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Everything posted by gymnist1026

  1. at least it is back...hopefully they wont be dragging the episodes out like they were doing before the stupid filler break...
  2. wind is nothing...where i live in central illinois, rain and snow only come down sideways... you people in SoCal have it easy...i was in LA for the Rose Bowl over New Years...people were walking around in heavy jackets and scarves....coming from Chicago, me and my friends were all in shorts and t-shirts complaining how hot it was...SoCal people sure are strange...
  3. The Descent...best comedy of recent years...i laughed my arse off through the entire thing.....
  4. Ya the ending wasn't really clear on why they were all doing...well what they were doing. I'll re-watch it again later. apparently the second one doenst really clear things up either...it just leaves more questions...
  5. The series at the moment since my friend has them on dvd...trying to get him to bring the OVA back with him when he goes home again...
  6. i didnt get the ending...i was fine with the weirdness as i expected that...i just didnt understand what the hell happened that it suddenly ended...
  7. Heh... thats an offal lot of effort for some drumsticks... Perhaps you should train them to fetch beer! Less of a mess. I'm good at fetching more than beer, I can make mixed drinks! I'm trained! but can you cook a steak. and Bacon...
  8. Paul Newman eating 50 hard boiled eggs in Cool Hand Luke was one of the best scenes in any movie i have seen... Cool Hand Luke is one of my all time favourite movies...It is something that will never grow old to me....
  9. Suicide Club/Suicide Circle the ending made no sense whatsoever to me...
  10. you can prolly save money by getting a surge protector at target or walmart or something...since shipping costs half the price of the actual protector... also...i have a 9800 and it is definitely a massive card. I had to rearrange my case to get it to fit correctly...but it is a beast and i have not encountered a game that i have not been able to play with textures set to max (except crysis...but i stopped playing after the first level because it was boring...)
  11. 57 =) at least my gymnastics abilities are still with me...
  12. it was fun for the 6 hours i played it...then the save state had me screwed...i would load it and then my civilization would die...and you can only have one save game per world/game...so i just stopped playing...
  13. Its not worth it...played for 6 hours (got most of the way though) and stopped because it was so boring and repetitive...was fun though in the creature stage...but then went to 'meh' pretty fast...
  14. Super Smash Brothers No contest one of the best games ever...between that and mariokart (since no one brought Goldeneye or Perfect Dark....) still provide endless hours of awesomeness....
  15. being from chicago, i am used to some of the best deep dish in the world, so of course i enjoy that more, but some of my family like thin crust (for god knows what reason)...But in general, pizza is pizza and i will eat it regardless...
  16. ive camped out in disobliges room (and eaten his Nerds...all of them....several times now...) and played dreamcast and genesis...also various PC games...and some xbox at peoples houses...and Wii!
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