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Everything posted by KyokugenKiss

  1. only ignorant kids whom never saw the original first or are fans of Evil dead say that the remake was garbage created my mtv scum for american audiences seeking cheap thrills...the living dead dont run!!!
  2. i know nothing of cheerleaders, i went to highschool in the ghetto
  3. the SMACKDOWN franchise was fun, suing jaxx is old news though
  4. only fobs like those lame movies, zzzz
  5. Because of Tina Turner? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, that and the movie just blew. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ehhh, I think Mel Gibson still made it a little better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that doesnt count, that was a trilogy Mel Gibson stared as Mad Max for Mad Max The Road Warrior Mad Max : Beyond Thunderdome and dispite Mel being old, hes working on a 4th Mad Max http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4569728/
  6. as a child i played fighters street (sf 1 for turbo graphix 16) it was new and very innovative (especially since most other kids were still playing Kung Fu for NES) i loved it, then came sf 2, i liked it like everyone else did...but it got old fast, especially after mastering all the characters and bosses....durring this time i was more into Fatal Fury 2 until ssf2turbo came out...that game is still one of the best 2d fighters ever, no doubt will always be on my top 5...but then came KOF, i loved that game since i was a big Fatal Fury and AOF fan, not to mention crossovers dispite those games being from the same company was still unheard off had aroused me...so i started to get into that...then next year...95 came out, and i found myself strangly attracted to Iori Yagami...i mean his design was ahead of its time and was far more applealing to me than any boring s.f character design...come to think of it, that was a large factor or getting me into SNK, the character designs were by far more appealing especially with characters like Terry, Robert Garcia,Kyo and Iori. also, i spent alot or portions in my youth and MVS was everywere, hell it still is everyware in countries outside the US, so SNK has a special place in my heart, so does capcom, but not from fighting games (MEGAMAN!!!! and puzzlefighter) , also as i have mentioned before, SNK play mechanics, dispite them not being revised dramatically, there is no need to because its still superior than capcoms.
  7. so what is going on with it, i dont get it, i thought it was just a movie but i've heart soo much more too I cant wait to play Dirge of Cerberus
  8. did they end up editing out all that anti-haitain stuff for the greatest hits versions?
  9. I loved the Iron Man Cartoon, it used to play back to back with the fantastic 4 cartoon
  10. neither really turns me on, i've grown to old to appreciate handheld video game systems
  11. i've seen very femmed out hands on the toughest of guys the best way is shoulders to waist ratio
  12. just doesnt turn me on...poor Jim Carrey soo damn rich, but no longer funny
  13. blade 2 only sucked because they didnt use Donny Yen enough, but then again he would have stole the show from Snipes if they did use him well
  14. the neck doesnt always help , i know a few guys with no prominent adams apple
  15. I gotta see it soon, I love parker posey!!! also, i wonder if Triple H will still be playing Conan The Barbarian
  16. i dont care much about the sprites, KOF is still fresher than Street Fighter, how would you feel if Ryu lost his hadokens? or if Ken became a charged character?
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