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Blu-ray's Victory Could be Short-Lived, Analysts Warn


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But the victory for Blu-ray Disc may be short-lived if consumers choose to download high definition content from the Internet, market researchers say.


Online movie download services from iTunes, Amazon and others have gained traction in recent years and increased their movie, TV and other video content offerings. The Internet gives consumers a choice of building a library of HD movies bought over the Internet instead of buying a Blu-ray Disc player and building a new library of movies-on-disc, said Carnevale.


"Physical media distribution could become a thing of the past," he said.




I know that HD vs Blue-ray in size could have a effect on what people download since a Blue-ray can hold up to 50gb of data vs HD that can hold up to 30gb of data. But as for me I would be willing to to download the extra up to 20gb for the extras. I know most won't and that could bring a road bump to Blue-ray.




Read the full story HERE

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"Physical media distribution could become a thing of the past," he said.


Yeah but surely discs will still be around for storage use. There must still be a medium for portable storage, and Blu-Ray at 50gigs a disc sounds pretty good to me.

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"Physical media distribution could become a thing of the past," he said.


Yeah but surely discs will still be around for storage use. There must still be a medium for portable storage, and Blu-Ray at 50gigs a disc sounds pretty good to me.



Oh discs will be around for awhile just for the reason to back stuff up. But one day disk will be history for music first then movies. Flash drives will get bigger and bigger and we will be able to back up and carry our tunes and movies that one. Discs are prone to wear and abuse and eventual wear down.

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Yeah I'd love just to be able to store a load of movies on a flash drive and stick it into any device and watch away. I have noticed a lot bigger flash drives recently too, 64gig is the biggest I can remember, but mighty expensive/slow.

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Analysts: Studios will gain from HD DVD's exit, but consumers' won't


Wilson also suggested that consumers would really have been better off with the HD format than with Blu-ray.


"Storage capacity is the one area [where Blu-ray] can claim an advantage," he elaborated. But the outcome of the format war, which became official on Tuesday, "doesn't benefit anyone today and it comes at a cost. [blu-ray] discs and players are both more expensive to manufacture. The DVD format was less expensive to implement and further along in its deployment. [blu-ray] is twelve months behind in terms of its feature set."


To wrap a bit of historical perspective around the reactions of ABI and other observers, only a year or two ago, a lot of people would have been quite surprised by any notion that Blu-ray would prevail over HD. Back then, an independent market research group called Cymfony analyzed postings on message boards, blogs, and other Web pages to gauge the opinions of early adopters of blue-laser consoles, mainly among gamers and videophiles.



Found another interesting read on this over HERE

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Blu Ray has a 50 GB capacity?

Yes, and it's expanding. Problem is, a PS3 game is usually 10-15 gigs on average. About the same as any modern PC game. There are also still several claims that Resistance: Fall of Man used up 25GB alone for data. Which was proven to be flase I believe. There are already 100GB prototypes of Blu-Ray as well.

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