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Which site do you like the most?  

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I have been hearing a lot lately that people like this site more, or this other site more. Well the 6 sites that are connected the most are:


Chaos ( Miskie.Net )

Arcade@Home ( Arcadeathome.com )

GeoShock ( GeoShock.com )

RomUniverse ( Romuniverse.com )

UnderGround Emulation ( http://pub37.ezboard.com/bundergroundemulation )

EmulForums ( EmulForums.Cjb.Com )



Now I know you are reading this post in "EmulForums", but be honest now, which site do you think is better?


My emulation goodness started here so you know which im going for :D

The day i arrived here//...the first ROM i requested was


"all points bulleten" 3 seconds later "tapewurm" hooked me up.

Since that day..i have always got help.

That is wy emulforums is KING!


Respect to all other forums thogh at the mo....romuniverse is the second best for me..

geo shite is poop no help there you get....go try file mirrors2

or "your not looking hard enuff"

chaos is dead in the water.....

a@h i full of nutters and repeated "porn offenders" [ :lol: ]

Thats it emu is numba 1.

We just gotta be more helpfull on rom requests and this site is 100% geuine. :P:roll:


my choice would be here.. I think this is my favorite message board..


aside from the followings:


Chaos - i post there a little, but alot back then.


Arcade@Home - quite very often.. but that place has been crapped too many times.


GeoShock- post there back during the controlversy between A@h and GS.


RomUniverse - I start posting there..


UnderGround Emulation - I want to register.. but it seems that there is some account problem..


EmulForums - henced my first sentenced above


well...i'll have to say emulforums is my favorite forum. :P romuniverse is a close second. emulforums is my favorite forum/site for many reasons, but the top ones are, a dedicated webmaster and a kind and helpful staff. those two reasons are what sets this forum apart from the rest in my opinion. :roll: i also have to credit this site for reawakening my intrest in emulation. i was just about on my way out of the scene, when i stumbled across a post made by Gamecop at A@H. i had never seen anything, like what made up the contents of his post, before. ive been addicted to this place, and emulation in general, ever since. so thank you Gamecop for starting this EXCELLENT forum. :lol:


emulforums first when I surf, but I don't post much, mainly because some of you scare me repeated porn offenders8):)


A@H... I am there a lot, glad to help people, been on the downside lately


GEOSHOCK...(they say if you got nothing good to say don't say nothing)

but I have to, u guys got some problems over there, mainly cygoku and his band of terrorists=faggots :D

emulforums first when I surf, but I don't post much, mainly because some of you scare me repeated porn offenders:)  :D 


Iam also guilty of that too.

Nay do not carry this burden alone...

For porn is my weakness... :cry:


Your a "top" bloke evil a very powerfull poster infact im glad your around and hope you post a little more m8. 8)




Then Neogeo.com(sorry, i know not on list)


Then here.


Thats for posting, but i will say that this is the best site out of those due to the gameshare and hub etc...

UnderGround Emulation - I want to register.. but it seems that there is


Problems.. Dyna had problems too. If you wanna I can help you out. Just I.M me on a.i.m: AerosolVandal

if you don't have a.i.m handel, p.m me and I'll help you.


And I have a new link for the forums http://undergroundemu.cjb.net

I'm haveing a little trouble with the page but everthing is working out. Glad to know someone is trying to join :D thanks magnis

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