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Oh man, this is just TOO much!


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This is a leaked official RIAA training video produced with the National District Attorneys Association telling U.S. prosecutors why they should bust music pirates: Because it'll lead them to "everything from handguns to large quantities of cocaine [and] marijuana," not to mention terrorists and murderers!


The whole video is over 60 minutes long—these are just two of the more outrageous minutes with Jim Dedman, from the NDAA, interviewing Deborah Robinson and Frank Walters from the RIAA about the benefits of going SWAT on music pirates. At one point, Walters says the piracy/drug connection can be so bad that you get asked "When you buy a CD, would you like it with or without—the with is enclosing a piece of crack or whatever the case may be."

It was very hard to contain myself as the woman began associating piracy of discs (movies, games, whatever) with murderers, illegal narcotics, counterfeit money, guns, etc. Did they never learn that correlation doesn't give you cause and effect? Seems like their statistics needs to be tested for lots of bullshit.


Watch the Video: http://gizmodo.com/358648/leaked-riaa-trai...t-murderers-too

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And what is sad is they truly believe this to be the gospel truth. The government has a way of corrupting everything it touches. They will not stop till everyone believes as they do.

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