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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Purpose Mr. Anderson... Smith: Thank you. But as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free, we're here because we're not free. There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose - because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist. Smith 2: It is purpose that created us, Smith 3: Purpose that connects us, Smith 4: Purpose that pulls us, Smith 5: That guides us, Smith 6: That drives us, Smith 7: It is purpose that defines, Smith 8: Purpose that binds us. And there ya go.
  2. And while you're still waiting for that, I'm already waiting for La Pucelle! hehe I can't think of many other upcoming releases. There's a crapload of games I'm waiting on to come out eventually though.
  3. i thought that was the name of the final fantasy fighting game? or was that something else. That was Ehrgiez, which I edited in above. The name is what reminded me of this.
  4. Those are obviously the lyrics to Nirvana's "Smells like Teen Spirit"
  5. You know it's sad that people don't actually know the person who said that. And for you information, its Lord Acton. Yeah, his name was written after the quote. I just don't remember that part.
  6. Einhander(sp?) A great 2D shooter game for the PS1. If I rembered it's name.
  7. I'll also add Midway(Mortal Kombat) to the list of the Uber vs. game. It is now... Capcom vs. SNK vs. Sammy vs. DC vs. Marvel vs. Nintendo vs. Midway vs. Square EDIT: I'll add Square too, for Ehrgiez(sp?)
  8. All 3 are completely the same. I want an actual sequal, not like SR2. SR Online would rule. I KNOW the SNES and Genesis games are different. In the SNES version you play as Jake, and move around in an almost point and click manner. You get geeked by some other Shadowrunners and then revived by that cat shapeshifter(forgot name), and you get your magic from the spirit of Dog(instead of Gator, like you can in the Genesis versioin). And you have to recover you memory, and eventually kill Drake, a dragon(who'll own you). In the Genesis version you play as some dude looking for his brother(who might have died? I don't remember.) And you get to choose from 3 templates for your character. And the system is based on Shadowrun 2nd edition. Just try it. Download both. They're completely different, I swear.
  9. I usually don't play games for more than 1 month anyway. So if I bought it, I'd only pay for the first month. And sometimes they give you a free month.
  10. Shadowrun Online(There's already been a 2, even if it wasn't stated.[The Genesis, SNES, and possibly Sega CD versions are completely different]) Capcom vs. Marvel vs. SNK vs. DC vs. Sammy vs. Nintendo!(lol like that'll happen) With The Nemesis and Wesker as playable characters. And Viewtiful Joe should be playable too. And Dante. And Zero. And then Capcom should make a game based on FLCL and make Kanti a playable character too. And it would be Online so you could play in tournaments from home. House of the Dead 3 With ample LightGun support. Sanitarium A great game, even though I can barely play it due to some unnamed error. Kirby A GOOD one this time. Haven't played a good one since the SNES. I might think of more...
  11. He does indeed. Even with the theoretical power to just erase our memories, eliminate evil, and live in peace forever. He'd rather sit back and watch us kill each other. And had I been in his position...I would too. I leave you tonight with this thought... GOD IS A FASCIST DICTATOR Power tends to corrupt... And absolute power, corrupts absolutely... - A poster in my US history class.
  12. Yeah it's a good deal!!!!!! Are you insane!!!!
  13. Yeah, I'll think about that. It takes me a while to come up with a good name. But how about Jacob's Ladder? I thought of that earlier for something else. It kinda fits in with the Matrix's religous references...
  14. No, we have all the normal tastes. Plus some extra for later.
  15. You are making me Extra Bucks by driving around **!
  16. Well neutrinos are also involved with electrons. Whenever something goes through beta decay and an electron is released, an anti-neutrino is shed along with it. And when it releases a positron, a neutrino is released. I have to know this crap for my physics test on Wednesday. Why is it that whenever we talk about something scinetific you always seem to have a test about it the fowllowing week? I don't know...quite an odd coinidence. Maybe if don't talk about scientific things, I will never have tests on it. Words to live by, G. Words to live by.
  17. Hmmm, yeah Shadowrun would be cooler. But I've yet to recieve any official word on it... Eh...and 1emulation team sounds...bad... A team would be cool, but we should give it a better name.
  18. Baaaah, it's the FBI again. The FBI and their mind controlling devices. Don't believe me? I have pictures! Proof! No, I'm not crazy, I have proof! *dragged off by the orderlies*
  19. No can do Axl! The next Mortal Kombat is already in the works. Check your local gaming magazine.
  20. My sentiments exactly. Uh oh...feeling nostalgic again.
  21. Yeah I read this book by Stephen Hawking once, "A Brief History of Time". It was all about this stuff. It had a chapter on time travel, a couple on black/wormholes. It was pretty good, but I don't remember much.
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