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Everything posted by Sultan

  1. are you running them from command line or just double clicking on them? I suspect the errors are because they need to be done from a command line... Start Menu > Run > CMD
  2. Its the nighttime lineup on Cartoon Network. I thought new Family Guy was going to be on FOX, and Adult Swim was getting American Dad?
  3. ok weird, I fixed it. It appears to have something to do with the directory I had it in. I reinstalled to a new directory and its fine.
  4. Yep, and there's nothing special in the readme, or the faq on their website. Nothing related at all. The games I've tried that the controls didn't work were Monster Farm Jump, DOA++ and Mr. Driller. I'm getting some more games to try tonight. Can anyone try these games in zinc and see what happens for them?
  5. Wasn't able to get an answer on the official zinc forum, so I thought I'd ask here. I can't seem to get input to work in Namco games in Zinc. Anyone else having this problem? You can use coin, start and the directions but that's it. I even tried mapping some combos and such and those don't work either. All the non-namco games that I have seem to be fine.
  6. Well, I was excited about eXeem, but after reading that, I'm not sure. They are a little vague on whether or not it'll have the benefits of bittorrent. They also make it sound kinda spammy and kazaa-like. But hopefully if the client is too adware driven, then someone else will make a compatible client without the ads. Hopefully it doesn't take too long. I only use bittorrent to get tv shows I miss, and its all reruns, at least right now. But soon I'll be missing bittorrent!
  7. The View? Isn't that the women's show with Barbara Walters? Ehmmm....
  8. I got into this game late when my friend gave me a copy of GGXX #R he bought in Singapore. I hadn't heard of the series at all. Now that I know there's a DC version, I'm getting that!
  9. Actually there is one thing I still can't figure out. In the screenshots all the games have their full name showing in the front end. I can only get it to show the short zip name. Any idea how to fix that? I haven't been able to find any mention of how to do that.
  10. I finally figured out my problem. Apparently the coder has some local paths stored in the program, so that it doesn't work properly if you don't have it in c:\atomicfe\ Very annoying :/ Now I need to craft a french bugreport.
  11. I was supposed to go to Kentucky and visit my wife's family. But there's a huge snowstorm there and all the roads are closed. So instead I am staying here and working on an application to law school!
  12. I agree, EQ2 is my choice over WOW. EQ2 also made the improvement of moving experience to being driven almost entirely by quests. The fighting isn't anything new in WOW, though LordKanti makes the PVP sound pretty exciting. I like EQ2 though because of that customization factor. But either game is too expensive for me. I just play them at friends houses.
  13. Has anyone here ever tried AtomicFE? I've been looking for a good multi emu frontend, and this one has amazing graphics. I really love the animations. Very slick stuff. But I'm having a hard time getting it to work. Not a small part of that is due to it being all in French. I made my wife read it to me (she's better than babelfish) and did everything in the tutorial, but I still can't get it to properly set up the game lists. There's this odd "MetaData" tab that is poorly explained and seems rather crucial to making it easy to add games. Anyway, just thought I'd see if anyone here had tried this frontend before. Or maybe there's a francophone here who might be willing to download it and try it out. www.atomicfe.com(google translated)
  14. Cool, kinda like the new Mortal Kombat game. I guess this is the new trend for fighter games?
  15. I'm meeting my wife's extended family. In KENTUCKY!
  16. You know how torrents on suprnova always list the uploader next to them, and a lot of times that uploader was an irc channel name? Well, those channels were not affected by these shutdowns... go check em out if you can't find a working site
  17. my suggestion is to sell items to enhance stats, like in an RPG. You could have things like a Ring of Strength +4 or Gauntlet of Power +3, etc. Also maybe there could be mystery items for a really high price, and these could either be really good bonuses, or end up being cursed and actually lower your HP or Str! And I also think if such items were introduced, then it would be cool to make them lootable. Instead of stealing frags, people could occaisionally receive an item from their victim. What does everyone think about that idea?
  18. I was a huge fan of marvel comics as a kid. I loved Wolverine and the Guardians of the Galaxy. I've just recently started getting back into comics. Now I really like the Marvel Max comics. Especially Supreme Power. I also just went and got all the Earth/Paradise/Universe X series and that was really good. It seems that Marvel has never really faded, and just keeps getting more impressive. But not I'm not so exclusive to Marvel anymore, as I think comics in general are way better than when I was a kid. I read other stuff, like Hellboy/BPRD and Y the Last Man as well.
  19. Ya I think I had the same book as Sturm. Using Tyo instead of Cho is because its from the British school of japanese transliteration, which is a bit inflexible. I remember that our books did things the British way, but we were supposed to do things the American way. That was a little bit confusing.
  20. Ummm...WTF!! What language class were you in Sultan? Japanese for business?! If you actually paid attention to your studies, you'd know that it was distal style (ie. polite) Japanese you were learning. The japanese in anime is informal and rude, some of which you rarely ever say to someone. Did you honestly expect to go in and after the first few classes speak informal Japanese? Typically, one does not start with the direct stlye (ie. informal) japanese. That comes later as you learn new structures and predicates. By now though, you should know that dropping the copula "desu" will make something direct style. And I just started taking the language... Just curious, what crap of a school are you attending...I honestly can't believe you're being taught that way, assuming its not a business oriented course. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ya I realize why they teach polite conversation first, I just found it really amazing that our teacher managed to go over a year without even informing us that we'd sound really retarded saying that on the street to our peers. I had no idea there was something less formal until then. My uni wasn't bad, a little small maybe. But my japanese teacher was horrible. The japanese department (her) was new the year I started. And she was an absolute crazy person. She would freak out in class if asked any questions whatsoever. She cried a few times as well. That's always lotsa fun in class; a room full of students watching their japanese teach cry and shake an eraser at them...
  21. This was hilarious. I was a Japanese minor for awhile. This is funny because its so true. I remember my reaction when I learned during my second year that everything we had learned was basically too formal to ever be used in normal conversations with our peers, and really only suited for business. Apparently my joke of a teacher thought we all wanted to go into international business, rather than just watch anime with the subtitles off. GRR! Also, over three years of japanese I probably learned 100 Kanji. Which is about what you are supposed to know by the end of the first month of the first year. And I never learned that stroke order thing at all, that just seemed entirely pointless. Don't take japanese kids! While its not the hardest language, it is the hardest language class!
  22. I guess its a ROM when its on the arcade board, since you can only read from those chips. But once its transferred to the computer, its just another file and can be changed (such as changing the region as a simple example). So maybe we should call it a Former Rom-File?
  23. the flash arcade, on this site. Don't have nearly as many records as Sturmvogel or RaZer, but I've got a few!
  24. I'm 26 in less than six months. After that I never have to worry about it again! BTW, the real reason for the drivers license requirement to register is to get more lower income boys to register. The previous requirements were that you had to register before you could file for financial aid for college. This way makes it a bit more universal. Granted, it now happens at a younger age, but the actual draft wouldn't affect anyone under 18 years of age.
  25. Actually, you can be drafted. All US male residents and citizens abroad are required to register by the age of 18. From the Selective Service System:
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