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Everything posted by Shibathedog

  1. Oh god its that shit on the walls from Doom 3.
  2. This video is so hilarious I just had to share. And yes they are serious. (wait till they start getting really into it) Sung by the Westboro Baptist Church. EMBED-Westboro God Hates The World Music Video - Watch more free videos EDIT: Here is the Wikipedia link for those that aren't aware of this hate group. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church
  3. What? No that doesn't make any sense. As long as the scene renders at the exact same speed, it does not matter how many frames there are, all it is going to do is make the motion look smoother. Sure there may be a shit ton of frames that are barely different but it is not going to mess up anyone's timing. I guess "pro" street fighters prefer blocky motion and depend on watching it to know when to press buttons. It sounds like they could just watch current positions of characters and achieve the same thing. The blocky motion method would be easier though I guess slightly but this is getting stupidly precise and gimmicky now. How much fun did they have when everyone switched from standard to Hi Def? Standard is about 30FPS (or less depending on where you live) where HD is 60, are they all still playing street fighter at 30FPS? Yeah have fun with that. I bet they where all freaking out because the motion was smoother and they had to relearn the whole game. Give me a break. Just memorize the damn button combos and fight, learn what counters what, stop using gimmicky tricks like halo nerds do to win the game.
  4. Usually yes, but this game works like an old DOS game apparently, instead of just rendering more frames in between each other it just renders them faster. Pretty stupid yes.
  5. I've also been playing this and damn its a blast. The dialogue is a little ridiculous but the gameplay is pretty awesome. I like playing as the rifle guy a lot more than the pistol guy, it just seems so much more effective. Because of this I barely ever use the special abilities. (with the pistol guy I use them only when I'm real screwed) It gets really fun when you get so good at it that your firing off as fast as the rifle can go and with every shot you kill another guy until you have to reload. You feel like clint eastwood haha. As far as the showdowns go, It seems like the trick is to keep them lined up (none of them should be blurry) and as your moving around keep moving your mouse (joystick?) so it is just about to grab the pistol and keep it there (you will have to keep moving it because he slowly moves away) then when the bell rings go for it but be patient, shooting too early will either make it go through his legs or shoot him too low and he won't die and then you get killed, just try and hit them in the chest. I have my mouse sensitivity set to insane for all my games so doing this may help you be quicker. You could always change it right before shootouts and then change it back.
  6. mwahahahaha *points at sig* I play the game completely maxed out @ 1600X1200 85Hz with Vsync On and have no problems maintaining a steady 85 FPS. I think I had to set the frame rate to variable as well to avoid being stuck at 60. If I turn Vsync off and leave framerate at variable it becomes unplayably fast (at least the benchmark tool did) So that is my only option for more than 60 FPS (unless I raise the refresh rate more I guess) It looks loads better than the 360 version too I wonder if this is putting me at a disadvantage though, maybe I should keep that 60FPS cap on or the game is going faster than it should making it harder.
  7. haha wow. I think this was definitely written as a joke though. It's too ridiculous.
  8. So since this is a games for windows live game, does that mean PC users can play with 360 users or is it still separate?
  9. I have a promo link I can give you guys for unlimited usenet from Astraweb for 11 bucks a month. I can max my line easily, the retention is just as good as giganews (I recently switched from them) unlimited data transfer/256-bit SSL encryption/etc./All the best stuff you would expect from a top of the line premium usenet provider. I don't make any money or anything off it, it's just a link I found. I used it and it worked. I heard people on TPB are going nuts, deleting all the torrents they uploaded as well as accounts. :/ That's never a good sign. EDIT: I'm not sure how long it has been since you where on usenet, but it seems like it's been awhile, retention on Giganews/Astraweb/Newshosting IIRC are all 365+ days now.
  10. Well in the episode they are actually brownies. If you really haven't seen that episode though you should go watch it like right now, It's probably one of the funniest.
  11. Hey thanks a lot! Good work as always!
  12. For some reason this reminded me of that Mad Real World episode of Chappelle's Show. -I Got Oatmeal Cookies!! -They got weed in em?
  13. Nah, the charges were dropped, they both beat the hell out of each other. he just wanted to slap his troubles away. so he could be in a great mood all day. HA! I heard it wasn't so clear cut too, some big fight happened, it wasn't like he just beat her up for no reason.
  14. This sucks real bad, but I've been slowly ditching BT altogether anyway. I'll keep my memberships at a couple private trackers but Usenet is so much better than Bittorrent it is insane. I'll miss The Pirate Bay though. Aren't they the ones who brought back the also awesome (back in the day at least) SuprNova? So I guess both of them are pretty much dead now?
  15. If you would like, I can put it on Usenet for you. I'm not sure if your aware but someone uploaded CoinOPS Ignite (It doesn't say R1 or R2 so I'm guessing it's R1) to Usenet complete with screenshots and a full romset.
  16. Man I dunno about that, Billy kinda just yelled a lot, Vince has those priceless lines. This reminds me, I was recently given a George Foreman grill. That grill is AWESOME. I'm probably still going to get a charcoal grill for that charcoal taste but It's WAY better than I thought it was going to be. It actually is very easy to use and clean too.
  17. Your solution could be remapping the exit function at only one pad (1st player) and also on other buttons of your choice. Yeah but what If I accidentally do it? Although I guess that might work because I have only done it a couple times because I go out of my way to avoid it. There really isn't anything else to map it to that's practical unless maybe I could only map the exit command to like black+white+back+start, that seems like it would be pretty damn hard to press by accident, I'll have a look at the options because I don't remember if I can even do that.
  18. Pokemon HA! Actually I have this wireless Xbox controller that she likes to play with all the time, She likes to bash on my keyboard when she's sitting on my lap too so I cut the cord off this old keyboard I had and I let her play with it.
  19. Ah yeah that's what started the whole comparison thing with shamwow vs I still don't know what billy may's competing product was called. Man I got to find that article.
  20. I haven't played it much but it seemed alright to me, not extremely good or anything. I could see how it would get boring after awhile. I would play it more and find out but the PC version has this annoying glitch in the sound system that the developers where going nuts about (we have the most advanced sound blah blah) where there is NO sound. It seems to effect like half the people who play it including myself >_< I'm getting really annoyed at PC games that come out and do not work. It's getting ridiculous. Do they just not care anymore or is this some goofy method of combating piracy because no one can steal a working version at first because there is none? It seems like it's going to take ages to patch too. (FC2 STILL has a game crashing bug and a bug that prevents you from progressing, good job ruining far cry, oh yeah and then there's the gameplay...)
  21. Oh my god are they really this expensive? http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDet...roduct_id=73049 Is it any cheaper if you get it bundled with the game? (I heard they are doing that but haven't seen it for sale anywhere, maybe its only for the pc version) It seems like it's still a much better deal to just get an X-Arcade because then you get two players, and its still less money.
  22. Do you mean on the xbox? It seems like MS just can't get a D-Pad right, I don't like the XBox or the Xbox 360 one. I think one of the only systems if not THE only system to get a round d-pad right is probably the Sega Genesis. Screw round D-Pads.
  23. Ha, unfortunately I didn't quit smoking, but I smoke a lot less, and I do it outside where Marley can't see me doing it. I went from about pack and a half a day to like 2 or 3 a day. Also I stopped smoking Camel/Marlboro/Gas station stuff and I only smoke quality stuff you have to roll yourself so it's at least slightly less unhealthy because there are no additives. My lungs feel a lot better and it's a lot cheaper. I got this machine that pops em out with filters and everything. It seems like I'm almost outgrowing it because after I have had a certain amount of cigarettes in a day it just becomes nasty and I don't want any more and I have slowly been smoking less and less because of this. If you meant legal herbs, Technically I only smoke it like once every couple months now. I invested in a vaporizer, No smoke at all and much better for you. Doesn't make you all tired and groggy either because supposedly that is caused by massive antibodies being released from the smoke. (although I don't really understand this because cigarettes don't make you tired) This also saves me money because you only need very small amounts. Oh yeah and no smell so its easy to hide from Marley. While we are on the subject I don't really drink anymore either (not that I ever did very much) because a lot of times instead of getting drunk I just get really dizzy and it's not very enjoyable. I'm not really sure why this happens/started happening, but its less money to spend and my liver is happy so it's all good. Anyway yeah stay at home dad is awesome. My basic day is wake up around 10:30, Take Christina to work, go home, watch Marley from then till 5-7 when she tires herself out going nuts in her bouncy chair and falls asleep, chill around and relax till about 9:45 when I go get Christina from work, return home, then Marley usually eats and plays for an hour and goes back to sleep, me and Christina have some time together, and then go back to bed and do it all over again. We usually stay up real late, but I stay up nearly all night because I can just go to sleep the next day while marley is asleep if I need to. Christina gets up with Marley early in the morning and is off 3 days a week so she usually watches her while I sleep in on her off days too which is pretty damn nice of her. Ha, I better enjoy this while it lasts. I really want to try and find a job I can work on those three days though and Christina said she would be okay with that. Either that or one that pays enough for a babysitter + decent money (SO expensive) that I could work all the time, but I dunno I like watching her myself. It would be hard to find someone I trusted/could do it/has the time too.
  24. Hey man I have a small suggestion. When me and some friends are playing arcade games on the xbox Back is insert coin and start is start obviously and this is cool, but someone always accidentally presses each one too fast when they need to continue, the game closes, and then we have to start all over. I'm not sure if its because of some kind of delay in the emu/controller, a slightly sticky button, or someone with fat fingers, but is there any way you could add an option or just change it so that the emu would make you have to hold down both for 3 seconds or something to quit? That would be awesome.
  25. Yeah and that's kinda messed up, My friend told me about a news website he was on where the entire top half of the page was dedicated to michael jackson, and there was like this little 3 sentence blurb near the bottom about Carradine. At least my daughter will be happy about this, Every time Billy Mays comes on TV she cries (seriously, she doesn't like his voice or something) and didn't some science mag do a comparison of Shamwow vs whatever billy mays was selling, and shamwow won by a landslide? I'm pretty sure I remember reading that somewhere. Well goodbye Billy Mays AKA OxyClean guy, I lost track of all the stuff you where selling, So to me you are always the OxyClean guy!
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