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Everything posted by Chaotica

  1. Yes, we all want to avoid that porn, don't we...
  2. I don't see what's so good about FF either. Planescape: Torment had the most creative, imaginative, poignant and sublime story ever. Oh, and it had Annah and Fall-From-Grace, too.
  3. Well, I still like playing games, and I have made it to university and all, so no. Sometimes I play them when I should be doing homework, but most times I can control the urge. I think computer games can help you think laterally in real life situations.
  4. Bah, USA didn't go to the moon!
  5. The best RPG ever is Planescape: Torment. The RPG experience is all about story. That is their cornerstone. I honestly think that games that call themselves RPGs but don't have a decent story aren't really RPGs at all. They are imposters. Like Icewind Dale. *yuck* Although I do enjoy Diablo 2 alot...but I don't think it's an RPG. It's an action game with lots of RPG elements.
  6. What were your memories of the Amiga versus Atari ST war? I only ask because, living in Australia, I never got a taste of it. In fact, I don't think I have ever seen an Atari ST computer in my life. But, judging from the remarks of other retrogamers I talk to, it was quite a passionate debate in the late eighties and early nineties - people are still slugging it out at Amiga and Atari forums on the net today! So, what were your memories? Enlighten me.
  7. They should make (or release) a Primal Rage 2. I liked the whole fighting dinosaurs idea. Apparently a Primal Rage 2 was in the works, but it never came out. Or did it?
  8. Man, some of the stuff is real funny in the first site...and some of it makes you think where the human race has come to. Wiggaz is a totally funny site. Looks like all lame Eminem wannabes. GO THUG, GO!
  9. Yeah quake 1 was scary for me when i was young, after that wierd guy with the chainsaw came out i just had to turn off the game since it was too scary for me. I never played too much of quake 2 but i would like to. quake 3 was ok, but im not too much of a "super smash bro weapons" fan. Compared to Quake, Quake II was not scary at all. Mechanoids just don't strike so much fear in me than ogres with chainsaws and grenade launcher and multitudes of zombies that go "aaagggghhhhh". Ha! And zombies that tear off bits of their own flesh and throw it at you. *splat!*
  10. Playing is competitive, and it is really cool being the winner, but you have to draw the line sometimes, because all in all, they are just games. That's why I just play for fun. I used to be so competitive, and get so worked up when I lost (which was often ). Now I play more for fun. And I don't loose as much! They are competitive games, but fun is at their heart, not competition. People who are excessively competitive on games kill the game rather than make it more attractive. Look at all the wankers who play online, for instance.
  11. People who use all this new thug slang, like, "wat's dat?" "Ha! U funnee 4 eva!" I just hate that!!!! People who dip their tea bags in the boiling water and just let it soak. I hate that! Just use a spoon and squish the teabag, pushing all the flavour out. People who think they are better than others. They come in lots of varieties.
  12. Of course 3d has more potential. But 2d was, and still is, simply more fun. And I personally like 2d art over 3d art, especially when it comes to fighting games.
  13. So they are hard games? I was just planning to get a Hitman game, since I have never touched one before. Haven't had the comp with good enough specs.
  14. Quake 4 has been in the works for awhile. It's going to be handled by Raven, a move I'm not sure of, but I will still support, because I'm a Quake fan boy. It will be set on planet Strogg, like in Quake 2. If the leaked concept art was anything to go by, it's going to look great. And for me, Id has always beaten Unreal. Unreal games may look good, but they aren't much in the gameplay department. Quite boring, actually. As I said in a prior post, I want a Quake sequel that goes back to the Quake 1 gothic, nightmarish setting.
  15. People still buy cds. I know I do. In fact, I buy more cds now that I can download a few tracks and listen to them before I make a purchase with my hard earned money.
  16. Tekken 2 runs fine for me on Mame, but with no sound. "But Morpheus...the Oracle..." "She told you exactly what you needed to hear. One day Neo you will realise, just as I did, that there is a difference between knowing the path, and walking it."
  17. I don't know if it had the "best" combo system, but yes, the combos and the game itself was fun. I wouldn't mind seeing a third installment either. I love Orchid.
  18. It gets hot in Australia in the summer. I don't like heat either. I love the winter. I love the rain, and the fresh cool breeze, and sitting in front of the heater.
  19. Counter Strike, because it is and always has been the most rubbish piece of crap game ever made, with crap gameplay, boring physics, rubbish graphics and a fun factor of 0. Prince of Persia always pissed me off, to the point of pulling my hair out, because I found it so hard. And almost all sport games piss me off, because I just can't play them for peanuts. Need For Speed games piss me off, because I just can't play them - they are too damn realistic for me. I'd rather the more exagerrated and arcadey racers.
  20. I would like to see Blood Storm 2. The first was an okay game, ultra ultra violent, and it looked like a cheap rip off of Mortal Kombat...but it was still okay. A second game would be interesting.
  21. I want another Sega console. I miss Sega from the console market. They deserve another crack at it. The Dreamcast looked so promising. Fingers crossed, Sega.
  22. What's AVG? Is it Avast Anti Virus? Because that is what I use. Hell, it's free.
  23. "Anon" is used in Shakespearean plays and sonnets alot. Er Just thought I'd let you know. Sorry, but I'm writing a thesis on Shakespeare at the moment, so I'm seeing/reading Shakespeare everywhere!
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