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Everything posted by BlackKnight

  1. Burnout Paradise Assassin's Creed Samurai Warriors 2 Import Tuner Challenge Ikaruga
  2. M3DSReal is better than the R4DS. It has 100% GBA compatibility and comes with a Slot2 card especially for that which can read roms off your main SD card in Slot1.
  3. I've got a philosophical question for y'all to mull over while I go and pick up Assassin's Creed. Do you ever think about buying a game, decide it isn't all that great, and choose to not buy it but then immediately flock over to BestBuy (or wherever :/) and snap it up when its on sale? I recently found ludicrous half-RRP and less prices attached to Burnout Paradise and Assassin's Creed, both of which I'd assessed as fun weekends, but not keepers. Right now I'm wondering if, since I figured the game wasn't all that perfect, whether it would still be worth buying, sale or not? Should a game only be as good as its pricetag? Do you actually expect less of a half-price game just because its cheaper, or should the game stand on its own merits? If anyone cares to weigh in on this, can you please try and keep the costs of game development and marketing out of the equation... I want to see what people think in a more instrumental sense.
  4. I'm a similar proportions man. So either both zero or both ten, but not one a lot more prominent than the other.
  5. Nope. PS3News is full of BS. Remember when they hyped up the ISO loader for the PS3 last year? Same thing.
  6. Isn't this a bit on the indecent side? I'm thinking to myself how perverted this must make this site look. :/
  7. Got anymore info on this? Is it purportedly real CC footage? No doubt its fake but still fun to go along with.
  8. Check you haven't got any unusual characters in the text. You'll need to find the codes for them.
  9. It is unfair to consider the Gamecube and Xbox spans as long as that. Sure games are still produced for them, but the systems themselves died off a lot earlier. That in mind, there is no way the current gen machines will last as long as the PS2. The market is just not as conducive to that kind of dominance as it was in the PS2's prime. However... ..the next wave of titles will certainly not be the last for any of the current systems. Nor will it be the second or even third last. It won't be the last to sell consoles either. Given current prices, there are still demographics that will need conquering after the MGS4s and GoW2s of this year have gone by. Early Wii adopters looking for a 'real' console will be one, and another will no doubt be those casuals who get taken in by the Rock Band / Singstar DLC-based platforms and need to decide on a console over that. MS and Sony will be fighting to sell systems to these people for years to come. Especially with the Blu-Ray thing sorted, tech specs and graphic whore games will become less important than what each system's networks can offer. A game that isn't a fee based MMO but that can still offer a continuous, evolving experience will no doubt shift boxes when whatever the killer app in that department is gets released.
  10. This game could go either way. I was particularly unfond of their 'CG' trailer. Still looking forward to playing it.
  11. Let's just hope all these sucky games work out their internal management issues so that when we get a KI3 it doesn't blow out the arse.
  12. I'm not a Fosters guy either. When we have things like Tooheys or VB why even bother with Fosters? On the other hand, if he hand strapped the child into that seat, where would he have put the beer?
  13. The answer is apparently 'not tonight'. PS3News fails once again.
  14. I'm not on the list. You've changed, Fatal. I thought we were cool.
  15. This is moronic. Wave of privacy issues, here we come.
  16. Official Sony firmware is currently only at 3.95 with nothing significant but Internet Radio being added since 3.90. So no, no 4.0 yet.
  17. So far there is only a 3.90 M33-3. There is no official -4, or -5 version.
  18. I just found out that DoDonPachi DJD + Ketsui were actually proposed for Live Arcade and then rejected. This annoys me deeply. Wtf, Microsoft? You market the service as an 'Arcade' but then want to cut down on the arcade ports?
  19. The point is all your PS3 Linux emulators have gimped hardware access.
  20. Crisis Core, God of War and a few others push 1.2-1.5GB even when CSO'ed. You're best of with a 4GB or even an 8GB if you spot a good deal anywhere.
  21. I'm confused... what I am I missing about this game? I'm getting a strong so what vibe.
  22. Are you guys joking? Bigass moving environments is a big enough addition for a sequel, I think. Messing around with game mechanics from one numeric installment to the next is a big thing to avoid. I'm glad they haven't. I do appreciate the subtle things though- seems like the Lancer will be even more fun to use this time.
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