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djohng, i was wondering you could possiblly add a few others that aren't in 8-02 source

like decrypted jockey gp, mslug 4 plus, fatal fury special alternate and some others i can't remeber at the moment heh.


another thing, theres a way to make jockey gp playable (2 player only) and can be found here: http://www.freepgs.com/iq_132/pages/games.html (big thx to IQ_132)


also i for one haven't tried the kof 2003 hack (2004 one) and when i was searching for the rom its seems the ones i found only have one p rom thats 7mb and not the 3 thats listed in the dat. at the most its just the 3 roms joined but just wondering if the driver can be updated to use just the 1 p rom instead.

If you can list the ones your looking for, I'll probably have the (hacked) roms somewhere that I could try over the weekend. Though..I'm finishing some drywall in the basement bar/gameroom over the weekend....


Just PM me with a list...I'll see about adding them on Sunday.



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i can only play samsho5sp in AES mode...can you guys look into why...I am hearing that James and k-dash got it running in MVS mode in kawaks....so im guessing that the MVS driver info is missing in FBAxxx

To play in Arcade mode, launch the game in Console mode, then in Arcade mode, cuz MVS protection isn't removed.


Btw, U can remove/patch MVS protection to play in Arcade mode directly : just open Ur P1 with an hex editor & change the following values :

Offset : former -> new

EBE4 : 00 -> 71

EBE5 : 66 -> 4E

EBE6 : 74 -> 71

EBE7 : FC -> 4E


To unlock "fatalities" in AES (Console) mode (without Uni-bios 2.0), change the following values :

Offset : former -> new

990 : FF -> FC

991 : FF -> 33

992 : FF -> 02

993 : FF -> 00

994 : FF -> 10

995 : FF -> 00

996 : FF -> 10

997 : FF -> E0

998 : FF -> F9

999 : FF -> 4E

99A : FF -> 04

99B : FF -> 00

99C : FF -> BA

99D : FF -> 61

461B4 : 7C -> F9

461B5 : 35 -> 4E

461B6 : 7D -> 00

461B7 : 00 -> 00 (stays 00)

461B8 : 14 -> 90

461B9 : 00 -> 09



Actually, my version of FBA-XXX samsh5p driver has the fatalities added in MVS mode. There's no need to hack the original roms, the driver includes the fatailities fix.


Check out the source and you'll see...


I've been playing the fatalities in MVS mode; and I've also included the AES original version 1.0 without the fatailities for a comparision or for the young kids that play on my cabinet.




some good but minor news to those who compile; pochi and nyaa is now complete and is working fine on the pc emus of mame and fba :D


heres the driver IQ_132 posted on R-S for the encrypted set:

// Pochi and Nyaa

static struct BurnRomInfo pnyaaRomDesc[] = {
{"267-p1.bin", 0x100000, 0x112FE2C0, 0x10},  //  0 68K code

{"267-c1.bin", 0x800000, 0x2E20617A,    1},  //  1 Sprite data
{"267-c2.bin", 0x800000, 0x4EDFA720,    1},  //  2

{"267-m1d.bin",0x080000, 0xd58eaa8e, 0x10},  //  3 Decrypted
//	{"267-m1.bin", 0x080000, 0xc7853ccd, 0x10},  //  3 Encrypted

{"267-v1.bin", 0x400000, 0xE2E8E917,	2},  //  4 Encrypted
//	{"267-v1d.bin",0x400000, 0x1ac7db71,    2},  //  4 Decrypted


STDROMPICKEXT(pnyaa, pnyaa, neogeo); 

static int pnyaaInit()
nNeoProtectionXor = 0x2e;
return NeoInit();

struct BurnDriver BurnDrvpnyaa = {

{"pnyaa", "Pochi and Nyaa", NULL, "Aiky", "Neo Geo", "2003", NULL, "neogeo"},
NULL, pnyaaRomInfo, pnyaaRomName, neogeoInputInfo, neogeoDIPInfo,
pnyaaInit, NeoExit, NeoFrame, NeoRender, NeoScan, &NeoRecalcPalette,
nNeoScreenWidth, 224, 4, 3


also he posted that if you're using the neo-pcm2 code in the neo_run.cpp, you need to update it to make it work with pnyaa's V1 rom (not v1d). go here to see what is needed to update: http://www.freepgs.com/iq_132/forum...p?p=798#post798


Big Thx to IQ_321 for his help :punk:


Already added to the build...plus a couple of other requests like ms4plus...




3 days ago, mslug5nd truly decrypted Px (not bootlegs) were released, it wouls be nice to add them :


268-p1n.bin 1 Mb crc d99c035c

268-p2n.bin 4 Mb crc 768ee64a



Also, ms5plus decrypted Px, kof2003b decrypted Px (no tag or blank) & kof2003h EX Hero decrypted Px were released :


ms5plusd (decrypted) :


268-p1pd.bin 1 Mb crc 65639fcc

268-p2p.bin 4 Mb crc 38b7a73a (join p2p + p3p from ms5plus)

268-s1pd.bin 128 Kb crc 99ef577b


kof2k3bd (decrypted, no tag or blank) :


271-p1bd.bin 8 Mb crc 57a1981d


kof2k3hd (decrypted EX Hero hack based on kof2003b decrypted Px) :


271-p1hd.bin 8 Mb crc 5ae28b39

271-s1h 128 Kb crc d168751d

one thing i never understood, but what does the decrypted roms do that the bootlegs don't?, do they have things fixed in them etc??.


Indeed :


Bootleg set : romset dumped from an unofficial hack cartridge or PCB, it can be encrypted or decrypted.


Decrypted set : romset dumped from an official cart or PCB, then modified to remove protections & descrambled.

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