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Everything posted by gymnist1026

  1. Winter is the only real season... I have extremely high cold tolerances (i go out in shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops year round) and am not really a fan of sweating... The Winter Solstice is also in winter. It is one of my favorite holidays because it involves 1) Giant Bon Fires to ward off Bad Spirits/Luck 2) Sacrifices (ok..ok...it usually ends up being us roasting some sort of animal that has been killed already...hot dogs/burgers) 3)SNOW!!! Snow is the best weather that exists. It is fun to play in and build stuff in. I still love going out and throwing snowballs at people and playing snow football... I also live in a non airconditioned dorm at school...so that in summer the room is 120 F all day and night. During winter you can at least have the windows open to abate the heat... Also... Winter is more fun because it is dark out more and the best constellation is best viewed during my winter, Orion.
  2. meh...shivering isles isnt that great... the expansions for Morrowind were much better....
  3. maybe the gameplay uniqueness will land it a cult following like portal?
  4. There is a shoulder launched nuke...the and lots of blood...im sold...
  5. Microsoft Solitaire... Oh how many hours i have wasted on thee... Personal best time of 37 seconds for solving the game...
  6. The SS EPIC failboat is ready to set fail...
  7. I finally got around to watching Transformers...I am so behind the times...
  8. 25.9% of African Americans live at or below the poverty line... 25.9% of the DOD contracts last year went out without contractors bidding on them...
  9. at the rate it is going now?...im guessing about 250-300 episodes...
  10. Monster is kinda similar, its alot slower and it takes awhile for it to become completely engaging...
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