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Everything posted by 2eyez

  1. OK, so I wasn't imagining things then. I don't know how to correct the problem but hopefully someone will find a way.
  2. anyone having trouble performing some special moves, desperation moves, and leader desperation moves in NeoRageX? I don't think it's my joystick because it works fine on other games.
  3. You're talking about Jet Li's Fist of Legend to Bruce Lee's The Chinese Connection
  4. Sagat - Tiger Genocide Ken - Shinryuken Ryu - Shinshoryuken Terry - Buster Wolf, Rising Force Joe - Screw Upper Morrigan - Darkness Illusion Demitre - Midnight Bliss Guile - Sonic typhoon(EX),
  5. people are such idiots...lack of exercise = over weight...why can't they figure it out...but dang though, no more super size...it's only 49 cents more...plus, i get to keep the plastic cup...
  6. Thanks, i'll try that and i d/l it from the net.
  7. I got Legacy of Kain Defiance and i can't run it. It says "Wrong Disc inserted. Please insert the Legacy of Kain Defiance Disc 1 into your CD ROM Drive." I have no clue on what to do next. Can anyone help me?
  8. sounds like a wannabe McGuiver(spelling?) from the TV series
  9. I'm originally from Notown(Fresno) Cali. Now i live in NC
  10. Ryu, Ken, Guile, Charilie, Zangief, Blanka, Akuma,
  11. hey 2eyez, can you tell me which server and channel you got the dev kawaks from? I checked my usual irc channels and didnt see it anywheres. i got it from Newnet(server) in Legacyofroms(channel)
  12. i got the dev.kawaks 1.48 but my KOF2oo3 doesn't work...odd indeed...i got mnine from irc
  13. War Gods Shaq fool King of The Monsters All Dragon Ball Z fighting games - you name it i hate it
  14. DMX - One More Road To Cross
  15. Just think 100 characters - 3 on 3 tag action - at least 33 battles!!! - 25 or 50 cents a game - hours of fun - imagine beating 100 character with one try - CRAZY S-HIT!!!
  16. you could rename it to see if it works.
  17. http://snkx.com/emulation-roms2.php - these roms work for neoragex but can be played on kawaks by modifiying your ASR.dat file
  18. I can never get it right. Whenever they jump over me and I do that move, the first hit (that dome thing) makes them fly up in the air the big stream does jack crap. Or they have to be right in front of you to do it properly. i haven't encounter any problems when i do it. I usually use it when they stand in front of me. I think it takes half a life bar damage.
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