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Everything posted by Hera

  1. I agree when it comes to restaurants and in the workplace. I'm a smoker and I wouldn't want people to breath that crap if they don't want to. But I'm a bit agitated at the fact that most businesses make people leave the premises just to smoke a cigarette. There should be no problem smoking outside. The whole world doesn't belong to non-smokers and I think that needs to be realized. It's a bit disappointing to have people doped up on weed and crack while working yet a person who wants to smoke a cigarette gets most of the discipline. At least it's legal. It's our addiction and our bodies. Don't tell me I can't smoke outside in the open air.
  2. Agrarian economies usually fail. There has never been PROPER coordination between farmers and government for sustained periods. That is why so many uprisings in history have been results of mistreatment of peasants. The U.S. is in debt to everyone, the national deficit is almost 11 trillion. But it doesn't mean jack realistically. It will never be payed off. Also there is economic crisis in China as well, like I said, one weakness in the chain and things can go wrong globally. You're right but I'm talking about a situation where everything crashes and there is no economy. People can survive regardless. I'm not talking about farmers and government. I'm talking about humanity in general. If everything crashed and money had no use, we can still live. China's "crisis" has an upside unlike ours. The economic "stimulus package" that China's rulers have announced will likely do actual good for ordinary people. New low-cost housing, much-needed new railroad lines, and a universal healthcare system are examples of "domestic spending" that were not in the government's budget before the recession hit. This recession in the economy might contribute to an end to one-party rule. If it gets worse, it will change its politics.
  3. I agree. Nobody has any use for North Korea when it comes to economical situations. Yet, I don't think that just because their government is full of pigs the people should suffer for it. If that was the case, U.S.A should have been wiped out decades ago.
  4. Nice job guys I'm working on some more and I'll post when finished.
  5. Yeah she's better looking. I never thought that girl was attractive. She plays on the show "Dexter" (one of my favs) as his sister. She's an ok actress but not that pretty.
  6. We can live off the land as long as we're not lazy. People are too lazy to do manual labor so it would never work. There are seeds everywhere and the know-how....it's just not convenient for most. But no matter what steps the government takes, no matter what jobs are lost or gained, we're inevitably going to be in debt to China. They have all the cards and they're biding their time. It's too late for us I think.
  7. But you CAN get Hep A from ill-prepared food. Not to mention a plethora of bacterial infections. Dysentery ftw! Well...yeah that's a given........ I always cook my meats thoroughly...excluding steak.
  8. That's fine, as long as I get to keep my Japans. I don't want the whole country destroyed..Kim has over 200,000 political prisoners including children. We should just be the big brother and have him contained and let those people take care of him the way they see fit.
  9. This is a "logo" for my new music project. I thought it kinda looked like the annoying chik on "Cybermorph" on the Jaguar.
  10. What does everyone think about the Smoking Laws?
  11. Yeah...I'm not into the latest trendiest phones. I guess I'm old school..phones are used for voice communication...I have a computer already, why would I need an expensive piece of crap that does the same as a computer but cost more in long run? Just another way for people to sell themselves in society I suppose.
  12. I sometimes have issues with my husband when it comes to the importance of money. We have a child, rent to pay, car bill, the other monthly bills, health, life & car insurance, etc. We make it but don't have everything we want. He wants to work more and more to have extra but I find family time more important. I grew up poor...very poor but we still made the best of things because we were together. I personally don't care if everything crashes. Whatever we lack, nature will provide. Sure we wouldn't have the stuff we grew accustomed to and thought we needed. Unfortunately it's at a stage where you can hardly get by but yet you're pretty much stuck. One day, the majority of humanity will start using their brains and become self reliant instead of putting faith on politicians to fix everything. We all know what happens and what will continue to happen until we as people fix the damn problem.
  13. It's so sad..why can't people just use common sense? Wash your hands, sneeze and cough with your mouth covered, and keep some sanitizer or something! I try not to be prejudiced but this is ridiculous...they constantly reproduce and live off our money and bring up unnecessary diseases along with them. There was an earthquake there as well. Like we need another reason for them to run up here. For the ones who do it right, I commend them but it's extremely rare. Especially living in Florida....good Lord. BTW, it's a misconception that you can get the virus from pork. It's not spread through food...so eat your bacon boys.
  14. The way I see it (and I could very well be incorrect) is that N. Korea is China's whiney poor little neighbor. When things go wrong, China is there to wipe their ass. They are however getting fed up. Ol' Kim needs to take a back seat but he himself said that he's doing this to prove that human rights doesn't exist. He's trying to make some moot point. American troops have already been sent over there ready for what's next. I believe we all know. Japan has told them point blank that they would take precautionary measures and China has told them to back off. If N. Korea is going to do their thing, China isn't going to attack..they're too busy taking over other countries economically. They're just going to step back and let American troops go in with guns blazing like we always do. A brief ramble: This stuff makes me angry..so we attack a country that has so called "WMAs" and kill off the leader (who indeed was an a-hole but not the one responsible for our primary reason for going to war), totally ignoring the one who was responsible, then Americans cry over Iran and Russia and now that we have more of a threat, we're just dilly dallying along like it's no big deal. I think our military geniuses have things a bit ass backwards.
  15. I believe I'll get it for the PSP just for the extras.
  16. Silence of the Lambs..never get tired of it. Question: How many more movies is Nicholas Cage going to star in about predicting the future? There's "Next" and "Knowing" .......I think Hollywood is running out of ideas for the man. For sure his 'do needs to go. He used to be hawt..now umm.
  17. I almost pissed myself ^ Awesome ^ I'm a huge CB fan..I agree that they should leave it be. Leave it fantastic.
  18. Yeah my bros and I have been playing the demo for two days over and over. We're psyched about the whole thing. It was nice laying Liddell out bwahah
  19. What a bunch of rubbish. Go here: http://www.videogamevoters.org/ to vote.
  20. I suppose "luck" isn't the best choice for word. I've just seen a few fights where the opponent had a "convenient" slip up and was laid out. Don't get me wrong, Liddell kicks some ass but there's just something about him that I can't point. It's not the arrogance but I think sometimes there's more behind the fight..I dunno. I've been into it a lot lately since my bro has been competing.
  21. What about a woman's right to choose when to have a child? Pregnancy in my view should be a conscious choice between two people, when they feel ready and responsible enough to raise that child. Abortions happen because of unwanted pregnancies, the key word here being unwanted. An unwanted child is a consequence, not a choice. I doubt that child would grow up in a healthy environment, considering parents might still harbor some form of resentment, however misplaced because of the unwanted child. A child when at a young age is only a burden. It effectively prevents parents from improving their standard of living, getting better education or jobs. Thank Raptor Jesus for abortion, or else this world would be full of trailer parks. What strikes me as odd though is people's exceptions. Pregnancies resulting from rape or ones with malformations are still human beings and still have the same right to live according to pro-lifers. You're still killing the thing whatever the cause was. There should be no exceptions when you take this moral standpoint. By this token we're treating them as consequences and not human beings. Here's an interesting fact, contraceptives taken to prevent pregnancies act the same way as medicated abortions. They do the same thing. First, I'll say that I never considered them exceptions..I said I could understand. My cousin-in-law suffers from several illnesses preventing him from "living" as some people would put it. But his parents decided to keep him alive and love him as much as any other kid. Some others would think differently, either they couldn't afford the continuous visits to the doctor as required or they couldn't emotionally handle the sadness of what their kid could be missing out on. If it were me in any of those circumstances, I wouldn't have an abortion. I firmly believe something good comes out of something bad. You never know what kind of happiness a child could bring. As long as they're raised accordingly, they could very well be useful in society. You are right in fact about the psychological effects on an "unwanted" child. Kids shouldn't have kids. But I don't believe that killing a life you created just to make sure you're covered should be acceptable. My cousin had 4 abortions because even though she was fully educated about sex and the possible consequences, she continued to have them only because she wanted to have fun and not take responsibility. I will tell you one thing being a parent myself...there is no such thing as being financially stable enough to have children. Either you have too much which in turn spoils the hell out of them or you feel as though you have too little which makes you question your parenting. Having a child is not as expensive as people say so it's just another petty excuse to not fess up to being an adult. As for those contraceptives, the woman has a right for choosing what she wants to use. As long as it works accordingly with her health. Most women in these recent times have been educated on those types of contraceptives and make a decision based on that. Most pills today just turn everything off and give steady and painless periods. That's what women mainly want. All in all, there's a tit for tat on this subject. Some people see it one way and others see it another. I don't approve but I also don't go crazy about it like most pro-life supporters. It's not up for me to judge. I just say how I view it and leave it at that.
  22. See, I thought I was the only one on the planet that disliked Liddell....I can't stand him...I've seen a few fights where he just got lucky and was an ass wipe about it.
  23. I'm pro-life. Aborting anytime during pregnancy is just flat out murder in my opinion. Don't wanna have kids? Don't make an adult decision by spreading your legs unprotected. Simple. Too many people over complicate the matter to attempt to justify their reasoning why they won't accept responsibility. I would only understand the decision to abort for two reasons.. 1. Victim of rape. 2. If the child were to be severely brain damaged. There are many vids and documentaries that I've seen that had shown a live abortion..for people to say the child doesn't know it's dying just because they're not fully developed, they're fools. The instinct for survival kicks in. For example, a woman decided to wait until she was 6 months pregnant before getting an abortion. They inserted a camera, and injected the child with poison...you could see that child squirming around trying to fight for it's life. It was sickening. People just do it because it's an easy way out of a problem they created.
  24. hahaha yeah I was like "wtf?!" every time I saw that dude..he was showing off. Yeah well....I'm watching the show again this coming Tuesday. Pirate vs. Knight It's pretty obvious who would own who....
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