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Everything posted by veristic

  1. Interesting choice of voice for Deadpool. I like his Super voice recording "BANG, BANG BANG BANG BANG, BANG BANG BANG" lol I think I like how they treated him. He even does a Shoryuken! I also like the little touches of them calling out the names of whoever replaces them, and how Cap calls Iron Man "Tony" instead of "Iron Man" like the rest. Here's hoping to see Jedah in the game! This game's gonna rock online.
  2. Intriguing. I personally don't like the games that involve girating and hip-shaking and whatnot like the Wii but this game itself blows anything Nintendo has out of the water easy.
  3. Good cuz thats next up for me. I finished the game in practically a day, I hope there's more interaction and cutscenes in part 2 instead of just waves of badguys to get through.
  4. Uncharted Drake's Fortune. Stupid bobbing and weaving badguys, dancing around and shit. I've never been so frustrated trying to get a headshot on some goons before in all my life. Other then that the game is tops. Wish they got a different voice actor though, I KNEW he sounded Familiar lol Desmond Miles. Oh and Elena's face, she is butt ugly what the hell were the designers thinking.
  5. Yeah did you read why I photoshopped her? Lol
  6. One of the reasons why I watch SGU. It also just occurred to me recently while watching the show, i've had on-going debates with my gf and friends about who could play Wonder Woman in her own movie that had the right look and wasn't a teeny-looking sex-kitten face but someone more womanly/serious as is her character and "filled" out the costume the way Lynda Carter did back in the old 70's tv show. Give Julia Benson some blue contacts and bam... I think she's got the look. The only concern I have is her height, I wonder if she's too short. Here's a quick and dirty photoshop edit I did of her as possible WW:
  7. I'm sure if American football didn't exist, we'd take soccer more seriously. Its kind of pathetic I think when they place more importance on a home-turf sport than an international mega-sport like soccer.
  8. 100% Completion baby. Went to Blackwater with my Bureau Uniform on and unloaded on those sonsabitches.
  9. Yeah I think Prince of Persia with Elekka was better than what's out now imo. The art, the battle system, etc.
  10. They use it to get that "animation" style effect for the characters. In some instances I prefer it, not sure how I feel about it in MvC3. I suppose they're going for a "comic book" type of look for the game. I will say that anything is better than rigid, super realistic 3D textures. Maybe MK could use a cel-shading makeover, along with better models.
  11. Hmmm wussat in the sky? Galactus? lol
  12. ^Lol now that you mention it...
  13. I don't know of any grab ultra that connects from a combo.
  14. I'm not saying his kids aren't good, but say in a dojo setting and your kid got whipped by the master during lesson, and he did so to teach the kid properly the ways of the art, are you going to attack him too? Maybe its just my opinion that I think its a teacher's job to do more then pass on knowledge, and while its the parents primary job to cultivate their kids ethics, morale and culture, teachers have an important role in your kids upbringing as well. Its also interesting when I see parents throwing a shitfit when their parents spank the grandchild. Or some other family member for that matter. When my dad was young he used to roll like a thug back in the old country, getting into fights with other gangs and running into the law etc. My uncle(r.i.p.), his older brother would beat my dad's ass like "how dare you disgrace your family." When I got the worst beating from my dad as a 9yr old for failing in school and the teacher telling him I was a bad influence to the class, he said to me, "how dare you shame your family" and taught me a lesson with a 2 inch thick wooden stick wrapped in duct tape. Kid's gotta respect more than his parents imo.
  15. ? its an Air Ultra, is that even possible...
  16. I would say its that mentality that hampers child discipline, seeing as how kids spend more than half their lives growing up at school, I think teachers should be allowed to discipline kids.
  17. I really dislike this artist's Ryu. Fluffy almost fro-like hair and giant eyes, makes him look almost chick-like.
  18. I think Ed Boon needs to step down and let someone with more creativity and artistic vision takeover. That game doesn't look at all like a reboot to me. Mortal Kombat had success because of its environments, mood and fatalities, but if the art direction looks the same as it did from when I played it last, which was like MK3, then somethings wrong. It's like all the characters share the same base model with different outfits and heads. Where's the variety? Different characters should have different body types and shapes/sizes, aside from the obvious need for new character concepts in terms of designs. I would make an example of what happened to Team Fortress 2 and how visually different and appealing overall it became when it changed direction from a typical, rigid 3D model FPS to that highly artistic, retro-fitted art direction it went for. To me it became simpler but so much better. MK could use such a makeover and not to look the way TF2 does but something to breath new life to the series. Christ, even the women look the same. Same re-hashed Kitana bikini ninja design with volumous hair or some such, what is this? A 90's car wash music video? THE 90'S IS OVER ED COME THE FUCK ON.
  19. Could still look a lot better imo. The fight animations look so rigid and awkward, and I think they need to overhaul their character designs. None of them look appealing to me, in grungy 90's rock sort of way.
  20. Doesn't "sexing" in rancher terms mean manually aiding in the copulation of their livestock so they give birth to more cattle? Or horses, etc.
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