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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Why is that linked to my collection? The link is generic, so anyone that has a list there will be linked to their own. He needs one with his username like http://users.ign.com/collection/cominus?objType=1 is a direct link to yours.........however because of this or whatever reason, youve switched it to non-public. lol paranoid. where it says cominus on the link is where the username would go. I tried LordKanti and lordkanti but no username exists, kanti brings up the "That game collection is not public. " message. so who knows I'm a man of many names... My username for IGN is Ghede_Barrows I try to use as many different usernames as possible. I don't know why.
  2. I hope for all Americans' sake, you are not American, LordKanti. From what you reply, I deduce that you are so ignorant in life, thinking that you can impose your AMerican values on anyone. Mind you, I have American friends who really respect other people's way of life, not trying to impose their life onto others. I do hope you did not represent most of the Americans. First off...I don't represent most Americans. Second of all, yes, I was being sarcastic.
  3. Spaaaaaaaaaaace Channel 5! Everyone thinks that game sucks...but that makes its price drop $30! Buy now!
  4. I'm pretty sure that's Dragon Lair. Been forever since I've played it, such a fun game and also VERY hard. I heard they were making a Dragon Lair 3D but that might have been cancelled. And Dungeon Keeper was also a very fun and tough game. Peter Molyneux is one of the greatest game developers ever. Oh yeah, I remember Dungeon Keeper now. I haven't played it...but it looks fun. And you can get Dungeon Keeper 1/2 packaged together for 10 dollars. I think I'll buy that.
  5. Letterman is the best, well next to Conan. I love his little Bush video clip things. Those are damn hilarious! The daily show also has some good Bush insults. They actually made a drinking game where you had to drink every time Bush said terrorist, war...I don't remember, but he said the sam few words every couple seconds. It was rediculous.
  6. They should teach our history all over the world. We're just that important. And did Bush really say "More and more of our imports are coming form overseas?" I think I read that here once.
  7. I remember another hard game.(I was 6 when I played it though) I don't remember the name, something like Dungeon Keeper, or Dragon Knight... You start out on a bridge walking, and then something under it tries eating you... Dragon Lair...maybe?
  8. You got me there! I am no historian, so I can't prove what you have just said The bottom line is: Having a religion is a good thing, IMO. THere is no religion in the world that ask you to do evil. Whether it is Judaism, Islam, Christian or Buddhism, all religions ask us to live in peace with each others and love one another. So, basically, have a religion, kids Peace blows. I'd rather die on a killing spree than live...in peace!
  9. Craploads of SNES SPCs are better. With proper tagging. Yeah I downloaded some SPC's from ZAMN once, and I didn't know what they were...I still don't. How do I use them?
  10. Ikaruga, that IS one of the hardest games made... but Mario Bros.? And two people think so? Your choice I guess... And Kirby 64 was easy...I beat in less than a day.
  11. http://users.ign.com/my/sb?action=viewUser...mes=y&objType=1 I haven't listed most of my PC games(too many), and I have a big stack of DC games somewhere too. These are just from memory, I could still find a lot of old NES/SNES/Genesis carts somewhere. And probobly some PSX games, too. On a side note, where can I get the DOSbox? I can't find DOS on XP at all.
  12. Yeah...I don't know yet. So tell me yours to help me think!
  13. I got mine...2001 one I think. It crashed last summer. I just got a new one, family works at Best Buy, makes it reeeal easy.
  14. You seriously want me to list 'em all? .... That'll take a while... Post it later.
  15. I am god fools! Now you will all die for blaspheming! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
  16. I'm glad there was a both option, I can't choose between the two! Survival Horror is by far my favorite genre.
  17. I have Halo...but I don't see why everyone likes it so much. Can someone enlighten me?
  18. And everyone is entilted to their own opinion, even if they're wrong.
  19. RE is awesome. I bought all the games, and then rebought them on the Gamecube for $50!
  20. What's Onimusha anyway? I've heard it's good but I haven't played it yet.
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