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Everything posted by Two9A

  1. Don't worry about it. (For everyone as well,) the FAQ and eventually the manual will be there for a reason, so do try to use them
  2. My dear sir, what did you expect. An MSN client, perhaps a Flash-capable browser? Anyway. This is the base-layer API. Looks like sg deliberately stucka delay loop in there so you can see individual bytes and packets being pulled from the connection, an IP being picked up, and such. I think it's a succinct description of the complications involved, but keep in mind that this is the base upon which applications will be built. This is the Transport Layer (and below), in networkspeak. Well done 1emulation, btw, for only crashing for 8 hours. I'd expect this kind of news to keep the place down for weeks.
  3. Regular updates? Never. Anyway, I took a break for a couple of days, and came back to the code. Only to find that a couple of demos break horribly, RValentine being the most notable. Now, I spent all day hacking stuff in to find the problem. I didn't find the problem, but I did hack the stuff in. (screenshot follows) Perhaps tomorrow or the day after, the bughunt can begin.
  4. I tried streaming an XviD to my P233 the other day. Even with MMX, it just gave up after half a frame. I'm not convinced that the DS, even though its ARM9 has DSP extensions like MMX, would be able to cope. Boy, would I love to see an MPEG4 decoder for DS though.
  5. Think about that for a minute. How do you get multiple connections to multiple networks with a normal PC (say, Ethernet and wireless)? You need two NICs. The DS has just the one NIC, so one network. Of course, if you mean multiple TCP connections at the same time, that's no problem for a well-written TCP stack. (sgs won't mind the slight dig there, I'm sure )
  6. To clarify things. As of right now, the DSemu project is termporarily forked; master Double's working on DSemu, and I've got DSemu-ng. When I've caught my code up to doublec's, I'm hoping to integrate/replace the current DSemu tree with DSemu-ng, hence merging the projects. To answer your other question, there won't be a release; even though this is "another emulator", it's intended as a merging replacement to DSemu.
  7. Yeah, my DSL line happened to go down the very minute I posted the message, and stayed down for like 3 hours. It's all back up now.
  8. Alright. Progress thus far has been relatively quick, but I fear that things will slow down/crawl to a stop very soon now. Up to this point, things have been simple; I have a large percentage of a shiny new portable ARM7 core, a tiny bit of GBA bitmap graphics, and key input, all underneath a new portable (FLTK-based) GUI. From here, it gets difficult, and I may be tempted to simply hack in doublec's work on the DS components. Now I know you're clamouring for screenshots. Very little in the way of demos runs right now, but there are a few simple ones that seem to work fine. Images follow (note, they may not appear immediately, as there seems to be an issue with the server): The latest source should be available at http://ng.dsemu.org/dsemu-ng-20051008.tar.bz2 Feel free to check it out.
  9. Morning, all. May I draw your attention to the (former) DSemu homepage, wherein will be found, for the first time in months, news. http://www.dsemu.org/
  10. You don't have to worry about that. I've been here for over a year, I'll still be here when you return from exams. And I'm sure master Double will pop in as well (this being his forum n' all). As for that logo, I like it. I have a personal preference for the version without the fancy colours on the name, but you can rest assured that everyone involved will give their opinions in due course.
  11. Your memory (or lookup skills) be impressive. Indeed, 0.0.1a's over a year old now; I'm not sure even I have a copy. And if you're trying to run the DS demos on 0.0.1a, it's never gonna happen; that's a GBA emulator, and a sucky one at that.
  12. Now that I've got my old P233 again (see Oopsilon for details on that), I was thinking about putting my ideas on object-oriented plugins down in code. And where better to test them than on the codebase of DSemu. doublec: If you receive a patch sometime in the next year, where just about every file's changed, it'll probably have my name on it.
  13. Hi. If you want to continue work on the project, please go ahead. Looks like you've got all the tools you'll need to compile the code as-is, so you should be fine. The code base is C and x86 assembly; you won't have a problem there. You might want to get in touch with Normmatt, since he has the code for a few additions to the DS core, like handling of the X/Y keys. I only have binaries for that, Normmatt holds the source for those modifications. But if you want to work on DSemu, it's not like you need permission or anything. The BSD licence gives you the prerogative to hack all you want; just add yourself to the list of authors instead of removing me, that's all the licence asks. Have fun!
  14. Two points I'd like to make. 1) Parse error. Maybe your English isn't up to scratch, or maybe my brain isn't working. 2) I would continue if I could. As you know, I no longer have a Windows development environment, so I can't really work on a Windows-hosted emulator. Maybe I have got entirely the wrong meaning out of this
  15. I got an email about this. Apparently, the ROM can be loaded. It doesn't give any output, it doesn't respond to input. But it doesn't crash. All that means is, it's stuck in a loop somewhere very early on.
  16. You think I can afford such things? I've posted about this before: Forum post: CVS Server. You'll need the MS C++ compiler, the platform SDK and NMake. It's all free, and the compiler is the very same that ships with.NET; all legal and shiny.
  17. What's wrong with my style The tutorial's slowed up recently, as you may have noticed. I'm having trouble putting part 04 together; it's probably gonna be a big one.
  18. Feel free to do whatever you like to the source; it's all out in the open. Maybe someone could add 3D, or fix the core. 'S up to you guys. Just let me know if you get anything new working. I'll still be maintaining the site for a good while yet.
  19. Making your points well and succinctly as ever, zid. But as mic's mentioned over at his place, our codebases are entirely different, and we've had varying methods of tackling the root problems. Turns out my way was a touch more complex, and had more bugs as a result. But that's life
  20. If I were to give a wildly inaccurate guess, I'd say another 8 months. But of course, I don't have the time now that I had last August, and lord only knows what'll happen for the rest of this year. As for testing it, I'm most likely to develop for my PowerPC server at the moment, so I'm not sure how much use a Win32 environment would be Thanks for the expression of appreciation. If more than zero people get some use (or even inspiration) from what I do, then I'm happy.
  21. It's not the end of the project as a whole. Essentially, I can't work on the current incarnation of the emulator any more, as it's a Win32 project, and I have no Win32 development environment. I do, however, have access to a PowerPC; the loss of the x86 environment gives me an excuse to start on what the project was all about: dynamic recompilation. Basically, the current zip will remain as is until I can swap out the core with a portable dynarec.
  22. The passthrough is the generic name for the device; both natrium and DF have built passthrough devices, for example. It is only natrium's design that is called the PassMe, since it has been named as such.
  23. The wrestler fails are easily explained if you consider that the GBA doesn't have an ARMv5, and neither does DSemu's GBA core anymore. As for all those hangs, I think that's due to those ROMs not achnowledging their interrupts. I'll probably have to add a flag to ignore acknowledgement or something, since I can't ask all the demo devs to recode their work. Wasn't aware there was a slowdown issue; it's always slow on a 600 NDS files will take a little while, since two MMUs read the file and copy regions of code accordingly. Maybe it is a little inefficient.
  24. Great to see it's still in VB, and I can make no use of it whatsoever And love the fact that, even if I could use it, it's on an incompatible licence *giggles* Don't worry. I'll take a look.
  25. That's a pretty dang impressive list of working ROMs; wish DSemu could do 10% of that.
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