which I wrote myself that aren't apparent outside the admin side of things. I might take some time today to set things up on my host.
  15. Screw this whole "upgrade" crap with Invision...Invision has become a piece of twisted swiss cheese for security bloatware that causes problems for PAYING customers like yourself. I say we go PHPBB, since 3 came out it's been leaps and bounds ahead of Invision...and it's free. I'd gladly handle getting it all setup, and migrating the database. If you would like I could do a test setup on my own host, and get everything to where it should be before implementing it here.
  16. Am I the only one sick and tired of hearing about this shit? Horrible things happen around the world every day, yet this is constantly rabbled on about like it's the worst thing in history... I'm not being insensitive to it, I just think it's time to put it to rest and cut out the constant yapping about it and trying to put it in the spotlight.
  17. Things work out, they always do...I've had a fucking rollercoaster of a life in the last 2-3 years. I got laid off of a well paying job I had for nearly 10 years in Nov 2008, went back to work for decent pay in Jan 2010...only to be forced off again in Nov 2010 due to knee problems. Crushed by over 4000lb in 2001, had surgery...messed up again now and after waiting 4+ months for an MRI, I can't go back to anything too hard on my knee....still off work, hoping to find an apprenticeship as an Electrician but my car is fucked up and sitting in the driveway right now(Hard to afford repairs on unemployment).
  18. comeon buddy no need to be like that bet you could still read my post/rant. its a long time since i finished school have kinda forgot when to use punctuation plus i never was the smartest will try harder from now on so everyone can understand my posts Not really, I see posts like yours and I move along...I won't even bother to read ANYTHING that anyone types like that, it's ignorant and lazy. Missing punctuation here and there is one thing, but a mass wall of text without a single line break...causes a freaking headache to read. P.S. I didn't read a word of your original post...just this, cause I was expecting someone to point it out. ok i just want to say slightly in my defence i have never posted on forums before i joined here so i didnt know about some of the posting etiquettes but know now to use punctuation and add line breaks.at least you put me right to what i was doing wrong unlike others on here that just choose to be plain rude. the xbox section is far more friendly than here so ill just be sticking to there from now on plus ive just joined the uks most popular forum so except for elmsley maybe ill meet people there that are less critical to newcomers And the Xbox forums are full of posters like yourself, who don't use punctuation or space anything out...if you type like that, you don't tend to have a problem reading it either. Has nothing to do with being new, has alot to do with being able to even read what you've typed out without getting a headache trying to make sure you stay on the line you were currently reading.
  19. comeon buddy no need to be like that bet you could still read my post/rant. its a long time since i finished school have kinda forgot when to use punctuation plus i never was the smartest will try harder from now on so everyone can understand my posts Not really, I see posts like yours and I move along...I won't even bother to read ANYTHING that anyone types like that, it's ignorant and lazy. Missing punctuation here and there is one thing, but a mass wall of text without a single line break...causes a freaking headache to read. P.S. I didn't read a word of your original post...just this, cause I was expecting someone to point it out.
  20. Have you tried Google Sketchup? It's pretty user friendly, though just like any program it can be a pain at first. Once you spend some time getting used to how to handle it, it's fairly simple to work with.
  21. I bet you work with many as well...while I've never worked retail/customer service(and never would), I've told off plenty of customers infront of me that were flipping out. Many a time I've tapped on someones shoulder and told them "Can you please shut the fuck up, stop bitching at that girl for something that isn't her fault, and let me get MY shit you ignorant fuck?". I've also met my fair share of dumb as a fucking post retail workers too, that make me want to bang my head off the cash register...I just don't get all ignorant with them.
  22. I keep trying to think of something that could be done to revitalize this place...to bring it back from the brink. Aside from cleaning up the index page so it's not a mile long, and putting everything into Manufacturer parent categories (Nintendo > each system etc), I'm absolutely stumped. That may help as you can see everything better, but to what end when emulation is at an impasse? Everything is at a standstill with the scene, it's either well emulated, not progressing or hasn't happened at all...it's stale, so we're stale.
  23. No sympathy from me, just glad he only killed himself and his passenger and not other people. People who drink and drive should be kicked in the nuts, shot and pissed on.
  24. I came...I read(sometimes), I left... Sorry dude, but this place is dying.
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